

In the unit, I served as mayor assistant post, the main town mayor is usually responsible for the meeting arrangements, document writing, and is responsible for an extension of my town an administrative village. In the work, I modest practical, fulfill their duties, everywhere, "not afraid of tired, do not shoot hard, not afraid of trouble" to strict demands on themselves, give full play to their strengths, the leadership asked to take seriously to complete! In the work, encounter do not understand the problem, I to the leadership, colleagues humbly ask for advice, by the town Party committee, the town government leadership praise, in December the same year won the "advanced individual" title! The title of this paper is "Chinese Medicine and Diet", which was completed under the guidance of my supervisor Professor Zhu Yeqing. Here, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my instructors and express my gratitude to all of you for your hard work. To express my heartfelt thanks, and for three years I have the opportunity to listen to the teachings of the teachers that I sincerely respect! The following allows me to the purpose of the paper design and the main content of the teacher to report to you, ask the teacher criticism and guidance. First of all, I would like to talk about the design significance of this article.

Choose this as their thesis topic, first of all based on their own interests; feel that the literature is more adequate, it should be easy to carry out the writing of the paper, so I chose it.

Below, I would like to talk about the structure and main content of this article. This paper consists of six parts.

Finally, I would like to talk about the shortcomings of this paper. This "Chinese medicine and medicated food" writing, I recognize their own lack of knowledge and experience of a process, but because of my own level of certain concepts and methods of understanding is not very deep, certainly not deep enough to think about it Not comprehensive enough. In addition, although I have been very carefully checked, but still there may still be some typos or statements are not very smooth place.

On the experience: Frankly through the writing of this paper, information retrieval, reading and writing, basic knowledge, communication skills have been a certain degree of improvement. However, the process of writing and analyzing this paper is also a process that I have come to realize that my knowledge and analysis are weak. Although I try to collect materials and try my best to use my knowledge to write and analyze my thesis, there are still many shortcomings in my thesis, such as the lack of thorough analysis or the lack of specific suggestions. So please teachers more criticism correction, let me in the future study and work to do better.


A good paper is not written out, but modified out, which requires patience, but also hard. I encountered a lot of problems, some of which are outside the scope of their own technology, when they can not achieve their own ideas or not running, I will appear impetuous mood, but I did not give up, but timely adjust themselves The mentality, in the classmate teacher's help, has completed the initial design. The more you do not know what to learn, in the learning process you will gain a lot, one point is that learning is the best way to learn each other, after learning you will feel a sense of accomplishment.

After all the work is done, I left the thesis to answer, and before I did, I felt that my thesis defense might be very difficult, and my heart would inevitably be a little worried. After the real experience only to find anything that you think is a rare thing because you do not have a good grasp or preparation is not done. I have spent two days writing, in the course of the defense, self-feeling is good, although the beginning of a little nervous, two minutes later to enter the state, because it is to explain their own things to do, feel Hundreds of times, smooth to the teachers and students discussed my graduation project.

Throughout the graduation thesis design process, I learned to do anything to have attitude and attitude, first of all I understand that to be meticulous in learning, for any problems and deviations do not despise, through the correct path to solve, in the Do things in the process to have patience and perseverance, not a difficult encounter back down, as long as you stick to it can find ideas to solve the problem. In the work to learn to cooperate with the attitude, seriously listen to the views of others, so start things can be less effective.

The successful completion of the paper, first of all I would like to thank my teacher Zhang Yongfang teacher and friends around the help of students, thank them for their valuable comments and suggestions. In addition, I would like to thank all the teachers in the university to teach my knowledge is your careful teaching so that I have a good knowledge of professional courses, which is the basis for the paper to be completed.


According to the two counselor vocational qualification examination requirements, I wrote two articles. One is "a case of anxiety psychological distress case analysis of psychological counseling," one is "calm face of frustration calm laugh on life," the personal growth report. The following two articles on my own to make a brief statement.

My case study report is "a case of anxiety psychological distress counseling report", in the case, I chose XXX because of family relationships lead to anxiety, resulting in serious psychological problems. Because I work in the XX XX, XXX exposure to them, a lot of XXX in XX this special environment, have shown varying degrees of anxiety and other psychological problems. XXX long-term in excessive anxiety, will cause a lot of mental illness, and even harm the physical and mental health of XXX. So I chose a subject that is generally representative as a case study.

In the consultation process, from the personal statement of helpers, the other XXX's reflection and my observation, to grasp the basic situation of seeking help, the main problem is that the help of the face of poor family relations and anxiety. Mainly in more than two months, there is anxiety, inattention, depression, decreased interest, low self-evaluation, headache, poor appetite, sleep difficulties and other symptoms, learning and labor negative, not with people, interpersonalRelationship is impaired. According to the psychological test results, SCL-90 test score is 170 points, with an average score of 1.9, indicating that the main symptoms of helpers in anxiety, terror, paranoia and interpersonal sensitivity; SAS scale test for 67 points,Anxiety symptoms; SDS scale test was 47 points, indicating no significant symptoms of depression, the final diagnosis of serious psychological problems.

Psychological problems caused by the main reasons for the main social reasons and psychological reasons. Social reasons: from family relations, lack of good social support system and interpersonal tensions. Psychological reasons: the victim is not appropriate psychological defense response mechanism, the absolute negative disappointment unreasonable belief, there is wrong cognition. Self-evaluation is low, that their own nothing, etc .; internal reasons is due to the family relationship of misconceptions, absolute and unreasonable beliefs and other factors . In other words, psychological factors, such as anxiety, . In response to this request, I decided to use reasonable emotional counseling to change the unreasonable beliefs of the client, and ultimately change their understanding and guide the use of relaxation techniques and positive self-suggestion to eliminate negative emotions and behavior, improve their response to anxiety The ability to achieve the ultimate goal of overcoming anxiety.

The consultation process is divided into three phases, once a week, every 50 minutes, a total of 7 times. The first and the second is to collect detailed information on those who seek help with those who seek to establish a good relationship, and the corresponding psychological tests. The third time - the sixth consultation, and seekers to explore the causes of anxiety, awareness of their own bad cognitive model; understanding of ABC theory, the use of "golden rule", "midwifery" and other technology debates, so that those who seek to recognize their The concept of irrationality, learning relaxation techniques and positive self-suggestion. The seventh is mainly the consolidation and closure phase. After 7 consultations, the symptoms of those who seek help have improved significantly. Helpers do not insomnia, ease of mind, with the family relationship repair, interpersonal relationships have improved.

In my personal growth report, mainly divided into two parts, one is the growth process, the second is my professional behavior analysis. I grew up smoothly. I was born in an ordinary family, parents are ordinary workers, from small to large, to enjoy the warmth of parents and family. The road to school is also very smooth, after graduating from college assigned to XX work. In the process of growing up, touched me the most is XXXXX, let me re-examine the meaning of life, so I know to cherish all around, and actively face life so I learned a rational understanding of life in frustration, failure, combat, I have learned to use the psychological knowledge to resolve negative emotions and psychological pressure, so that they become tolerant, more understanding of the needs of others, understand the importance of feelings, from the heart Truly understand the "psychological counseling is a help self-help, self-growth process" meaning.

I am eager to become a good psychological counselor, which is both their own work needs, but also their own ideals. Psychological counseling work is a "helping others" work, the need to master the professional psychological knowledge and psychological counseling techniques, this area I have to be improved. For their own situation, I will strive to continuously improve the theoretical knowledge and consulting skills, to overcome some of their weaknesses in character, strict demands on themselves, and strive to make themselves a qualified psychologist. Because my career is XXXX, mainly engaged in the work of XX, XX is a serious psychological problems of high-risk groups, so psychological counseling has become an indispensable important work in the future career, I will work towards this Direction.

As a psychologist every day from the seekers there see and hear, mostly negative information, these information into the brain consultant, inevitably affect our mood. Therefore, we must have the ability to negative emotions caused by negative information from the day to ensure that the next day with a balanced mind to continue to work.

On the road to the counselor, I have my advantage, first of all I am an honest, honest, kind, responsible and compassionate person, in the counselors and seekers to build understanding and trust between The bridge, which is the potential to become a psychologist. Second, their own interest in psychology, to explore the law of mental activity curiosity, helpfulness, and the psychological counseling of the professional love, I became a psychological counselor's intrinsic motivation. Third, my life is rich in experience, personal psychological development process and life tempered, so I cast a optimistic, positive and stable and mature personality quality.

Development of psychological counseling is the development trend of the times, will be more and more people recognized, very promising. I am convinced: as long as the continuous learning and improve themselves, as long as the "calmly deal with setbacks, frankly laugh on life," the broad-minded, I want to be a "good psychological counselor" dream will become a reality!


