Vocabulary Lists:

  • chronic
  • descend
  • sentimental
  • astute
  • resonate
  • sullen
  • spoilt
  • bouquet
  • upheaval
  • whiny



He was suffering from chronic bronchitis. 他患有慢性支气管炎。
There are two main forms of lower back pain: acute and chronic. 下背部的疼痛发主要有两种类型:急性和慢性。
The film was just chronic. 这部电影简直糟透了。
chronic disease 慢性病顽疾慢性
chronic stress
( especially of a disease 尤指疾病 ) lasting for a long time; difficult to cure or get rid of 长期的;慢性的;难以治愈(或根除)的
having had a disease for a long time 长期患病的
( BrE informal ) very bad 糟透的;拙劣的


The plane began to descend. 飞机开始降落。
As you descend, suddenly you see at last the hidden waterfall. 你往下走,最终会突然发现那个隐秘的瀑布。
We're not going to descend to such methods. 我们不会堕落到使用这些方式的份上。
[ no passive ] ( formal ) to gradually get into a bad state 逐渐陷入
to be related to sb who lived a long time ago 是某人的后裔
[ no passive ] to do sth that makes people stop respecting you 降低身份去做;竟做出;堕落到…地步
( formal ) to come or go down from a higher to a lower level 下来;下去;下降
[ V ] ( formal ) ( of a hill, etc. 山等 ) to slope downwards 下斜;下倾
V ] ~ (on/upon sb/sth) ( literary ) ( of night, darkness , a mood, etc. 夜晚、黑暗、情绪等 ) to arrive and begin to affect sb/sth 降临;来临


He's not the sort of man who gets sentimental about old friendships. 他不是那种为旧日的友情欷歔感伤的人。
This ring has great sentimental value for me. 这枚戒指对我来说很有纪念意义。
 connected with your emotions, rather than reason 情感的(而非理性的)
( often disapproving ) producing emotions such as pity, romantic love or sadness, which may be too strong or not appropriate; feeling these emotions too much (失之过度或不恰当地)伤感的,充满柔情的;多愁善感的


She was politically astute. 她政治上很精明。
Astute salesmen know how to invest emotionally. 精明的商人懂得如何感情投资。
 very clever and quick at seeing what to do in a particular situation, especially how to get an advantage 精明的;狡猾的


This is exactly why it resonates so well with people of all ages and why Chihiro feels so real.
What concepts or ideals resonate most strongly with you? 是什么概念和理想可以让你产生共鸣?
( literary ) to be full of a particular quality or feeling 充满
( of a voice, an instrument, etc. 嗓音、乐器等 ) to make a deep, clear sound that continues for a long time 产生共鸣;发出回响;回荡
~ (with sth) ( of a place 地方 ) to be filled with sound; to make a sound continue longer (使)回响,起回声
~ (with sb/sth) to remind sb of sth; to be similar to what sb thinks or believes 使产生联想;引起共鸣;和…的想法(或观念)类似


Walk into Pakistan, and the mood is equally sullen. 走进巴基斯坦,氛围同样是闷闷不乐的。
He was quiet, but said enough not to seem sullen. 他很安静,话多的刚好让他不会显得阴沉。
It took a few steps forward, and sniffed the sullen air. 它试着向前迈了几步,嗅了嗅毫无生气的空气。
 bad-tempered and not speaking, either on a particular occasion or because it is part of your character 面有愠色的;闷闷不乐的;郁郁寡欢的
( literary ) ( of the sky or weather 天空或天气 ) dark and unpleasant 阴沉的


• He's spoilt rotten (= a lot) . 他给惯得一点样子都没有了。
Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather. 天气不好,破坏了我们的露营旅行。
He spoilt his little son. 他把他的小儿子宠坏了。
( BrE ) to have such a lot of things to choose from that it is very difficult to make a decision (东西多得)挑花眼
( BrE ) ( NAmE BrE spoiled /spɔɪld/ ) ( of a child 孩子 ) rude and badly behaved because they are given everything they ask for and not enough discipline 宠坏的;娇惯坏的


The only time I got a bouquet and it's a goodbye present.
The woman carried a bouquet of dried violets. 那个女子拿着一束干紫罗兰花。
 [ C ] a bunch of flowers arranged in an attractive way so that it can be carried in a ceremony or presented as a gift 花束
[ CU ] the pleasant smell of a type of food or drink, especially of wine (尤指酒的)香味,芬芳


Where is the next upheaval? 下一次动乱在哪里?
For 10-years-olds would behave as well given the upheaval.
Reform, yes. Upheaval, no. 要改革,不要剧变。
 [ CU ] a big change that causes a lot of confusion, worry and problems 剧变;激变;动乱;动荡


It would be less whiny and more appreciative.
 ADJ high-pitched and plaintive 哀鸣的; 爱发牢骚的

