Looking for the best WordPress login page plugins for your website? The login page is the door to your website’s admin area. You need to make it secure while making it easy for users to login. In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best WordPress login page plugins that you can try.

寻找适合您网站的最佳WordPress登录页面插件? 登录页面是您网站的管理区域的大门。 您需要确保其安全性,同时使用户易于登录。 在本文中,我们精心挑选了一些您可以尝试使用的最佳WordPress登录页面插件。

改善WordPress登录页面的安全性和外观 (Improving Security and Appearance of WordPress Login Page)

The default WordPress login page is very plain and looks the same on all WordPress sites. If you run a multi-user WordPress site, then you may want to customize it.

默认的WordPress登录页面非常简单,在所有WordPress网站上看起来都一样。 如果您运行多用户WordPress网站,则可能需要对其进行自定义。

You may also want to make the login experience on your website as seamless as possible without compromising on WordPress security.


Having said that, let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress login page plugins to improve the login experience and security on your website.


1. WPForms (1. WPForms)

WPForms is the best WordPress form builder plugin, and it comes with a powerful user registration and login addon. It allows you to create your own custom user registration and login forms with a few clicks. You can add these forms anywhere on your WordPress site.

WPForms是最好的WordPress表单生成器插件,它带有强大的用户注册和登录插件。 它使您只需单击几下即可创建自己的自定义用户注册和登录表单。 您可以在WordPress网站上的任何位置添加这些表单。

For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to create a custom login page in WordPress


2.主题我的登录 (2. Theme My Login)

Do you want to allow users to register on your WordPress site but don’t want them to access the admin area? Theme My Login is a popular WordPress plugin that allows you to create custom WordPress login pages. You can use any page on your site as login, registration, and forgot password pages.

您是否要允许用户在您的WordPress网站上注册,但又不想他们访问管理区? 主题我的登录是一个流行的WordPress插件,可让您创建自定义WordPress登录页面。 您可以使用网站上的任何页面作为登录,注册和忘记密码页面。

For more details see our guide on how to add front-end login page and widgets in WordPress.

有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中添加前端登录页面和小部件的指南 。

3.没有密码的临时登录 (3. Temporary Login Without Password)

Want to give temporary access to a developer for your WordPress site? Temporary Login Without Password allows you to give temporary access to users without creating an account for them. You can set an expiry date or time for the temporary login or delete it at any time.

是否想为您的WordPress网站授予开发人员临时访问权? 无需密码的临时登录允许您授予用户临时访问权限,而无需为其创建帐户。 您可以设置临时登录的到期日期或时间,也可以随时将其删除。

For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to create temporary login for WordPress.


4.登录锁定 (4. Login Lockdown)

By default, WordPress does not lock users out if they try the wrong password multiple times. This allows hackers to crack your password using automated scripts. Login Lockdown allows you to limit the number of failed login attempts. After that, it locks down the login screen for that user for a limited time.

默认情况下,如果用户多次尝试输入错误的密码,WordPress不会将其锁定。 这使黑客可以使用自动脚本来破解您的密码。 登录锁定允许您限制失败的登录尝试次数。 之后,它会在有限的时间内锁定该用户的登录屏幕。

For details and set up instructions, follow our guide on on how to limit login attempts in WordPress.


5. Nextend Facebook Connect (5. Nextend Facebook Connect)

Want to add login with Facebook button to your WordPress site? Nextend Facebook Connect plugin allows you to easily add login with Facebook to your WordPress login screen. This allows your users to login more quickly, and they will not need to enter a password.

想要使用Facebook按钮将登录名添加到您的WordPress网站吗? Nextend Facebook Connect插件可让您轻松将Facebook登录添加到WordPress登录屏幕。 这使您的用户可以更快地登录,并且不需要输入密码。

See step by step instructions in our guide on how to add login with Facebook in WordPress.


6.记住我 (6. Remember Me)

If you forget to check the ‘Remember me’ option on the login page, then WordPress will forget your login as soon as you close the browser window. Remember Me plugin allows you to automatically check the remember option each time you login to your WordPress site.

如果您忘记了登录页面上的“记住我”选项,那么WordPress将在您关闭浏览器窗口后立即忘记您的登录信息。 “记住我”插件可让您在每次登录WordPress网站时自动检查“记住”选项。

See how to set it up in our guide on how to keep WordPress from forgetting you with Remember Me.

在我们的指南中了解如何进行设置,以防止WordPress与“记住我”使您忘记 。

7.自定义登录页面自定义程序 (7. Custom Login Page Customizer)

The default WordPress login screen is quite plain looking. You can change it in various ways but many of them require you to add code. Custom Login Page Customizer plugin allows you to design your own custom login page using theme customizer.

默认的WordPress登录屏幕看起来很普通。 您可以通过多种方式进行更改,但是许多方式都需要您添加代码。 自定义登录页面定制器插件可让您使用主题定制器设计自己的自定义登录页面。

See detailed instructions in our guide on how to customize WordPress login page.


8. WP安全性问题 (8. WP Security Questions)

WP Security Questions allow you to add security questions to your WordPress login screen. Users will not only have to add their password, but they will also have to select a security question and enter their answer. This adds another security layer to your WordPress admin area.

WP安全问题可让您向WordPress登录屏幕添加安全问题。 用户不仅需要添加密码,还必须选择一个安全问题并输入答案。 这为您的WordPress管理区域添加了另一个安全层。

Learn how to set it up in our guide on how to add security questions to WordPress login screen.


9.没有通过电子邮件地址登录 (9. No Login by Email Address)

By default, WordPress allows users to enter their username or email address to login. Some users believe that email address is common knowledge (anyone you email has your email address). This could potentially make it easier for someone to brute-force their password. This plugin allows you to disable login with email address feature in WordPress.

默认情况下,WordPress允许用户输入其用户名或电子邮件地址进行登录。 一些用户认为电子邮件地址是常识(电子邮件中的任何人都有您的电子邮件地址)。 这可能使某人更容易暴力破解密码。 此插件可让您禁用WordPress中的使用电子邮件地址登录功能。

For more on this topic see our article on how to disable login with email address feature in WordPress.

有关此主题的更多信息,请参阅我们的文章,了解如何在WordPress中禁用使用电子邮件地址登录功能 。

10.防止并发登录 (10. Prevent Concurrent Logins)

If you use WordPress to sell courses online or run a membership website, then this means users can share their passwords with friends, and you could lose new business. Prevent Concurrent Logins automatically kills user session if a password is used while the user is still logged in.

如果您使用WordPress 在线销售课程或运行会员网站 ,那么这意味着用户可以与朋友共享密码,并且您可能会失去新业务。 如果在用户仍然登录时使用密码,则防止并发登录会自动终止用户会话。

Learn more about it in our guide on how to stop users from sharing passwords in WordPress.

在我们的指南中了解有关它的更多信息,该指南如何阻止用户在WordPress中共享密码 。

11. LinkedIn登录 (11. LinkedIn Login)

Want to allow your users to login using their LinkedIn account? LinkedIn Login plugin allows you to easily add a login with LinkedIn button to your WordPress login screen. It also allows users to register with their LinkedIn account.

是否想让您的用户使用他们的LinkedIn帐户登录? LinkedIn登录插件可让您轻松地使用LinkedIn按钮将登录添加到WordPress登录屏幕。 它还允许用户使用其LinkedIn帐户进行注册。

Check out more LinkedIn WordPress plugins to win new customers and grow your professional network.

查看更多LinkedIn WordPress插件以赢得新客户并发展您的专业网络。

12.简单的历史 (12. Simple History)

Do you want to see when users logged in or out of your WordPress site? Simple History plugin allows you to easily track user activity on your WordPress site including their login activity. You can see when a user logged in and what they did during their session.

您想查看用户何时登录或退出WordPress网站吗? 简单历史记录插件可让您轻松跟踪WordPress网站上的用户活动,包括他们的登录活动。 您可以查看用户何时登录以及他们在会话期间的操作。

For more details see our guide on how to monitor user activity in WordPress.


13.密码保护 (13. Password Protected)

Do you need to password protect an entire WordPress site? Password Protected plugin allows you to easily make your WordPress site password protected. You can allow administrators and logged in users to view it. You can also set a master password that you can share with users you want to allow.

您需要密码保护整个WordPress网站吗? 密码保护插件可让您轻松地对WordPress网站密码进行保护。 您可以允许管理员和登录用户查看它。 您还可以设置一个主密码,可以与要允许的用户共享。

For step by step instructions, see our guide on how to password protect your WordPress without user registration.


14.空闲用户注销 (14. Idle User Logout)

Sometimes your users may forget to logout, close browser window, or could accidentally check the remember me option on a public computer. This means that anyone using that computer can access your WordPress site. Idle User Logout allows you to automatically logout a user if they have been idle for a specific time.

有时,您的用户可能会忘记注销,关闭浏览器窗口,或者不小心在公用计算机上选中了“记住我”选项。 这意味着使用该计算机的任何人都可以访问您的WordPress网站。 空闲用户注销允许您在用户闲置了特定时间后自动注销该用户。

For more details see our guide on how to automatically logout idle users in WordPress.


15. WP上次登录 (15. WP Last Login)

Want to see when users last logged in? This allows you to find out which users haven’t signed in, and you can send them an email or delete their account. WP Last Login allows you to quickly see each user’s last login date on the Users page.

是否想查看用户上次登录的时间? 这样,您可以找出尚未登录的用户,并可以向他们发送电子邮件或删除其帐户。 WP上次登录允许您在“用户”页面上快速查看每个用户的上次登录日期。

Learn more about it in our article on how to show user’s last login date in WordPress.


16.彼得的登录重定向 (16. Peter’s Login Redirect)

Want to redirect users to different pages after they login? Peter’s Login Redirect plugin allows you to easily redirect users after they login. You can redirect users with specific user roles and capabilities. You can also setup redirects after registration.

是否要在用户登录后将其重定向到其他页面? 使用Peter的Login Redirect插件,您可以在用户登录后轻松地对其进行重定向。 您可以使用特定的用户角色和功能来重定向用户。 您还可以在注册后设置重定向。

See our article on how to redirect users after successful login in WordPress.

请参阅我们的文章,了解如何在WordPress成功登录后如何重定向用户 。

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress login page plugins for your website. You may also want to see our list of 24 must have WordPress plugins for business websites.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适合您网站的最佳WordPress登录页面插件。 您可能还希望查看我们的24个列表, 这些列表必须具有用于商业网站的WordPress插件 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner/plugins/best-wordpress-login-page-plugins/

