可以通过href =“tel”将PC连接到固定电话(Possibly link PC to Landline Telephone through href=“tel”)

我想通过使用HTML中的“tel:xxxxx”href属性将我的Web应用程序连接到真实的电话。 我无法通过skype或任何东西,因为互联网在这里更昂贵。 我希望它通过直接固定电话。 与用户点击链接时一样; 手机会自动拨打上述号码。



I want to connect my web application to a real live telephone by using the "tel:xxxxx" href attribute in HTML. I cannot make it go through skype or anything because internet is more expensive here. I want it to go through direct landline. As in when the user clicks the link; the phone would automatically dial said number.

What hardware and software do I need?

What do I need to do in order to get started?




您可以使用ruby(或任何其他语言)构建本机PC应用程序,或者如果要从浏览器部署,可以使用将提供的loco-ruby( https://github.com/catmando/LocoRuby )应用程序浏览器到PC界面。


You will not be able to directly do this from a browser application, because you will need interface to hardware on your PC:


You can either build a native PC app using ruby (or any other language), or if you want to deploy from your browser you can use the loco-ruby (https://github.com/catmando/LocoRuby) application that will provide a browser to PC interface.

The modem hardware will come with probably enough information on how to actually dial the phone etc.
