by John Selawsky

约翰·塞劳斯基(John Selawsky)

为什么您永远不会老到学Java(或任何编程语言) (Why you are never too old to learn Java (or any programming language))

“Love has no age.”


Many would agree with this saying, yet we frame and persuade ourselves that it’s too late to study or change occupation. Why don’t we use this approach to everything that we would like to achieve, especially when it comes to learning something new, like a programming language?

许多人会同意这句话,但是我们构架并说服自己,学习或改变职业为时已晚。 为什么我们不将这种方法用于我们想要达到的所有目标,特别是在学习新知识(例如编程语言)时?

I’m a tutor of a Java course and I have many examples of people who started their studying Java at age 30 or even older. In fact, in getting older, people become more experienced and wise, they see things differently, which helps them to be like a duck to water at any new beginnings. Besides, there’s less ageism in IT than in other industries. It values the skills rather than the age of a coder.

我是Java课程的导师,并且有很多例子,这些人从30岁或更早开始学习Java。 实际上,随着年龄的增长,人们变得更有经验,更明智,他们对事物的看法也有所不同,这有助于他们在任何新的起点上像鸭子一样浇水。 此外,与其他行业相比,IT中的年龄歧视现象更少。 它重视技能而不是编码人员的年龄。

Here, you’ll find 5 solid arguments of why you shouldn’t neglect your wishes and should start learning Java. However, these reasons are also applicable to other programming languages too. So stay with us if you are looking for the spark of inspiration — you’ll definitely find it here.

在这里,您将找到5个可靠的论据,说明为什么您不应该忽略自己的愿望,而应该开始学习Java。 但是,这些原因也适用于其他编程语言。 因此,如果您正在寻找灵感的火花,请与我们在一起-您一定会在这里找到它。

原因1.随着年龄的增长学习新事物有助于保持旧处理器的运行速度 (Reason 1. Learning new things as you age helps keep the old processor ticking)

Believe it or not, recent medical studies by Cesar Quililan proved the significant influence of brain activity on aging and brain health. It means the more you train your brain, the longer you will keep your sanity. They also showed that people at the age of 60–90 years improved their brain health only by doing handicrafts and some hobbies for just a few hours a day. So now, imagine, what the brain of a 30-year-old person can do.

信不信由你,塞萨尔·奎利兰(Cesar Quililan)最近进行的医学研究证明,大脑活动对衰老和大脑健康具有重大影响。 这意味着您训练大脑的时间越长,保持理智的时间就越长。 他们还表明,年龄在60-90岁之间的人们仅通过每天做几个小时的手Craft.io品和一些爱好就可以改善大脑健康。 因此,现在想象一下,一个30岁的人的大脑能做什么。

Learning a programming language is equal to training your thought processes — a mental workout, thereby your attention and concentration will become a lot better.


There is a success story of a 32-year-old on Reddit. He knew nothing about programming or any technical stuff, but now he studies programming at the university, and he says when he started — it was quite tough, but now his “mind is sharp as a tac”. Besides, believe it or not, nobody cares about his age.

Reddit上有一个32岁的成功案例 。 他对编程或任何技术知识一无所知,但是现在他在大学学习编程,并且说开始的时候虽然很艰难,但是现在他的“头脑很清晰”。 此外,不管你信不信,没有人关心他的年龄。

原因2.在线课程和资料很多-没有人看到你的年龄 (Reason 2. There are a lot of online courses and materials — no one sees your age)

Nowadays, there are a lot of online courses and numerous people admit that they are more efficient than the offline ones, and bring a more positive outcome. The reasons are simple: the IT industry values your knowledge, not physical abilities, and you choose yourself the right time and tempo to study. There are numerous stories of people who accomplished them successfully and got their dream job in a very short period of time.

如今,在线课程很多,许多人承认它们比离线课程更有效,并且带来了更积极的成果。 原因很简单:IT行业重视您的知识而不是体力,并且您选择了正确的学习时间和节奏。 有许多故事讲述了许多人在很短的时间内成功完成了他们的工作并获得了理想的工作。

Here are three bright examples of online resources where you can learn Java:


  • CodeGym — an online Java programming course that’s based 80% on practice, designed for learning from the very beginning.

    CodeGym —一种在线Java编程课程,其基础是80%的实践,旨在从一开始就进行学习。

  • CodeAcademy — this program is based on acquiring technical skills that will be very useful in your future job.


  • Besides there are online video courses on Coursera or Udemy — platforms which comprise courses from online universities from all over the world, for various subjects.

    此外,在Coursera或Udemy上还有在线视频课程, 这些平台包括来自世界各地的在线大学针对不同主题的课程。

Once you start learning or work as a programmer, for sure, everybody will need mentoring support from those who are a dab hand at Java. Besides, Java developers have a very strong community, and here are some platforms which will help you to find necessary information or ask a piece of advice.

一旦你开始学习或工作,作为一个程序员,可以肯定,每个人都需要从那些谁是指导支持巧手在Java。 此外,Java开发人员拥有非常强大的社区,这里有一些平台可以帮助您找到必要的信息或提出建议。

  • Java Forum is a classical forum which comprises many topics and it is divided into sections for faster search.


  • Java world is a platform where the news, blogs, specialists and lots of things related to Java are based at one place.


  • CodeGym Help is a community for new-comers where they can find prompt and proper support.


The places where you can ask any question and find one or even more solutions from users:


  • Java subreddit: sharing solutions and experience on issues and topics related to Java;

    Java subreddit :共享有关Java相关问题的解决方案和经验;

  • Programming subreddit: asking for and finding solutions to any issue related to programming.

    编程小号ubreddit :询问和寻找到与编程相关的任何问题的解决方案。

Blogs are also important — they observe updates, new features and generally, what’s newly invented or created for a better coding experience in Java.


  • Java Geek is a source where you can find a clear explanation of a case or an issue, besides it is divided into categories-interactions with various technologies.

    Java Geek是一个资源,您可以在其中找到关于案例或问题的清晰解释,此外它还分为类别-与各种技术的交互。

  • Bench Resources is another source where the issues and cases related to Java are described. Its structure is also divided into sections for quick search.

    Bench Resources是描述Java相关问题和案例的另一个来源。 它的结构也分为几个部分,以便快速搜索。

And of course, never forget about another important source of knowledge — books. In addition, once you become a programmer, after a long working day at the computer you’ll want to swap a computer screen with something different.

当然,永远不要忘记另一个重要的知识来源-书本。 此外,一旦成为程序员,在计算机上工作了一天后,您将需要将计算机屏幕换成其他东西。

  • Head First Java by Kathy Sierra & Bert Bates. The authors try to bring their knowledge through simple language and visual content without dwelling on how difficult it is to learn an OOP language.

    Kathy Sierra和Bert Bates负责First Java的工作 。 作者试图通过简单的语言和视觉内容来带来他们的知识,而不必过多地学习OOP语言。

  • Java: A Beginner’s Guide by Herbert Schildt — describes the basics of Java in an incremental manner, which allows users to comprehend and dive into Java from the very beginning.

    Java:Herbert Schildt的《初学者指南》 —以渐进的方式描述了Java的基础知识,使用户可以从一开始就理解并深入Java。

As you might have noticed there are numerous online resources and it’s just the beginning. So what’s stopping you from feeling free to starting learning Java with such huge support? They don’t care about your age, only your knowledge.

您可能已经注意到,在线资源很多,这仅仅是开始。 那么,是什么阻止您自由地开始使用如此强大的支持来学习Java? 他们不在乎您的年龄,只在乎您的知识。

原因3.年龄无关紧要 (Reason 3. Age is irrelevant)

Age is just a number… of your experience. Unfortunately, there is a global stereotype and fallacy that you have to have a permanent job till the end of your life. But who said this is the way things should be? You are a mature person who knows what you are looking for and what outcome you want to get. That is why, once you have decided that you want to code — develop this spark, and, sooner or later, it will pay you off.

年龄只是您的经历中的一部分。 不幸的是,有一个全球性的刻板印象和谬论,您必须永久性地工作直到生命的尽头。 但是谁说这应该是这样呢? 您是一个成熟的人,知道您要寻找的东西以及想要获得的结果。 这就是为什么一旦您决定要编写代码,就可以开发出这种火花,并且迟早会给您带来回报。

Another motivation is to think about yourself and never compare to somebody else since people have different experiences and different levels of knowledge. The starting point should be what you knew before you started learning. You’ll be surprised comparing your progress with the previous stage.

另一个动机是思考自己,不要与别人比较,因为人们有不同的经历和不同的知识水平。 起点应该是您开始学习之前所知道的。 将您的进度与上一个阶段进行比较,您会感到惊讶。

There is a wonderful example of a coder from my course who had never had a job related to a technical occupation. But he decided to pass step-by-step tutorials on CodeGym, and you know what? He succeeded and got the job he wanted.

我的课程中有一个很棒的例子,他从未从事过与技术职业有关的工作。 但是他决定通过CodeGym的分步教程,您知道吗? 他成功了,找到了想要的工作。

And never be afraid of “bad code” or lack of experience since whatever age you are everyone makes mistakes at the beginning and they disappear gradually while you hone your skills. You know that younger students worry as much as the older ones? Will I get a job with no experience? But, the truth is, some companies are looking for people with minimal experience to grow a specialist for their projects. Besides, technologies are developing every day and they will require lots of code and those who can create it. You can’t learn everything in one go :)

永远不要害怕“错误代码”或缺乏经验,因为无论您年龄多大,每个人在开始时都会犯错,而在您磨练技能时,这些错误会逐渐消失。 您知道年轻的学生和大学生一样担心吗? 我会得到没有经验的工作吗? 但是,事实是,一些公司正在寻找经验最少的人来为其项目培养专家。 此外,技术每天都在发展,它们将需要大量代码以及可以创建这些代码的人。 你不可能一口气学到所有的东西:)

原因4.学习Java就像学习其他技能一样 (Reason 4. Learning Java is like learning any other skill)

Learning Java is no different than, let’s say, learning to ride a bike. There is no big difference. However, if you start learning to ride a bike at a mature age, you’ll worry more, and yet it’s more likely that you will spend less time on it. Age plays a significant role in your wisdom and experience since you make mistakes and know how to fix them.

学习Java与说骑自行车没什么不同。 没有什么大的不同。 但是,如果您在成年后开始学习骑自行车,就会担心得更多,但是更有可能花更少的时间在自行车上。 年龄在您的智慧和经验中起着重要作用,因为您会犯错误并知道如何纠正错误。

Programming is not only coding itself, but searching for the best solution to an issue people have faced. And here, your experience will help greatly. Thus, having the background in another field is a huge advantage. And many who did the same steps admit that their maturity increased their success.

编程不仅是对自身进行编码,而且还在寻找人们所面临问题的最佳解决方案。 在这里,您的经验会大大帮助您。 因此,拥有另一个领域的背景是一个巨大的优势。 许多采取相同步骤的人都承认,成熟度提高了他们的成功率。

原因5.现在和任何时候一样好 (Reason 5. Now is as good of a time as any)

Never postpone what you plan, start learning as soon as possible, since the right time never comes. All you’ll do is waste your valuable time if you wait. Besides, later in life, you’ll have even more doubts than you have now, and it will be more difficult to start.

切勿推迟您的计划,尽快开始学习,因为正确的时机永远不会到来。 如果您等待,您所要做的就是浪费宝贵的时间。 此外,在生活的晚些时候,您将比现在拥有更多的疑问,并且开始工作将更加困难。

In addition, you’ll have new opportunities to change your job or even to get a promotion or improve your current work. Isn’t it appealing? It’s easy to find on Reddit a story of a person in his mid 30s with a thorny path through working with young coders and the corporate structure inside the companies he faced. But it made him stronger and he got the job even easier than he thought.

此外,您将有新的机会来换工作,甚至获得晋升或改善当前的工作。 是不是很吸引人? 在Reddit上很容易找到一个人的故事,他在30年代中期与年轻编码员一起工作,走过一条棘手的路,并且面对的公司内部也存在公司结构。 但这使他变得更坚强,而且他得到的工作比他想像的还要容易。

结语 (Wrap up)

If you are one of those who are at a crossroads, thinking “I’m too old for x,” you should know that age is just time exposure, that helps you to see what youngsters usually don’t. Learning something new will keep your mental health in order, and your mental acuity will be equal to those younger than you.

如果您是一个处于十字路口的人,以为“我对x来说太老了”,那么您应该知道年龄只是时间上的暴露,这可以帮助您了解年轻人通常不知道的事情。 学习一些新知识可以使您的心理健康井然有序,并且您的心理敏锐度将等于年龄小于您的年轻人。

Therefore, choosing the way to learn Java at home/online is just another perfect opportunity to show everyone that you can do more. Take this as obtaining another vital skill. Besides, nobody will care what age you are, since the IT industry values knowledge so highly.

因此,选择在家/在线学习Java的方式只是向所有人展示您可以做更多的另一绝妙机会。 以此作为获得另一项至关重要的技能。 此外,由于IT行业非常重视知识,因此没有人会关心您的年龄。

Thus, never give up on your idea and just start moving forward. Be sure that you will always get huge support whatever way you choose.

因此,不要放弃您的想法,而要开始前进。 请确保无论选择哪种方式,您都将始终获得巨大的支持。

It’s never too late to start learning Java or whatever you want since the sooner you start learning, the more perks you’ll get from life — just start! In addition, your practice and knowledge allow you to widen the scope of your abilities, and then, you’ll definitely be a successful person.

开始学习Java或您想要的任何东西永远不会太晚,因为开始学习越早,您从生活中得到的好处就越多-刚开始! 此外,您的实践和知识使您能够扩大自己的能力范围,然后,您一定会成为一个成功的人。

So, if you think that you’re too old for this…


… you are not.

… 你不是。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/why-you-are-never-too-old-to-learn-java-or-any-programming-language-a62603e89448/

