wordpress 迁移

Are you looking for the best WordPress migration plugin to move your website?


While it is super-easy to start a new WordPress site, moving an existing website to a new hosting company is not as simple.


You need to move the database, files, plugins, and theme. At the same, you also want to reduce downtime, so your users don’t see a broken website.

您需要移动数据库,文件,插件和主题。 同时,您还希望减少停机时间,以使您的用户不会看到损坏的网站。

Most importantly, you want to preserve your website’s SEO rankings.


To make sure that all these things go smoothly, you’ll need a WordPress migration plugin to easily manage the transfer.


In this article, we will compare the best WordPress migration plugins that allow you to migrate your websites without hiccups.


1. Duplicator Pro (1. Duplicator Pro)

Duplicator Pro is the best WordPress migration plugin on the market. It works like a charm for many different types of migration scenarios without any technical knowledge.

Duplicator Pro是市场上最好的WordPress迁移插件。 在没有任何技术知识的情况下,它对于许多不同类型的迁移方案而言就像是一种魅力。

It has a simple step by step wizard that guides you through the migration. First, you create a migration package of your website and download it to your computer along with an installer script.

它有一个简单的逐步向导,可指导您完成迁移。 首先,您创建网站的迁移程序包,并将其与安装程序脚本一起下载到计算机中。

Next, you upload the installer script and the package to the new location (new server or host) and run the migration wizard. Duplicator unpacks the content of your package and installs them.

接下来,将安装程序脚本和软件包上载到新位置(新服务器或主机),然后运行迁移向导。 Duplicator解压缩软件包的内容并进行安装。

In the end, it also allows you to update URLs to make sure that every done runs smoothly after the unpacking.




  • Migrate WordPress site to a new host, domain name, local server, or live site.将WordPress网站迁移到新的主机 ,域名,本地服务器或实时网站。
  • Easy step by step migration wizard to move your website.

  • Can be used to schedule backups and save them on remote storage such as Google Diver, Dropbox, etc.

    可用于安排备份并将其保存在远程存储中,例如Google Diver,Dropbox等。
  • Connects with cPanel hosting dashboard to automatically create database and users.

  • Supports WordPress multisite migration.




  • Beginners may need help connecting to the FTP server.

  • The upload process can be a bit tedious if you have unreliable internet or a very large website.


Pricing: Paid plans start from $59 / year for 3 websites. It also has a limited free version that would work for most small websites.

定价: 3个网站的付费计划从每年$ 59起。 它还有一个有限的免费版本 ,适用于大多数小型网站。

2. UpdraftPlus高级版 (2. UpdraftPlus Premium)

UpdraftPlus is one of the best WordPress backup plugins. Its premium version comes with a migration tool that allows you to easily migrate your website.

UpdraftPlus是最好的WordPress备份插件之一 。 其高级版本带有迁移工具,可让您轻松迁移网站。



  • Easy to use process. If you already use it as your backup plugin then you can create a complete backup and import it on any location

    易于使用的过程。 如果您已经将其用作备份插件,则可以创建完整的备份并将其导入任何位置
  • Schedule and store your WordPress backups to remote locations.

  • Works with WordPress multisite networks

  • Incremental backups allow you to save server resources




  • install WordPress on the destination. 安装WordPress 。

Pricing: You can purchase the Migrator Addon for $30 and use it with the free version of UpdraftPlus. Alternatively, you can buy UpdraftPlus Premium for $70.

定价:您可以以30美元的价格购买Migrator插件,并将其与免费版本的UpdraftPlus结合使用 。 另外,您也可以花70美元购买UpdraftPlus Premium。

3. JetPack (3. JetPack)

JetPack is a massive WordPress plugin suite that also comes with a powerful backup feature. This feature was previously called VaultPress and was sold as a separate product.

JetPack是一个庞大的WordPress插件套件,还具有强大的备份功能。 此功能以前称为VaultPress,并作为单独的产品出售。

Now it is included as JetPack Backups. It allows you to easily restore your WordPress backups and migrate your website to new servers.

现在,它已包含在JetPack备份中。 它使您可以轻松地还原WordPress备份并将网站迁移到新服务器。



  • The easiest way to make WordPress backups and easily restore them on a new location

  • Incremental backups save server resources

  • Easy 1-click site restoration feature makes migrations a breeze

  • All your data is stored on the cloud and you don’t need to manually reupload backups during migration

  • Includes site security features which makes your backups secure




  • You will need a JetPack subscription which comes with many other features that you may not even need or use.

  • Set up process is a bit complicated for beginners. You will need two separate plugins, JetPack subscription, and a WordPress account.

    设置过程对于初学者来说有点复杂。 您将需要两个单独的插件,JetPack订阅和一个WordPress帐户。

Pricing: Starting from $39 / year.

定价:每年$ 39美元起。

4.多合一WP迁移 (4. All-in-One WP Migration)

All-in-One WP Migration is a popular WordPress migration plugin with a comprehensive set of features. Unlike some other plugins on the list, it is not a backup plugin and specializes in website migrations.

多合一WP迁移是一种流行的WordPress迁移插件,具有一组全面的功能。 与列表中的其他某些插件不同,它不是备份插件,而是专门从事网站迁移。



  • WordPress hosting providers, operating systems, PHP versions, and more. WordPress托管提供商,操作系统,PHP版本等。
  • Supports older versions upto WordPress 3.3

    支持WordPress 3.3之前的旧版本
  • It bypasses your host’s file size limits by importing chunks of data.




  • The free version limits import size to 512 MB

    免费版本将导入大小限制为512 MB
  • You’ll need to manually install WordPress on new location

  • For multisite exports you’ll need a separate paid extension


Pricing: The basic plugin is free, but you’ll need the Unlimited extension to remove import size restriction. The Unlimited extension is available at $69 for a lifetime license.

定价:基本插件是免费的,但您需要Unlimited扩展名才能删除导入大小限制。 无限扩展包的终身许可价格为69美元。

5.迁移大师 (5. Migrate Guru)

Migrate Guru is a WordPress migration plugin by the folks behind Blog Vault, a popular WordPress backup solution. It specializes in migrating websites to a new host or server.

Migrate Guru是由Blog Vault(一种流行的WordPress备份解决方案)背后的人们组成的WordPress迁移插件。 它专门用于将网站迁移到新的主机或服务器。



  • Supports almost all popular WordPress hosting providers

  • Easy migration wizard where you just need to enter your desitination host’s FTP or cPannel credentials and the plugin takes care of everything else

  • Migrates your WordPress database updated URLs and handles serialized data

  • Can be used to migrate large websites without affecting server performance




  • Does not support localhost to live website or live to localhost transfers

  • Does not fully support multisite migrations


Pricing: Free


6. BackupBuddy (6. BackupBuddy )

BackupBuddy is one of the most popular WordPress migration and backup plugin. It has been around since 2010 and has a loyal customer base.

BackupBuddy是最流行的WordPress迁移和备份插件之一。 自2010年以来一直存在,并拥有忠实的客户群。



  • Comes with automated scheduled backups, restore, and migration features in one convenient package

  • Set up your backup schedules, choose what to backup, and store them to remote locations such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3, and more.

    设置您的备份计划,选择要备份的内容,并将其存储到远程位置,例如Google Drive,Dropbox,Amazon S3等。
  • Easily transfer your website using a complete WordPress backup

  • WordPress staging site to live server with 1-clickWordPress登台站点部署到实时服务器



  • Does not support WordPress multisite

  • Restore and migration features are not as easy to use for beginners as some other plugins on this list


Pricing: Starting from $80 for a single site license.


7.迁移DB Pro (7. Migrate DB Pro)

Migrate DB Pro is a powerful WordPress migration plugin made specifically for moving WordPress database from one install to another. However, it can also easily transfer media files, themes, and plugins with separate addons.

Migrate DB Pro是一个功能强大的WordPress迁移插件,专门用于将WordPress数据库从一次安装转移到另一次安装。 但是,它也可以轻松传输带有单独插件的媒体文件,主题和插件。



  • Perfect when you quickly want to copy WordPress database from one site to another

  • Powerful features make it an excellent option for developers

  • Backup your existing database before replacing it with a new one

  • Find and replace any text in your database

  • Great for large websites and complex hosting server environments




  • For complete migrations, you’ll need two addons which are only available under expensive developer license.

  • May not be as easy to use for beginners as some other plugins on the list


Price: Starting from $99 for a single site. You’ll need developer license to access media and files addons which will cost you $199.

价格:单个站点起价为$ 99。 您需要开发者许可才能访问媒体和文件插件,价格为199美元。

奖励插件 (Bonus Plugins)

These WordPress migration plugins work in specific situations and are the best options for beginners.


8. Bluehost迁移器 (8. Bluehost Migrator)

If you are moving your WordPress site to Bluehost, then this plugin is for you. It is made by Bluehost to help users move their websites to Bluehost hosting servers.

如果您要将WordPress网站移至Bluehost ,那么此插件适合您。 它由Bluehost制作,可帮助用户将其网站移至Bluehost托管服务器。

Bluehost is one of the best WordPress hosting companies. They are also an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

Bluehost是最好的WordPress托管公司之一 。 他们还是官方推荐的WordPress托管提供商。



  • It works well because it is made for a specific scenario transferring from any hosting company to Bluehost.

  • Super-easy to use you just need to enter a token from your hosting control panel and the plugin takes care of the rest.

  • If you are not changing the domain name, then it automatically creates a temporary domain for the transferred site. Later you can change the DNS to point your domain name.

    如果您不更改域名,那么它将自动为传输的站点创建一个临时域。 稍后,您可以更改DNS以指向您的域名。



  • Can not be used to transfer from localhost to live site

  • Does not support WordPress multisite


Pricing: Free


9. SiteGround迁移器 (9. SiteGround Migrator)

If you are moving your WordPress site to SiteGround, then this plugin is for you. It is made by SiteGround to help users move their websites to SiteGround hosting servers.

如果要将WordPress网站移动到SiteGround ,那么此插件适合您。 它由SiteGround制作,以帮助用户将其网站移至SiteGround托管服务器。

SiteGround is one of the best WordPress hosting companies. They are also an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

SiteGround是最好的WordPress托管公司之一 。 他们还是官方推荐的WordPress托管提供商。

Note: If you don’t want to use the plugin, then you can simply ask SiteGround support. They offer 1 free website migration with their GrowBig and GoGeek plans.

注意:如果您不想使用该插件,则只需向SiteGround支持即可。 他们通过其GrowBig和GoGeek计划提供1个免费网站迁移。



  • It works well because it is made for a specific scenario transferring from any hosting company to SiteGround.

  • Super-easy to use you just need to enter a token from your hosting control panel and the plugin takes care of the rest.

  • If you are not changing the domain name, then it automatically creates a temporary domain for the transferred site. Later you can change the DNS to point your domain name.

    如果您不更改域名,那么它将自动为传输的站点创建一个临时域。 稍后,您可以更改DNS以指向您的域名。



  • Can not be used to transfer from localhost to live site

  • Does not support WordPress multisite


Pricing: Free


奖励:免费的WordPress博客设置 (Bonus: Free WordPress Blog Setup)

The plugins mentioned above do not work on WordPress websites. See the difference between WordPress vs WordPress.

上述插件在WordPress网站上不起作用。 查看WordPress与WordPress之间的区别 。

For most beginners, moving from WordPress to WordPress is not as simple as you’d like it to be. This is where our free blog setup comes in.

对于大多数初学者而言, 从WordPress迁移到WordPress并不像您想要的那样简单。 这是我们免费博客设置的来源。

Basically, you’ll need to purchase a hosting plan from one of our recommended WordPress hosting providers and we will transfer or set up your WordPress blog.


For more details, see our free blog set up page.


Note: At WPBeginner we believe in transparency. When you sign up for one of our recommended hosting providers, we earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

注意:在WPBeginner,我们坚信透明度。 当您注册我们推荐的托管服务提供商之一时,我们将为您收取少量佣金,而无需您支付任何额外费用。

We would get this commission for recommending just about any hosting company, but we only recommend products that we use personally use and believe will add value to our readers.




  • Allows you to transfer WordPress to self-hosted WordPress website.

  • WPBeginner’s expert team migrates your content and media

  • You also get must-have WordPress plugins installed on your site to give you a solid start.




  • Only migrates WordPress blogs

  • Due to WordPress limitations, it can only migrate your content, comments, images and media.


Pricing: Free


结论:哪个是最好的WordPress迁移插件? (Conclusion: Which is The Best WordPress Migration Plugin?)

We believe that Duplicator Pro is the best WordPress migration plugin on the market. Even the free version works like a charm for small WordPress blogs and websites.

我们认为Duplicator Pro是市场上最好的WordPress迁移插件。 甚至免费版本也像小型WordPress博客和网站一样具有魅力。

We also recommend Duplicator in our WordPress migration guides. See our step by step guides for complete instructions.

我们还建议在WordPress迁移指南中使用Duplicator。 有关完整说明,请参见我们的分步指南。

  • How to move WordPress to new host and server如何将WordPress移至新的主机和服务器
  • How to move WordPress to new domain name如何将WordPress移至新域名
  • How to transfer WordPress from localhost to live server如何将WordPress从本地主机转移到实时服务器
  • Transfer WordPress from live server to localhost将WordPress从实时服务器转移到本地主机

WP Migrate DB Pro is a great alternative for migrating large websites specially when you have complex hosting setup with various environment. We use this plugin on our websites, but the reason why it’s not our top choice is because it is not as beginner friendly.

WP Migrate DB Pro是迁移大型网站的绝佳选择,特别是当您在各种环境中具有复杂的托管设置时。 我们在网站上使用了此插件,但之所以不是我们的首选,是因为它不像初学者那样友好。

This guide only covers migration plugin that helps you migrate a WordPress site to another server or domain. If you’re looking to switch to WordPress from another platform, then please follow our guides below:

本指南仅介绍可帮助您将WordPress网站迁移到其他服务器或域的迁移插件。 如果您希望从其他平台切换到WordPress,请遵循以下指南:

  • How to move from Weebly to WordPress如何从Weebly迁移到WordPress
  • How to move from Blogger to WordPress如何从Blogger迁移到WordPress
  • How to move from Medium to WordPress如何从中型迁移到WordPress
  • How to move from Wix to WordPress如何从Wix迁移到WordPress
  • How to move from GoDaddy Site builder to WordPress如何从GoDaddy网站构建器迁移到WordPress

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress migration plugin for your website. You may also want to see our guide on the best WordPress plugins and the best email marketing services for small businesses.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适合您网站的最佳WordPress迁移插件。 您可能还想查看有关针对小型企业的最佳WordPress插件和最佳电子邮件营销服务的指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner/showcase/best-wordpress-migration-plugins-compared/

wordpress 迁移


wordpress 迁移_9个最佳WordPress迁移插件(已比较)