TFS Build 2012上的自动电子邮件(Automatic email on TFS Build 2012)

我们正在使用TFS 2012并具有构建服务器设置。 我希望在某个版本完成时发送一封电子邮件。 在这封电子邮件中,我想发送一份关联变更集和相关工作项的列表。 在构建模板中,我调用脚本来部署构建。 那时日志文件不可用。


We are using TFS 2012 and have a build server setup. I would like to send out an email when a certain build is complete. In this email I would like to send out a list of the Associated Changesets and Associated Work Items. In the build template I call a script to deploy the build. At that time the log file is not available.

Is there a way I can run a script after the build so that I can read the log file, or is there another way for me to access the Associated Changesets and Associated Work Items for the email?






有用的链接: https : // = vs1010).aspx

You can subscribe an alert for a build definition like following screenshot, when there is a build completed, you'll receive an email alert.

enter image description here

If there are associated Changesets and associated Work Items in the build, you'll see them in the email alert:

enter image description here

Useful link:
