Multi-AP Specification下载地址:https://www.wi-fi/download.php?file=/sites/default/files/private/Multi-AP_Specification_v2.0.pdf


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11 Client steering

Multi-AP control messages enable efficient steering of STAs between BSSs in a Multi-AP network. These control messages enable steering of client STAs which support 802.11v BSS Transition Management (BTM) as well as client STAs which do not support BTM.

Multi-AP控制消息使得在Multi-AP网络中BSS之间可以有效的STAs steering。这些控制消息可以控制支持802.11v BSS转换管理(BTM)的客户端STAs以及不支持BTM的客户端STAs。


11.1 Multi-AP Controller initiated steering mandate

A Multi-AP Controller uses the Steering Mandate mechanism to mandate a Multi-AP Agent to attempt steering of one or more associated STAs.


If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to one indicating a Steering Mandate to a Multi-AP Agent per section 17.1.25. If the Multi-AP Agent implements Profile-1, the Multi-AP Controller shall include a Steering Request TLV into the Client Steering Request message. If the Multi-AP Agent implements Profile-2 and all the STA(s) specified in the message are Agile Multiband capable, a Multi-AP Controller that implements Profile-2 shall include a Profile-2 Steering Request TLV into the Client Steering Request message. If the  Multi-AP Agent implements Profile-2 and all the STAs to be steered in the message are Agile Multiband capable, a Multi- AP Controller that implements Profile-2 shall include a Profile-2 Steering Request TLV into the Client Steering Request message. If the Multi-AP Agent implements Profile-2 and not all the STAs to be steered are Agile Multiband capable, then the Multi-AP Controller shall include a Steering Request TLV into the Client Steering Request message to steer the STAs which are not Agile Multiband capable, and a Profile-2 Steering Request TLV to steer the STAs which are Agile Multiband capable.

如果触发,根据第17.1.25节,Multi-AP控制器应向Multi-AP代理发送一条Client steering请求消息,请求模式字段设置为1,表明是一个steering授权指令。如果Multi-AP代理实现了Profile-1,Multi-AP控制器应该包含一个steering 请求TLV到Client Steering请求信息中。如果Multi-AP代理实现Profile-2,并且消息中指定的所有STAS都支持Agile Multi-Band(支持敏捷多频带能力的client),则实现Profile-2的Multi-AP控制器应在客户端steering请求消息中包含Profile-2 steering请求TLV。如果Multi-AP代理实现Profile-2,并且消息中要steering的所有STAS都具有Agile Multi-Band,则实现Profile-2的Multi-AP控制器应在客户端steering请求消息中包含Profile-2 steering请求TLV。如果Multi-AP代理实现Profile-2,并且并非所有要引导的STAS都具有Agile Multi-Band,则Multi-AP控制器应在客户端steering请求消息中包含一个steering请求TLV,以引导不支持敏捷多频带的STAS,并且包含一个Profile-2 steering请求TLV来控制具有Agile Multi-Band的STAs。


If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to one, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message. If a STA specified in the Client Steering Request message is not associated with the source BSSID specified in the same message (an error scenario), for each of those unassociated STAs, the Multi-AP Agent shall include an Error Code TLV with the reason code field set to 0x02 and the STA MAC address field included per section 17.2.36 in the 1905 Ack message.

如果Multi-AP代理接收到客户端steering请求消息,且请求模式字段设置为1,则它应在1秒内用1905 Ack消息响应。如果Client steering请求消息中指定的STAS与相同消息中指定的源BSSID不关联(错误情况),则对于这些未关联的STAS,根据第17.2.36节,Multi-AP代理应包括一个错误代码TLV在1905 Ack报文中,原因代码字段设置为0x02,报文中应也包含STA MAC。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to one indicating a Steering Mandate, the Multi-AP Agent shall attempt to steer each STA identified in the request to the corresponding target BSS specified in the request message. If the Target BSSID specified for a STA in the Client Steering Request message is wildcard, the Multi-AP Agent shall attempt to steer the STA to the most suitable target BSS it has identified for that STA.

如果Multi-AP代理接收到Client steering请求消息,且请求模式字段设置为1则表明是一个steering授权报文,则Multi-AP代理应尝试将请求中标识的每个STAS引导到请求消息中指定的相应目标BSS(根据报文信息,尝试让STA去连接对应的BSS)。如果在客户端steering请求消息中为STAS指定的目标BSSID是通配符,则Multi-AP代理应尝试将STAS引导到最合适的目标BSS。


11.2 Multi-AP Controller initiated steering opportunity

A Multi-AP Controller uses the Steering Opportunity mechanism to provide a time window for a Multi-AP Agent to steer one or more associated STAs.


If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to zero indicating a Steering Opportunity to a Multi-AP Agent per section 17.1.25.

如果触发,Multi-AP控制器应根据第17.1.25节向Multi-AP代理发送一条Client steering请求消息,请求模式字段设置为0,表示开始一次steering。

If a Multi-AP Controller sends a Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to zero indicating a Steering Opportunity to a Multi-AP Agent, it shall not send another Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to zero to the same Multi-AP Agent until the length of time indicated in the Steering Opportunity Window field of the field message has expired, or the Multi-AP Controller has received a Steering Completed message (see section 17.1.28) from the Multi-AP Agent.

如果Multi-AP控制器向Multi-AP代理发送一条Client steering请求消息,请求模式字段设置为0表示开始一次steering,则在steering机会窗口字段中指示的时间长度之前,不得向同一个Multi-AP代理发送另一个请求模式位设置为零的客户端steering请求消息或Multi-AP控制器已从Multi-AP代理接收到steering完成消息(见第17.1.28节)。简单的说,就是控制器发起一次steering, 那么在超时或者steering完成前,不能发起第二次steering事件。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to zero, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message.

如果Multi-AP代理接收到请求模式字段设置为0的客户端steering请求消息,则它应在1秒内以1905 Ack消息响应。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to zero indicating a Steering Opportunity and all the following conditions are true, the Multi-AP Agent may attempt to steer the STA(s) identified in the request to any other BSS in the Multi-AP network that the Multi-AP Agent has identified as suitable target BSS(s):


• The time delta since the message was received is less than the value of the Steering Opportunity Window field in the message

•自收到消息以来的时间差小于消息中的steering机会窗口字段的值;(比如,消息收到的时间为15:00, steering window里面的时间为30分钟(夸张表示),那么在15:30前都算是满足条件)【个人理解】

• The Multi-AP Agent has not terminated the Steering Opportunity by sending a Steering Completed message

•Multi-AP代理未通过发送Steering Completed消息终止steering机会

• The STA’s MAC address is not included in the Local Steering Disallowed STA List in the Steering Policy TLV


A Multi-AP Agent’s decision whether or not to steer a STA and whether to steer a STA to a target BSS identified in a Client Steering Request message that indicates a Steering Opportunity should use implementation-specific mechanisms per section 11.4.


If triggered, a Multi-AP Agent shall send a Steering Completed message per section 17.1.28 to the Multi-AP Controller to terminate a Steering Opportunity. The Steering Completed message shall contain a new MID value.


If a Multi-AP Controller receives a Steering Completed message, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message.

如果Multi-AP控制器接收到steering完成消息,则其应在1秒内响应1905 Ack消息。


11.3 Multi-AP Agent initiated RCPI-based steering

A Multi-AP Controller sets the steering policy on a Multi-AP Agent using the Steering Policy TLV (see section 17.2.11).


By default, a Multi-AP Agent shall only attempt to steer a STA per the rules in sections 11.1 and 11.2. If the Multi-AP Agent receives the Steering Policy TLV, it shall additionally follow the RCPI-based steering policy rules as follows:

默认情况下,Multi-AP代理只能根据第11.1节和第11.2节中的规则尝试引导STA steering。如果Multi-AP代理接收到steering策略TLV,它还应遵循RCPI-based steering策略规则,如下所示:

• If the Steering Policy field is set to 0x00 (Agent-initiated Steering Disallowed), there are no additional rules by which the Multi-AP Agent is allowed to steer a STA.

•如果Steering Policy字段设置为0x00(不允许代理启动steering),则不允许Multi-AP代理引导STAS。

• If the Steering Policy field is set to 0x01 (Agent-initiated RCPI-based Steering Mandated) and the Multi-AP Agent indicated support for Agent-Initiated RCPI-based Steering in the AP Capability TLV, the Multi-AP Agent shall additionally follow the RCPI-based steering rules per section 11.3.1.

•如果Steering Policy字段设置为0x01(代理启用RCPI-based Steering授权),并且Multi-AP代理在AP能力TLV中表示支持代理启用RCPI-based Steering机制,则Multi-AP代理还应遵循第11.3.1节中RCPI-based steering规则。

• If the Steering Policy field is set to 0x02 (Agent-initiated RCPI-based Steering Allowed), the Multi-AP Agent may additionally follow the RCPI-based steering rules per section 11.3.1.

•如果steering策略字段设置为0x02(代理允许启用RCPI-based Steering),则Multi-AP代理还应遵循第11.3.1节中RCPI-based steering规则。

11.3.1 RCPI-based steering rules

RCPI-based steering is used to allow a Multi-AP Agent to steer an associated STA to another BSS when the RCPI of the current connection becomes low.

RCPI-based steering用于允许Multi-AP代理steering一个连接的STA到列外一个BSS上(当前STA的连接RCPI变低的情况下)

If a Multi-AP Agent is following the RCPI-based steering rules and all of the following three conditions are true, the Multi-AP Agent attempts to steer a STA to the most suitable target BSS it has identified:

如果Multi-AP代理遵循RCPI-based steering规则,并且以下三个条件均为真,则Multi-AP代理将尝试将STA引导到其已识别的最合适的目标BSS:

• The measured uplink RCPI for the STA falls below the RCPI Steering Threshold specified in the Steering Policy TLV for the corresponding radio.


• The STA’s MAC address is not included in the Local Steering Disallowed STA List in the Steering Policy TLV.

•STAS的MAC地址不包括在steering策略TLV的本地不允许的STAS列表中。(STA MAC不在黑名单中)

• The Agent has identified a suitable target BSS for the STA.


11.4 Multi-AP Agent determination of target BSS

A Multi-AP Agent uses implementation-specific mechanisms to determine a suitable target BSS for a STA for steering scenarios described in sections 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3. These implementation-specific mechanisms to determine a suitable target BSS might take into account the following information:


• The most recently measured link metrics.


• Received link metrics from a STA, other Multi-AP Agents and/or the Multi-AP Controller.


• RCPI Steering Threshold and Channel Utilization Threshold specified in the most recently received Steering Policy TLV from the Multi-AP Controller.

•最近从Multi-AP控制器接收到的steering策略TLV中指定的RCPI steering阈值和信道利用率阈值。

If a Multi-AP device that implements Profile-2 receives an Association Status Notification TLV with the Association Allowance status field set to 0x00 in the most recently received Association Status Notification TLV message, then the Multi-AP device shall consider the target BSSs as not suitable for client steering.

如果实现Profile-2的Multi-AP设备接收到在最近接收到的关联状态通知TLV消息中Association Allowance status字段设置为0x00的关联状态通知TLV,则该Multi-AP设备应将目标BSS视为不适合于客户端steering。


11.5 Steering mechanisms

If a Multi-AP Agent attempts to steer a STA that indicates support for BSS Transition Management and the STA’s MAC address is not included in the BTM Steering Disallowed STA list indicated in the most recently received Steering Policy TLV, the Multi-AP Agent shall:

如果Multi-AP代理试图引导支持BTM的STA( STA 的MAC地址不包括在最近收到的steering策略TLV中指示的BTM不允许的STAS列表中),则Multi-AP代理应:


• Transmit a BTM Request frame to the STA including a Neighbor Report element specifying the BSSID, Operating Class and Channel Number of the identified target BSS. The Operating Class shall contain an enumerated value from Table E-4 in Annex E of [1].

•向STA发送一个BTM请求帧,请求帧包括一个相邻报告元素,该元素指定已识别目标BSS的BSSID、操作类和信道号。操作等级应包含Table E-4 in Annex E of [1]中的枚举值。

▪ If the STA is a Wi-Fi Agile Multiband capable STA, a Multi-AP Agent that implements Profile-2 shall include in the BTM Request frame:

▪ 如果STAS是支持Wi-Fi灵活多频段的STA,则实现Profile-2的Multi-AP代理应包括如下信息在BTM请求帧中:

o A BSS Transition Candidate Preference subelement into the Neighbor Report element and shall set the value of the Preference field in the subelement to 255 per section 3.5.2 of [8].

o BSS将候选首选项子元素转换为相邻的报表元素,并应根据section 3.5.2 of [8]将子元素中的首选项字段的值设置为255。

o An MBO-OCE IE that contains a Transition Reason Code as specified in Table 18 of [8].

o MBO-OCE IE应该包含一个Transition Reason 码, 原因码如Table 18 of [8]定义

• If the steering attempt is in response to the reception of a Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to one (indicating a Steering Mandate):


▪ No additional Neighbor Report elements shall be included in the BTM Request frame

▪ BTM请求帧中不包含额外的邻居报告元素

▪ The Abridged bit in the BTM Request frame shall be set to the value of the BTM Abridged field in the Client Steering Request message received for the Steering Mandate

▪ BTM请求帧中的Abridged位应设置为值A, A值是指为了steering授权而接收的客户端steering请求消息中BTM Abridged字段的值;(简单的说,就是给Client Steering Request message返回一个响应包是,响应包中的Abridged应该与请求包中的值相同)

▪ The Disassociation Imminent bit in the BTM Request frame shall be set to the value of the BTM Disassociation Imminent bit in the Client Steering Request message received for the Steering Mandate.

▪ BTM请求帧中的Disassociation Imminent(立即解除关联)位应设置为值A, A是指针对steering授权的客户端steering请求消息中的BTM Disassociation Imminent位的值。(简单的说,就是给Client Steering Request message返回一个响应包,响应包中的Disassociation Imminent应该与请求包中的值相同)

▪ If the Disassociation Imminent bit is set to one, the Disassociation Timer field in the BTM Request frame (in TBTTs) shall be set according to the BTM Disassociation Timer field (in TUs) in the Client Steering Request message received for the Steering Mandate, else the BTM Disassociation Timer field in Client Steering Request is ignored.

▪ 如果Disassociation Imminent(立即解除关联)位设置为1,则BTM请求帧(TBTTs)中的解除关联计时器字段应根据针对steering指令接收的客户端steering请求消息中的BTM解除关联计时器字段(TUs)进行设置,否则将忽略客户端steering请求中的BTM解除关联计时器字段。(如果Disassociation Imminent被设置为1,BTM请求帧中的 Disassociation Timer应该和接收到的Client Steering Request message报文中的BTM Disassociation Timer field (in TUs)相同)

▪ If the Multi-AP Agent receives a BTM Response frame in response to the BTM Request frame, it shall send a Client Steering BTM Report message per section 17.1.26 containing the BTM Response to the Multi-AP Controller. The Client Steering BTM Report message shall contain a new MID value.

▪ 如果Multi-AP代理收到BTM请求帧的BTM响应帧, 根据第17.1.26节,Multi-AP代理应该向Multi-AP控制器发送包含BTM响应的客户端steering BTM报告消息。客户端steering BTM报告消息应包含新的MID值。

• If the steering attempt is in response to reception of a Multi-AP Controller initiated Steering Opportunity, the BTM Disassociation Imminent, the BTM Abridged and the BTM Disassociation Timer fields in the Client Steering Request message are ignored.

•如果steering尝试响应于接收到Multi-AP控制器启动的steering机会,则忽略客户端steering请求消息中的BTM解除关联即将发生、BTM简化和BTM解除关联计时器字段。(在接收到一个steering后,Multi-AP Agent开始尝试这次进行这次steering,那么可以忽略Client Steering Request message报文中的BTM Disassociation Imminent/ the BTM Abridged/he BTM Disassociation Timer)


If a Multi-AP Agent attempts to steer a STA that does not indicate support for BSS Transition Management or the STA’s MAC address is included in the BTM Steering Disallowed STA list indicated in the most recently received Steering Policy TLV, and:

如果Multi-AP代理尝试steering一个表示不支持BSS BTM的STA,或者STA的MAC地址包含在最近收到的steering策略TLV中指示的BTM Steering Disallowed STAS列表中,并且:(steering一个不支持BTM的STA,或者steering一个在steering黑名单中的client)

• If the steering attempt is not in response to the reception of a Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to one (indicating a Steering Mandate), the Multi-AP Agent may use the Client Association Control mechanism per section 11.6 to block the STA from associating to any BSS in the network other than the target BSS(s) and,

•如果steering尝试不响应于接收到请求模式位设置为1(表示steering指令)的客户端steering请求消息,则Multi-AP代理可以使用第11.6节中的客户端关联控制机制来阻止STAS与网络中除目标BSS之外的任何BSS相关联;(如果steering不尝试被响应,那么可以通过11.6节的方式来实现STA steering)

• If the Multi-AP Agent has not received indication that the STA has already left the BSS, the Multi-AP Agent shall send a Disassociation frame or Deauthentication frame to the STA.


If a Multi-AP Agent transmits a BTM Request frame to a STA as result of a steering attempt for a Multi-AP Controller Initiated Steering Opportunity per section 11.2 or an Agent Initiated Steering per RCPI Threshold per section 11.3, and the Multi-AP Agent subsequently identifies that the STA does not intend to leave the BSS (e.g. the STA sends a BTM Response with “Reject” status code), the Multi-AP Agent may attempt to steer the STA using the Client Association Control mechanism per section 11.6 and by sending a Disassociation frame or Deauthentication frame to the STA.


If a Multi-AP Controller receives a Client Steering BTM Report message, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message.

如果Multi-AP控制器接收到客户端steering BTM报告消息,则它应在1秒内响应1905 Ack消息。

11.6 Client association control mechanism

A Client Association Control Request message enables a Multi-AP Controller or a Multi-AP Agent to implicitly steer a STA (e.g. one that does not support/obey BTM requests) to a certain BSS by causing other BSS(s) in the Multi-AP network to block that STA.


If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller or a Multi-AP Agent shall send a Client Association Control Request message to a Multi-AP Agent per section 17.1.27.


If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Client Association Control Request message, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message. If any of the STAs specified in the Client Association Control message with Association Control field set to 0x00 (indicating Client Blocking) is associated with the BSSID specified in the same message (an error scenario), then for each of those associated STAs, the Multi-AP Agent shall include an Error Code TLV with the reason code field set to 0x01 and the STA MAC address field included per section 17.2.36 in the 1905 Ack message.

如果Multi-AP代理接收到客户端关联控制请求消息,则它应在1秒内以1905ACK消息响应。如果在关联控制字段设置为0x00(表示Client阻塞)的Client关联控制消息中指定的任何STA与同一消息中指定的BSSID关联(错误情况),则对于这些关联的每个STAS,根据1905 Ack报文第17.2.36节,Multi-AP代理应包括一个错误代码TLV,原因代码字段设置为0x01,STAS MAC地址字段包括在内。(报文表明这个STA是应该被block的,但是这个STA还是连接着,所以需要发送一个包含错误码的在ACK消息中)

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Client Association Control Request message with Association Control field set to 0x00 (indicating Client Blocking) and all the following conditions are true, it shall reject a first attempt by a STA specified in the request to associate to the specified BSS operated by the Multi-AP Agent and should not respond to any Probe Request frames sent by the specified STA(s) to the specified BSS:


• The time delta since the message was received is less than the value of Validity Period field in the Client Association Control Request message.

•自收到消息以来的时间差小于客户端关联控制请求消息中的Validity Period字段的值。

• The Multi-AP Agent has not subsequently received a Client Association Control Request message with Association Control field set to 0x01 (indicating Client Unblocking) specifying the STA.


Otherwise, the Multi-AP Agent shall not perform blocking of the STA.


A Multi-AP Agent that implements Profile-2 shall not reject associations using other association control mechanisms, such as ACL lists or (if supported) the configuration of an RSSI threshold with the RSSI based Association Rejection feature of the Wi-Fi Optimized Connectivity program (see [9]).


The Validity Period field in a Client Association Control Request message with Association Control field set to 0x01 (Client Unblocking) is ignored.


Note: When a Multi-AP Agent rejects an association attempt, it does so either by sending an Authentication frame with a “Reject” status code or, if it does not reject the authentication, by sending a (Re-)Association Response frame with a “Reject” status code.


If a Multi-AP Agent rejects an authentication request or (re-)association request as a result of having received a Client Association Control Request (i.e. if the Multi-AP Agent would have otherwise accepted the authentication or (re-)association), it shall set the Status Code in the Authentication frame or (Re-)Association Response frame to a value that does not indicate capabilities mismatch or negotiation failure, and should set the Status Code to value 33 (denied due to insufficient bandwidth) or 34 (denied due to poor channel conditions).


11.7 Wi-Fi Agile Multiband and Tunneled Message support

The fronthaul BSSs of a Multi-AP Agent shall support Wi-Fi Agile Multiband and include a Wi-Fi Agile Multiband AP Capability Indication attribute in Beacon, Probe Response, and (Re)Association Response frames as defined in [8].

Multi-AP代理的前置BSS应支持Wi-Fi Agile多频段,并在[8]中定义的信标、探头响应和(重新)关联响应帧中包含Wi-Fi Agile多频段AP能力指示属性。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a (Re-)Association Request frame from a STA, it shall send a Tunneled message including the (Re-)Association Request frame body to the Multi-AP Controller per section 17.1.40. The Multi-AP Agent shall set the MAC address field in the Source Info TLV to be the MAC address of the STA that generated the request.


If a Multi-AP Agent receives a WNM Notification Request frame from an associated STA, it shall send a Tunneled message including the WNM Notification Request frame body to the Multi-AP Controller per section 17.1.40. The Multi-AP Agent shall set the MAC address field in the Source Info TLV to be the MAC address of the associated STA that generated the request.


If a Multi-AP Agent receives a BTM Query frame from an associated STA, it shall send a Tunneled message including the BTM Query frame body to the Multi-AP Controller per section 17.1.40. The Multi-AP Agent shall set the MAC address field in the Source Info TLV to be the MAC address of the associated STA that generated the query. The Multi-AP Agent shall also generate a BTM Request per section of [8] to that STA.


If a Multi-AP Agent receives an ANQP request for a Neighbor Report ANQP-element from a STA, it shall send a Tunneled message including the ANQP Request frame body to the Multi-AP Controller per section 17.1.40. The Multi-AP Agent shall set the MAC address field in the Source Info TLV to be the MAC address of the STA that generated the query.


If a Multi-AP Controller receives a Tunneled message from a Multi-AP Agent, it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message.

如果Multi-AP控制器从Multi-AP代理接收到隧道消息,它应在一秒钟内用1905 Ack消息作出响应。

If a Multi-AP Agent cannot accept new associations in a given BSS, it shall include the MBO-OCE IE with the Association Disallowed attribute (section 4.2.4 of [9]) in Beacon and Probe Response frames and send an Association Status Notification message to the Multi-AP Controller and all the other Multi-AP Agents with the Association Allowance status field set to 0x00. If the association status in the BSS changes, the Multi-AP Agent shall send a new Association Status Notification message.

如果Multi-AP代理无法接受给定BSS中的新关联,它应在信标和探测器响应帧中包含具有不允许关联属性的MBO-OCE IE(见[9]第4.2.4节),并向Multi-AP控制器和所有其它Multi-AP代理发送关联状态通知消息,关联允许状态字段设置为0x00。当BSS中的关联状态发生变化时,Multi-AP代理应发送新的关联状态通知消息。



Multi-AP Specification V2.0 中文翻译 第11章