Editor: Editor: Avoid lumping references as in [5-7] and all other. Instead summarize the main contribution of each referenced paper in a separate sentence.
Improve the literature review of the knowledge recently published in journals.
Avoid using first person. This editor does not allow using first person, apart from acknowledgements and very well argumented individual cases, so please remove all first person words from the manuscript (“We, us, our,and ourselves are all first-person pronouns. Specifically, they are plural first-person pronouns. Singular first-person pronouns include I, me, my, mine and myself.”)
Highlights are missing. Provide the highlights of your paper according journal requirements. Highlights are meant to be short: 85 characters or fewer, including spaces. Avoid using abbreviations and acronyms in the highlights.
Avoid using abbreviations and acronyms in title, abstract, headings and highlights.
Please avoid having heading after heading with nothing in between, either merge your headings or provide a small paragraph in between.
Research paper should be written in the form introduction-methods-results and discussion-conclusions.
A proof reading by a native English speaker or proofreading service should be conducted to improve both language and organization quality.
The first time you use an acronym in the text, please write the full name and the acronym in parenthesis. Do not use acronyms in the title, abstract, chapter headings and highlights.
Abstract should have one sentence per each: context and background, motivation, hypothesis, methods, results, conclusions. What problem did you study and why is it important? What methods did you use? What were your main results? And what conclusions can you draw from your results? Please make your abstract with more specific and quantitative results while it suits broader audiences.
The introduction should be effective, clear and well organized. It should summarize relevant research to provide context, and explain what findings of others, if any, are being challenged or extended. Introduction must include motivation and background, literature review of recent scientific paper covering the topic and leading to the submission hypothesis based on the gap analysis of the previously published research. The most important is to state the hypothesis of your work based on the gap analysis of the previously published research. For scientific and research papers, it is not necessary to give several references that say exactly the same. Anyway, that would be strange, since then what is innovative scientific contribution of referenced papers? For each thesis state only one reference.
The first time you use a chemical formula in the text, please write the full compound name and the formula in parenthesis. Do not use chemical formula in the title, abstract, chapter headings and highlights.

