
简单句( 一 )


英语句子必须具备主语和谓语并且主语一定是谓语动作的发出者, 如果有宾语的话, 宾语一定是谓语动作的对象或承受者


  1. 主谓

  2. 主谓宾 (谓语: 实义动词)

  3. 主谓表 (谓语:系动词)


  • be(所有的系动词都能替换 be 动词)

  • 感官动词:look = seem = appear、 smell(n.气味)、 taste(n.喜爱、爱好 has taste for sth )sound(n.声音)、 feel

  • 变化: become 、 get 、 turn 、grow 、fall

  • 保持: keep 、 stay 、 remind 、 stand

  1. 主谓双宾

  2. 主谓宾宾补

  • I bought him a dog. (宾语之间无明显关系)
  • We should keep the room clean and tidy . (宾语补足语是对宾语的补充)
    只要在最后两个宾语之间加一个系动词, 如果意思是对的则为宾补,否则为双宾

简单句( 二)




情态动词不能做谓语, 有时态的实义动词或系动词充当谓语
Your mother must be very beautiful.

谓语只能是动词,动词只能作谓语,一句话只能有一个动词,并且充当谓语所有多余的动词都必须写成非谓语动词(V.ing表主动或进行、 V.ed表被动或完成 、 to do 表目的或将来)


Laughing at others is my hobby.
I enjoy seeing movies.
My dream is to become a rich lady.


  • 他穿上外衣,锁上门,离开了家。 He putting on his outer clothing, locking his door, left home.
  • 我是一个老师,我很喜欢唱歌。 Being a teacher, I enjoy singing songs.
  • 我爱你,你爱我。 I loveing you, you love me.
  • 冬天来了,春天就不远了。 Winter approaching, spring will be around the corner…


  • Your mother must be very beautiful.
  • I am anginst you.





Handsomeness and strength are his nature. (Being handsome and strong is his nature.)



  1. 加 it 做主语,必须与天气、温度和时间有关系。
    e.g. 南极很冷。 —— it is (keeps) cold in the South Pole.

  2. there be 句型there exist/ seem / remain, 当一句话没有主语并且听到 ‘ 有 ’ 的时候使用。
    e.g. 有很多人喜欢我。—— There exist a great deal person loveing me. (There exist a sea of private individuals having passion for me.)

  3. 被动: 当一个句子没有主语的时候或者人称代词做主语的句子都可以考虑写成被动。

  • 动词后有介词(不及物动词) 无被动

  • 系动词无被动

  • have 被翻译成 “有” 时, 无被动

    e.g. 必须指出英语很重要。 —— The English must be pointed out exceeding indispensable.
    建议政府采取措施。——Authorities should be proposed to adpot action.

  1. 人称代词做主语 最好不用

主语和宾语换个位置 动词前面加be动词 动词变成被动形式(通常后面加ed)


  1. 找到该句宾语(必须是在谓语动词后的),将它提到句子开头.
  2. 用被动语态结构be+Vt过去分词构成句子.
  3. 把原句的主语用by构成的介词短语带出,也可不加.
    eg:I finished my homework yesterday.
    →My homework was finished (by me) yesterday.
  4. 部分Vi加上适当介词可当作Vt构成被动语态.

eg:Parents look after their children carefully.
→Children were looked after (by parents) carefully.

  1. 联系动词没有被动语态.eg:The water feels warm.

  2. 在主动语态中一些省略to的动词不定式改为被动语态时需加上to.

eg:Teachers often make him stand outside.
→He is often made to stand outside (by teachers).

  1. have、let等动词无被动语态.

必要时,have可改为held,let sb to do sth可改为be allowed to do sth (被允许做某事).


练习 :
If there exists a dream, glories are supposed to be achieved.

宾语、 表语


名词、 代词、 非谓语动词和从句充当宾语 (宾语和主语可以通过被动相互转换)
名词、 代词、 非谓语动词、 形容词、 介词短语和从句充当表语


  • I am a teacher.
  • I am in Chongqin.
  • I am beautiful.
  • My dream is to become a poet.


  1. 这两天心里很不爽。 —— I felt in bad temper recently.
  2. 全球在变暖。 —— It is becoming warm around the globe.
  3. 重庆有很多人口。—— There exist a sea of private individuals in ChongQin.
  4. 如果有毅力,迟早都会成功。—— if there remain perseverance, the glories acheived around the corner.
  5. 有意义就是好好活,好好活就是做有意义的事情。(出自许三多 ) —— The meaningful matter is so much live, living well being to do meaningful matter.
  6. 笑并不意味快乐。—— Laughter is not means delighted.
  7. 妒忌本身就是一种仰望。—— look up to others is a jealousy.
  8. 建议政府采取措施来缓解这个问题。—— authorities should be suggested adopt action so that slowed the trouble.
  9. 毫无疑问,溺爱孩子的问题越来越严重。 —— Beyond all question, It is more and more sever that people spoiled their child.
  10. 保护运动员是应该的。—— The athlete should be protected.
  11. 我弟弟每天上网,花大量时间浏览不同的网页。 ——




e.g. I love you but you love that dog.


  1. 平行: and, not only… but also…
  2. 转折:but, yet, while, whereas
  3. 选择:or, weather… or …
  4. 因果:for, so
  5. 递进:then (adv.)


  1. 平行: similarly, equally, likewise, at the same time
  2. 转折: however, nevertheless, on the contrary
  3. 选择: alternatively (adv.)
  4. 因果: therefore, thus, consequently, as a result
  5. 递进: besize, furthermore, moreover, additionally

e.g. 有朋自远方来,不亦说乎。—— There seems a friend coming from Afar, and consequently I feel exceeding delighted.

连词与其他逻辑词的区别在于连词前面有无逗号均可, 而其他的逻辑关系词的前面要么用句号, 要么加连词 and

e.g. 都说我如水百变,其实我清澈不变。 —— I am said to be changeable like water, and on the contrary my clarity keeps the same.

还记得那天吗? 我没有通过四级考试,一个人在雨中哭泣,你走过来,拍拍我的肩膀,告诉我人生没有终点。—— Do you remember that day? and additionally I not pass the band four test, and moreover indivudual cries in the rain, and besize you were came over and patted me on the shoulder, tall me the living not destination.

answer: Do you still keep the day in mind? I failed to pass CET4. As a result, I shed tears in the rain, and at the same time, you come up to me. then you beat my shoulder told me " There exists no destination in life. "

并列句 (二)


只要见到有连词出现, 通常都会有省略, 翻译的时候先把省略的部分加上再翻译, 一句话只要有省略, 那么一定是省略在连词后, 而不是连词前; 所以连词后面有的成分连词前面**通常(如果连词后只有一个成分的话,那么前面一定有与其相对应,多个的话最少有一个)**都要有; 连词前面有而连词后面没有便是省略的内容

副词只能做状语, 名词后跟定语

代词指代这一类题的做题方法: 就近原则和一致原则 (语法上的一致和意思上的一致)


  1. 找动词
  2. 找连词
  3. 补缺失




  1. The book looks terrific. —— What I read looks terrific.
  2. I appreciate the captain. —— I appreciate what he did.
  3. I becomes a businessman. —— He becomes who we learn from.
  4. I enjoy the part, the end. —— I enjoy the part that they stay together.
  • I love my mother, a kind housewife,
  • My friend , an undergraduate from civil engineering ,looks handsome.
  • Overfishing, a universal issue throughout the world, has become increasingly under modern conditions.


名词在句子里都可以充当的成分它都可以充当, 四类: 主语从句、宾语从句、 表语从句、同位语从句



他已经离婚了,是显而易见的。 Wheather he has got divorced looks obvious 一般疑问句加wether不充当任何成分

他离婚了是我的错。 That he has got divorced is my fault. 陈述句加that不充当任何成分

他将和谁结婚是个秘密。 Who he will marry is a secret. 特殊疑问句自带


  • 女人总是对的是一个常识。 That ladies tend to be right proves common knowledge.

  • 我正在思考我应该减肥吗? I am wondering weather I should lose my weight?

  • 有一天,你会发现事业、亲情、友情都比爱情重要。One, someday, will perceive that enterprise, domestic and camaraderie, prove more crucial than amor(ramance).

  • 关键是你什么时候有钱呢? The point seems when wealth will become available for you.

  • 他们为什么离开家去西藏是一个谜。 Why they left their hometown for Tibet keeps a mystery.




1. 如何识别主语从句

it … that… 也通常是主语从句,从 that 到句末结束 it 为形式主语
That the plates are miving are 是和帮助 moving 构成现在分词的助动词is now beyond dispute.

Whether the government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa often depends on the issue which is seen as the driving force.

How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the imformation used and on the skill and windom with which it is interpreted.

It is generally agreed that a person of high intelligence is who can grasp ideas readily,make distinctions, reason logically, and make use of verbal and mathematical symbols in solving problems.

It has been known that total sleep deprivation is 100 percent fatal to rats, yet, upon examinations of the dead bodies, the animals look completely normal.

I wonder if I can pass the Postgraduate Entrance Examination smoothly.

2. 如何识别宾语从句

She said that she would marry to an old rich man.
This alone demostrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in. A fact underlined by statistics shows that out of eighty European television networks no less than 50% took a loss in 1989.

3. 如何识别表语从句

A report consitantly brought back by visitors to the US is how friendly,courteous and helpful most Americans were to them.

Galileo’s greatest glory was that in 1609 he was the first person to turn the newly invented telecope on the heavens prove that the planets revolve around the sun rather than around the earth.

4. 如何识别同位语从句


Being insterested in the relationship of language and though, whorf developed the idea that the structure of language determines the structure of the habitual throught in a society.

A century ago, Freued formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious disires and fears,

Evidence came up that specific speech sound are recognized by babies of as young as 6 years old.

定语 (一)


…的 + 名词 …的就是修饰该名词(短语)的定语成分。

  1. 形容词作定语 The innocent nightigale died. The nightingale brave and innocent died.
  2. 名词(短语)作定语 The nightingale singing can make the rose bloom.
    名词修饰名词通常写成of形式 The singing of nightingale can make the rose bloom.
  3. 介词短语作定语 The nightingale out of the window heard the sighs of the youngster.
  4. 非谓语动词作定语 The nightingale lose his life.
  5. 从句作定语


e.g.: This keeps a fiction about a nightingale and a rose.
The understand a loving youngster left the dancing party(ball) of prince.
The youngster grasping ramance left the dancing party of rhe prince.
The youngster damped looks pitiful.
I have something improtant to say,


n + 引导词 +句子



  1. 当先行词是人的时候,引导词有: who, whom,whose
  2. 当先行词是物的时候,引导词有:that,which,whose
  3. 当先行词是时间的时候,引导词有:that,which,when
  4. 当先行词是地点的时候,引导词有:that,which, where
  5. 当先行词时原因的时候,引导词有:that,which,why


  1. 先行词
  2. 引导词可以在句子中可以充当的成分
  3. 引导词自身的词性
  • 代词:在从句中必须充当主语和宾语的成分 who whom that which who可以做主语和宾语,whom只能做宾语
  • 副词:在从句中不能充当任何主干部分 where when why
  • 形容词:在从句修饰离它最近的名词 whose

e.g. I will never forget the day when I met you.
I will never forget the day that we spent.
that 是一个代词,充当主语、宾语和表语,when 是副词,不能充当主语和宾语
you had better have some reason why you are late.
you had better have some reason that sounds perfect.
Boys whose families keep weathy never fail to fascinate to me.
The rose that the nightingale exchanged with his life was discarded.
The old man(senior citizen) passed away on the day when his son arrived.


  1. 当 that 在引导定语从句的时候,如果充当宾语的话可以省略。 I enjoy the lunch that my mom cooks. 如果当两个名词和代词放在一起的时候中间没有被任何标点和连词隔开,通常都是省略了that的定语从句

  2. 区别限制和非限制的定语从句 对先行词的限制程度
    I love Liu who is beautiful. 限制性
    I love Liu, who is beautful. 非限制性

  3. 先行词和引导词之间有介词的话人用 who 只能用 whom,物不用 that 用 which
    Gump is a man from whom we should learn.
    I never forget the day on which I met you.

  4. 区别 the same … as 和 the same … that 引导的定语从句
    He is the same man as I love
    He is the same man that I love

  5. which 引导的非限制定语可以修饰前面整句话,as 也可以,但是 which 引导的非限制定语从句只能放后面,但是 as 可前可后

My husband enjoys chatting with other young ladies, which (as) drives me mad.
As drives me mad, my husband enjoys chatting with other young ladies.

  1. 定语从句中引导词中 that 和 which 的区别


I have a dream that sounds ridiculous.
I have a dream that I become a rich lady.

  1. 定语从句是对前面名词的修饰,同位语是对前面名词的解释。
  2. 看引导词 that 在从句中是否充当了成分,如果充当了成分就是定语从句,如果没充当成分就是同位语从句。
  3. 定语从句的先行词可以是所有的名词,而同位语的先行词只能是抽象名词
  4. 定语从句的引导词有 8 个,而同位语从句的引导词一般是 that.


  1. 寻找先行词,定语从句的先行词就是那个离它最近的名词。
    When someone abandons you, he is the one who should get loss because for him, he loses someone who loves him but for you, you lose someone who does not love you.

  2. 定语从句的先行词是 that 前几个并列的名词。
    For works it can mean an end of the security, benefits and sense of improtance that came from being a loyal employee.

  3. 定语从句的先行词是它前面的一个从句
    The Greek assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought, which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be.

  4. 定语从句的先行词时它前面的一个句子。
    My husband enjoys chattiing with other young ladies, which really gets me go mad.

  5. 定语从句的先行词和引导词直接被一些东西隔开了。
    As a linguist, he ackonwledges that all varieties of human language, including non-standard ones like Black English, can be powerfully expressive — there exists no language or dialect in the world cannot convey complex ideas.



能够找到一句话中的定语从句, 并且可以通顺的翻译出来,关键是找名词,只要名词后有东西,且不是动词就暂定修饰这个名词的定语成分。状语可以放在句子中的任何地方
名词 + 定语/同位语/插入语(逗号或者破折号)/动词/状语
定语从名词后开始,到主语的谓语动词之前结束,但是定语在主语谓语之后的话,那么定语从引导词开始到句末结束,但是如果定语之后有连词的话,定语不是到句末结束,而是到连词之前结束,一个大定语中通常有无数个小定语,每一个小定语到下一个名词结束, 除非碰到固定搭配。

Some of causes are compeletly reasonable results that of social needs.Others are reasonable consequences of particular advances in science being to some extent self-accelerating.

I short, a leader of the new school contends, “the scientific revolution, as we call it, was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expended the reach of science in innumerable directions.”

I Europe, as elsewhere, multo-media groups have been increasingly successful groups,which bring together television, radio, newspapers, magzines and publicing house, that work in relation to one another.

Creating a “Ruropean identify” that respects the different cultures and traditions, which go to make uo the connecting fabric of the Old Continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice.

Astrophysicists working with ground-based detectors at the South Pole and balloon-borne instruments are clothing in on such structures, and may report their findings soon.

After six months of arguing and finally 16 tours of hot the parliamentory debates, Astralia’s Northern Territory became the first legall authority in the world to allow doctor wo take the lives of incurably ill patients who wish to died.

Whether to use tests, other kinds of informations, or both in the particular situation depends, therefore, upon the evidence form experience concerning comparative vaildity and upon such factors as costs and availability.



形容词: 放在名词后面作定语,放在系动词后做表语
e.g.:He is very fast. He runs fast. He runs rather fast. Actually he runs fast.




副词:She simile sweetly.
副词短语:He tried again and again.
介词短语:He runs fast like a crazy dog.
非谓语动词: He leaves, crying.
从句: I will return the book as soon as I have.





  1. 时间状语从句:when = while(当…时候,后面一定为进行时态) = as、 before、 after、 since the moment = as soon as、 by the time、until、not…until
    e.g. When love comes, I will hold her hands. 在所有的状语从句中,如果主语的动作和从句的动作都尚未发生的话,主语用一般将来时,从句用一般现在是表示将来。
    When love came, I failed to hold her hands.
    区别 until 和 not … until
    I will wait here until you come.
    I will not leave until you come.
    看主句的谓语动词是瞬间动词还是延续性动词,如果是延续性动词用 until,瞬间动词用 not…until

  2. 地点状语从句
    The grows well where it is moisture.(in places wet)

  3. 原因状语从句
    引导词:because、 as、since、in that、seeing that、considering that、now that、given that
    连词: for
    介词短语:because of、due to、owing to、thanks to、for the sake of、as a result of
    He had a car accident because he was careless.
    He had a car accident for he was careless.
    He had a car accident because of his careless.

  4. 目的状语从句
    动词不定式: to、 in order to、so as to 目的是为了后跟动词原型
    引导词:so that、in order that
    We climb higher in order that we can see farther.

  5. 结果状语从句
    so…that 后跟形容词或副词
    such…that 后跟名词
    作文中只要出现形容词和副词的地方 都可以写成so…that的形式
    I feel so delighted that I can’t help shuting and jumping.

  6. 让步状语从句
    引导词:although、though、even though、even if、as、while
    while 翻译成虽然尽管的时候只能放在句首,不能放在句中。
    e.g.:She is a beauty although she seems lazy.
    Pursuing stars exerts influence on the study of students although their singing sounds touching.

  7. 方式状语从句
    引导词: as、 the way、as if / though
    介词短语:by means of、 in… way / manner
    e.g.:He talks with me as if he had known me 3 years ago.

  8. 条件状语从句
    引导词:suppose that、supposing that、if、 unless、provided that、as long as、 so long as
    I will never give up as long as there is a ghost of hope.

  9. 比较状语从句
    as…as(原级) than (比较级)
    You look as beautiful as I. You look more beautiful than I.





  1. 只要句子中找到副词、条件、原因、目的、结果、让步、方式、比较、伴随状语(with)一定是状语,时间或地点如果放在名词后的话可能是定语或者状语。

I love a boy in Beijing.

e.g.:The Greek assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought, which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be.


Social sciences is that branch of intellectual enquiry which to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner,that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.

The behavioral sciences have been slow to change, partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find.

While it is easy to ignore in our contact with them,the effect of our acts upon their dispostion, it is not so easy as in dealing with adults.

Although mental health is the cure-all for living our lives, It is perfectly ordinary as you will see that it has been there to direct you through all your diffcult decisions.


主 谓 宾 表 (主干)


定 状 同 (修饰限定)


e.g.: My mom is an elegant lady.
= My mother is a lady of elegance.
= My mother is a lady as elegant as a lily.
= My mother is a lady proving elegant.
= My mother is a lady who proves elegant.

He killed his wife cruelly.
= As cruely as a monster, he killed his wife.
= He, detaching the body,he killed his wife.
= He killed his wife when he detached her body.


(状), + 主 (定、同、状)+ 谓(时态、语态)+ 宾语(定、同、状)

When I heard one of his songs named Long time to see, I, an English teacher, loved Eason whose singing touching.
English, a useful communicating tool , is important in the general routine of everyday living.



构成: it is … that …
我昨天在街上遇见了我的旧情人。 On the yesterday, I met my old lover on the street.
It was yesterday that I met my old lover on the street.


It was since my daughter was bron that I was aware/conscious of the Maternal love is great.
It was after my daughter was bron that I realized the greatness of mothers.

There exist a sea of causes to explain my perspective.
It is a sea of causes there exist to explain my perspective.


翻译时,去掉 it is… that 还原句子本来的样子在进行翻译。

But it is the arrival of new satellite channnels — funded partly by advertising and partly by viewer’s subscriptions — that will bring about the biggest changes in the long term.

Pwehaps it is humankind’s long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the idea of force the waters to do our bidding so fascinating.


把一句话写成一般疑问句,也就是给一句话提一个助动词或 be 动词放在句首。

  1. 否定词放在句首用倒装
    I will never love you. Never will I love you.
    Pets not only do harm to their neigbors and family but also pollute the enviroment.
    Not only do pets do harm to their neigbors and family but also pollute the enviroment.

  2. so, nor/ neither位于句首,表明承前句子的肯定或否定时用倒装

I can cook,so can I.
I can’t cook, nor can I.

  1. 含有 so … that … 将 so 引导的部分置于句首用倒装。

I feel so delighted that I cannot help jumping and dancing.
So delighted do I feel that I cannot help jumping and dancing.

  1. only 引出状语放在句首用倒装。

I love you deeply. Only depply, do I love you.

  1. as 引导的让步状语从句,从句的表语可以放在句首形成倒装。

As I am ugly, but I am gentle. Ugly as I am, but I am gentle,
As he is a teacher, he keeps common. Teacher as he is, he keeps common.

  1. 省略 if 的虚拟语气用倒装


  1. 写作


Under no circumstances can parents fail to shed light on cultivating the confidence of their children.

I feel so exhausted that I have no any strength all over.
So exhausted do I feel that I have no any strength all over.

When out of raining, only at home do I feel safe and relaxed.

  1. 长难句分析
  • 识别倒装句: 只要在一句话当中见到一般疑问句一般都是倒装。
  • 如何翻译倒装:还原倒装部分后再做翻译。

For example, they do not compensate for goss social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grownup under more favorable circumstances.




if 引导的条件状语从句

if you are a tear in my eyes, I will never shed it.
if you were a tear in my eyes, I would never shed it.

if I was a dog on the yesterday, I could sleep in the bed with you.
if I had been a dog on the yesterday, I could have slept in the bed with you.


  1. 在虚拟语气中,所有 be 动词的过去式通常都是 were 而不用 was.
  2. would = could = might

If I still remember you in my next life,we will definitely stay together.
If I still remembered you in my next life,we would definitely stay together.
Did I still remember you in my next life,we would definitely stay together.


If you followed me at the beginning, you could pass the examination smoothly.
If you had followed me at the beginning, you could have passed the examination smoothly.
Had you follow me at the beginning, you could pass the examination smoothly.


  1. 以下情况从句用 “should + v.” 表示虚拟,并且 should 可以省略。

以防 in case that, for fear that,lest
命 order, direct, command
贱 suggest, advice, offer, propose
要求 ask, request,require,demand
是必要的 It is necessary(important)that

In case that it (should) rain,you had better stay at home
It is necessary that authorities should inspire their citizens to protect our environment.

  1. 以下情况,从句用一般过去时表示虚拟。

常见的有: would rather (宁愿) 和 It is high time that… (是什么时候了)
I would rather you were happier than I.

  1. 以下情况要区别对待
    常见的词有:wish, if only(如果是…该多好啊), but for (要不是), or / otherwise(否则), as if /as through (好像、似乎)方式状语从句 等

He treats me as if I were his son.
He treated me as if I had been his son.


  1. 写作
    无论句子有没有使用虚拟语气,都可以直接分析,无长难句分析,同 if 的条件状语从句

If the happened, passionate consumers would try to persuade others to boycott products, putting the reputation of the target company at risk.

The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.


定义: 位于主语和谓语之间用逗号或者破折号隔开的部分,阅读忽略。

  • 副词
  • 介词短语
  • 不定式短语
  • 分词
  • 现在分词短语


Under the modern (high technology) condition 现在高新技术条件下

be (more) likely to do sth 可能做某事

common sense (不正式) common knowledge 常识

lose weight 减肥

beyond dispute 显而易见 代替 obvious
The ownership of the island has long been established beyond dispute.

driving force 驱动力

It is generally agreed that 众所周知
It has been known that

take a loss 承担损失

a century ago 一个世纪以前



hence (adv.) 因此、今后 可替代 therefore、 accordingly、consequently、 thus、as a result of
e.g.: The trade imbalance is likely to rise again in 2007. Hence a new set of policy actions will berequired soon.


dj. 适当的;恰当的;合适的
vt. 占用,拨出(专款等)
第三人称单数 appropriates 现在分词 appropriating 过去式 appropriated 过去分词 appropriated比较级 more appropriate 最高级 most appropriate

n. 融资;财务;筹措资金
v. 筹措资金;财政管理;从事金融活动(finance的ing形式)

  1. appropriate time 适当时间
  2. if appropriate 任选地;如果有的话
  3. appropriate technology 适当的技术;适用技术
  4. be appropriate for 适合于
  5. appropriate authority 有关当局

e.g.: In the circumstances, Paisley’s plans looked highly appropriate.

refer to 参考;涉及;指的是;适用于

technique n. 技巧,技术;手法 复数 techniques

lady n. 女士 复数 ladies

wondering 可用于替代 思考 thinking

v. 想知道;(用于询问时)不知道;感到疑惑;感到诧异(wonder 的现在分词)
adj. 感到着迷的;觉得惊奇的;好奇的
enterprise n. 企业;事业;进取心;事业心 复数 enterprises

domestic affection n.亲情

amor n.爱情 remance

camaraderie n.友情

perceive 代替 find
vt. 察觉,感觉;理解;认知
vi. 感到,感知;认识到
第三人称单数 perceives现在分词 perceiving过去式 perceived过去分词 perceived

crucial 代替 重要的 important
adj. 重要的;决定性的;定局的;决断的
比较级 more crucial最高级 most crucial

at the expense of technology 以技术为代价

n. 预报;预言
复数 predictions

adv. 容易地;乐意地;无困难地
比较级 more readily最高级 most readily

smoothly 顺利地

adj. 独自的;单独的;单干的;孤独的;仅仅的;唯一的
adv. 独自地;单独地;单干地;只,仅仅;仅仅……就;唯一地;独力地

vt. 证明;展示;论证
vi. 示威
第三人称单数 demonstrates现在分词 demonstrating过去式 demonstrated过去分词 demonstrated
courteous 彬彬有礼的

consistently adv. 一贯地;一致地;坚实地

recognize vt. 认出,识别;承认;接受,认可;赞赏 vi. 确认,承认;具结
第三人称单数 recognizes现在分词 recognizing过去式 recognized过去分词 recognized

innocent adj. 无辜的;无罪的;无知的 n. 天真的人;笨蛋
n. (Innocent)人名;(英、西)因诺森特;(法)伊诺桑
复数 innocents比较级 more innocent最高级 most innocent

dump 可代替 abandon

pitiful 可代替 poor

assume 可代替 think


methodology (n.) 方法学、方法论

peculiar to 是…特有的 Language is peculiar to mankind 语言是人类特有的

in general 总之,通常;一般而言

tend to 总是 代替 always
wealth will become available for you 代替 you become have money.

n. 碟;金属板;金属牌;感光底片
vt. 电镀;给…装甲
n. (Plate)人名;(英、德、俄、西、意、瑞典)普拉特
复数 plates第三人称单数 plates现在分词 plating过去式 plated过去分词 plated

adj. 纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的;清白的;纯理论的
n. (Pure)人名;(俄)普雷
比较级 purer或more pure最高级 purest或most pure

vice versa 反之亦然 adv.

v. 抓牢,握紧;试图抓住;理解,领悟;毫不犹豫地抓住(机会)
n. 抓,握;理解,领会;力所能及,把握;权力,控制

n. 商行;商号;公司
adj. 坚定的;牢固的;严格的;结实的;坚决的;牢牢控制的;坚挺的
adv. 坚信;坚持;稳固地
v. 使坚定;使牢固
复数 firms 第三人称单数 firms 现在分词 firming 过去式 firmed 过去分词 firmed 比较级 firmer最高级 firmest

formulated vt. 规划;用公式表示;明确地表达(formulate 的过去式和过去分词)

revolutionary adj. 革命的;旋转的;大变革的 n. 革命者

didsguse vt. 掩饰;假装;隐瞒 n. 伪装;假装;用作伪装的东西
复数 disguises第三人称单数 disguises现在分词 disguising过去式 disguised过去分词 disguised

fiction 代替 story

frabic n. 织物;布;组织;构造;建筑物 复数 fabrics

continent n. 大陆,洲,陆地 adj. 自制的,克制的 复数 continents

demand n. (坚决的或困难的)要求;(顾客的)需求 v. 强烈要求;需要;逼问;查问,查询
n. (Demand) (德)德曼德(人名)
复数 demands第三人称单数 demands现在分词 demanding过去式 demanded过去分词 demanded
strategic adj. 战略上的,战略的

parliamentary debate 议会辩论

territory n. 领土,领域;范围;地域;版图


  1. 可数名词不能单独使用,要加 the 或者变为复数
  2. 谓语是否加 s 要注意,基本上主语单数要加,复数不加
  3. 没有一个特殊的指代人的话可以用 One
  4. 没有主语听到 “有”,用 There be, 有主语听到 “有”,用 available
  5. 离开某地去某地不是用 to, 而是用 for
  6. 定语从句和同位语从句前面一定是名词
  7. that 在引导宾语从句中可以省略,但仅能在引导宾语时省略
  8. if 做引导词时只能引导宾语从句,而wheather可以引导所有从句


考研英语 —— 语法和长难句 (2021-07-30)