监视Azure Web App何时卸载?(Monitor when Azure Web App is unloaded?)

当一段时间没有向Web应用程序发出任何请求时,什么是监视Azure Web应用程序何时被卸载的最佳方式?



What would be the best way to monitor when our Azure web app is being unloaded when no requests have been made to the web app for a certain amount of time?

Enabling Logstream for the web server doesn't seem to reveal anything of use..

Any hints much appreciated!


您可以使用Azure Application Insights 创建Web测试 ,以便在站点不再可用时提醒您。 它会从您选择的数据中心ping您的站点,并执行您选择的一些操作(邮件,webhook等)。

Azure Application Insight  -  Web测试 - 创建测试


Azure Web应用程序 - 始终开启

You can use Azure Application Insights to create a web test that will alert you when the site is not available anymore. It will ping your site from the data centers you select and perform some action you select (mail, webhook, etc).

Azure Application Insight - Web tests - Create test

However, if you want your web app to stay online, you could upgrade its plan to be at least basic, and under settings enable always on.

Azure Web App - Always On
