
  • 作品介绍
  • 一、作品展示
  • 二、代码实现
  • 预览地址
  • 总结


网页作品简介: 寒假期间学习HTML和CSS即部分Javascript后的第一个大作业,搭建一个个人静态博客,后面出于兴趣,将其部署到GitPage上并利用GitHub添加了留言功能。




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		<div class="top">
			<div class="top-left">
			<a class="top1" href="home page.html">首页</a>
			<a class="top2" href="work.html">苦海无涯</a>
			<a class="top3" href="life.html">人生旅途</a>
			<a class="top4" href="message board.html">人生良言</a>
			<span class="top-right">黎曙</span>
			<img src="img/头像.jpg" title="头像" alt="头像" />
			<span class="top-right1"><input type="submit" value="登录"></span>
		<div class="main">
			<div class="main-left">
				<h1>欢迎来到黎曙的世界!<br/>Welcome to Li Shu's world!</h1>
				<h3>今天也要加油昂!<br/>Today, we still have to refuel!</h3>
			<div class="main-center">
				<div class="center-left">
					<a href="my.html" target="frame"><img src="img/头像.jpg" alt="头像" title="头像" /></a>
					<span id="name">黎曙<br/>非常热爱生活</span>
				<div class="span">
							<li class="pane"><a href="main1.html" target="frame">主页</a></li>
							<li class="pane"><a href="work.html" target="frame">笔记</a></li>
							<li class="pane"><a href="conclude.html" target="frame">归档</a></li>
							<li class="pane"><a href="email.html" target="frame">邮箱</a></li>
							<li class="pane"><a href="about.html" target="frame">关于</a></li>
							<li class="pane1">更多</li>
				<div class="center">
					<iframe src="main1.html" width="850px" height="850px" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes" name="frame"></iframe>
		<div class="bottom">
			<p id="showtime1" title="我们的征途是星辰大海">哈雷彗星的约定:</p>
			<p id="showtime2" >141933:22:55</p>
				var showtime2 = function () {
					var nowtime = new Date();
						endtime = new Date("2061/1/1");
					var lefttime = endtime.getTime() - nowtime.getTime();
						leftd = Math.floor(lefttime/(1000*60*60*24));  
						lefth = Math.floor(lefttime/(1000*60*60)%24);  
						leftm = Math.floor(lefttime/(1000*60)%60);  
						lefts = Math.floor(lefttime/1000%60); 
					return leftd + "&#22825;" + lefth + ":" + leftm + ":" + lefts;
				var div = document.getElementById("showtime2");
				setInterval (function () {
					div.innerHTML = showtime2();
				}, 1000);
			<div class="time">
					document.write("<span id=time></span>") 
					setInterval("time.innerText=new Date().toLocaleString()",1000)





