
Hello World! As Christmas comes and goes for the last time this decade, it’s not surprising that technology has become a growing gift choice around us. This year, you most likely gave an e-reader to a friend, or bought your kid’s first smartphone, or purchased your pre-graduate son a laptop for college.

^ h ELLO世界! 随着圣诞节来临这十年来的最后一次,技术成为我们周围越来越多的礼物选择也就不足为奇了。 今年,您很可能将电子阅读器提供给朋友,或者购买了孩子的第一部智能手机,或者为学龄前的儿子购买了上大学的笔记本电脑。

No wonder all companies get ready to release their newest devices mid-November! They want you to pre-order and buy their products to kick off the new decade already at an advantage. And since you’re guaranteed to get the best deals for that smartphone, then it’s a win-win situation for everybody, right?

难怪所有公司都准备在11月中旬发布他们的最新设备! 他们希望您预购并购买他们的产品,从而已经开始了新的十年的竞争。 而且,由于您一定能获得该智能手机的最优惠价格,所以这对所有人来说都是双赢的局面,对吗?

Well, not everything is joyous and delightful when it comes to these new devices. We need to remind ourselves that with these new purchases, our privacy could be at stake. These tech companies hold nothing back at the cost of gathering our personal data, and what’s worst, you probably can’t do much about it.

好吧,当涉及到这些新设备时,并非一切都令人高兴和令人愉快。 我们需要提醒自己,通过购买这些新产品,我们的隐私可能会受到威胁。 这些技术公司不以收集我们的个人数据为代价,最糟糕的是,您可能对此无能为力。

These holidays are as good a time as any to promote privacy-awareness. If you care about your personal data as much as I do, you’ve probably tried to convince your friends and family to switch to better alternatives and restrict their permissions on their apps…

这些假期与提升隐私意识的时间一样好。 如果您像我一样关心您的个人数据,您可能已经尝试说服您的朋友和家人改用其他更好的方法,并限制他们对应用程序的访问权限…

…all to no avail.


I get you. Sometimes people are that hard-headed and won’t take some minutes of their time to switch from the comfort of their screens to a more private, secure device. They have probably put up many excuses and reasons why it’s no use to do anything against these corporations, and try as you might, there’s just no way to change their minds.

我明白了 有时,人们头脑呆板,不会花几分钟的时间从舒适的屏幕切换到更私密,安全的设备。 他们可能提出了许多借口和理由,说明对这些公司无能为力,并且无济于事,并且没有办法改变主意。

In my time as a privacy advocate, I debate with my family and friends constantly about the need to take a stand for our data, and managed to convince them with a mediocre degree of success. It wasn’t until I changed my approach, though, that many more of my peers started using privacy-respecting services and alternatives.

在担任隐私权倡导者的那段时间里,我经常与家人和朋友辩论是否需要维护我们的数据,并设法以中等程度的成功说服他们。 直到我改变了方法,我的许多同龄人才开始使用尊重隐私的服务和替代方案。

I realized most people’s reasons not to take a stand to their privacy ultimately comes down to four statements. Once you focus my arguments based on these four ways of thinking, I can guarantee you your loved ones will at least give it a try, and that will be enough to light a spark in them.

我意识到大多数人不支持其隐私的原因最终归结为以下四个方面。 一旦您基于这四种思维方式集中我的论据,我就可以保证您所爱的人至少会尝试一下,这足以在他们身上点燃火花。

Oh, and in case that you, dear reader, are just an everyday user, or a privacy skeptic…Well, prepare to be convinced. I’m pulling all the stops here.

哦,亲爱的读者,如果您只是日常用户或对隐私权表示怀疑的人,那么……准备说服吧。 我在这里停下来。

Unsplash Unsplash中的 Trung Thanh

1.“我知道您在说什么,但可能已经为时已晚” (1. “I know what you’re saying, but it’s probably too late already”)

“You see, this is how most people try to close the argument. A defeatist statement that is outright telling me that although I may be right in my ideals there’s nothing we can do, as the big tech companies have been collecting our data for years now, so there’s no point in quitting anyway.

“你看,这就是大多数人试图结束争论的方式。 一次失败主义者的声明直截了当地告诉我,尽管我可能理想中的想法是正确的,但我们无能为力,因为大型高科技公司已经收集了多年的数据,所以无论如何也没有任何理由退出。

This is where I heavily disagree. Imagine someone has broken into your house and has stolen much of your personal belongings. Would you not put an alarm just because there’s no point in keeping the rest of your things secure? Would you really be okay with letting the robbers barge in again?

这是我非常不同意的地方。 假设有人闯入您的房屋并偷走了您的许多个人物品。 您是否会仅仅因为没有必要确保其余所有内容的安全而发出警报? 您真的可以让强盗再次闯入吗?

Most of us would definitely reinforce their security measures if there’s been a break in at our home. There’s no reason not to do the same when it comes to our online lives. Yes, it’s frustrating to see how they pull your data right in front of your eyes, but you have the power to take a stand towards data protection. You have the power to make sure no undesired companies and websites enter your online household ever again.

如果家里发生了故障,我们大多数人肯定会加强他们的安全措施。 在我们的在线生活中,没有理由不做同样的事情。 是的,看到它们如何将您的数据直接拉到您的眼前令人沮丧,但是您有能力站在数据保护的立场。 您有权确保没有不希望的公司和网站再次进入您的在线家庭。

And the effects stack up, too. For every user that is privacy-aware, more and more companies will realize that the best way to keep generating profit from their users is to succumb to our demands. We can make companies adapt their policies to suit our ideals, not the way around.

而且效果也会叠加。 对于每个意识到隐私的用户,越来越多的公司将意识到,不断从其用户产生利润的最佳方法是屈服于我们的需求。 我们可以使公司调整政策以适应我们的理想,而不是顺其自然。

Because the internet was never theirs. It’s ours.”

因为互联网从来都不是他们的。 是我们的 。”

2.“是的,但是将Google和Facebook丢掉,互联网几乎变得无法使用” (2. “Yeah, but take Google and Facebook out of your life and the Internet becomes almost unusable”)

“Did you know there are 1.5 billion websites across the entire, visible web? I can’t bring myself to believe that the Internet belongs to Google and Facebook, who make up about 30 of those. Less than 0.001% of them. The only reason they dominate the Internet is because most people haven’t stepped out of their comfort, which is exactly where they want you to stay. They want you to think there are no other better options.

“您知道整个可见网络中有15亿个网站吗? 我无法相信互联网属于Google和Facebook,它们约占30。 少于0.001%。 他们统治互联网的唯一原因是,大多数人并没有摆脱他们的舒适感,而这正是他们希望您留下的地方。 他们希望您认为没有其他更好的选择。

Look, I’m sure you know something about privacy. You probably have read about a Facebook scandal or two. Yet most people still use their services because ‘there’s no other alternatives’ or, most likely ‘because that’s what everyone has been using for a long time’ and they don’t want to feel like an outcast.

看,我确定您对隐私有所了解。 您可能已经读过一两个Facebook丑闻。 然而,大多数人仍在使用他们的服务,因为“没有其他选择”,或者很可能是“因为每个人都在使用很长时间了”,并且他们不想被抛弃。

But it doesn’t have to be that way. We all know that the moment we cut the cord, these companies will have to change to keep their user demand stable. The moment we say ‘no’ to data collection and surveillance is the moment they understand that the internet is ours, and not theirs.

但这不是必须的。 我们都知道,一旦切断电源线,这些公司就必须做出改变以保持其用户需求稳定。 我们对数据收集和监视说“不”的那一刻,是他们了解互联网是我们的,而不是他们的。

There are alternatives. There are much better alternatives out there. Made by people, for the people. Reliable, secure, and private. Once you get out of your comfort zone you will find open source programs that far outclass their mainstream counterparts. You will find the human side of the internet.

还有其他选择。 有很多更好的选择。 以人为本,为了人民。 可靠,安全和私密。 一旦您脱离了自己的舒适区,您将发现远远超出主流同类产品的开源程序。 您会发现互联网的人性化一面。

And believe me, it’s even more beautiful than it sounds like.”


3.“老实说,我不在乎他们在看着我。 无论如何我都没有做任何坏事。” (3. “I honestly couldn’t care less they are watching me. It’s not like I’m doing anything bad anyway.”)

“This is the street-level version of ‘If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear’. As much as it pains me to, I do respect your opinion. I understand that serving you personalized ads, for example, could be enticing and something you look forward to. And if there’s no real harm done when companies monitor your phone, then there’s certainly no trouble, right?

“这是'如果您没有什么可隐藏的,那么您就没有什么可害怕的'街头版本。” 尽管让我很痛苦,但我确实尊重您的意见。 我了解,例如为您提供个性化广告可能会很诱人,并且您希望得到一些帮助。 而且,如果公司监控您的手机没有造成真正的伤害,那么肯定没有麻烦,对吗?

But hear me out, who’s really ‘they’? Because when you say that, you’re probably addressing them as ‘the government’ watching you or ‘Google and/or Facebook’. But in my view, by they, I tend to refer to anyone, be it an individual or an entity, that has the ability to snoop in your device without your direct consent.

但是,请听我说,谁是真正的“他们”? 因为当您这样说时,您可能是在称呼他们为“政府”看着您或“ Google和/或Facebook”。 但是我认为,在他们看来,我倾向于指代任何人,无论是个人还是实体,只要您未经您的直接同意就可以窥探您的设备

You probably know there’s no telling who could be on the Internet. You don’t have a clue of what they could you to your data. Maybe you just gave them away your location and your contact information, without fully realizing what is it they’re going to do with them.

您可能知道,并没有告诉谁可能在Internet上。 您不知道他们可以为您的数据提供什么线索。 也许您只是放弃了他们的位置和联系信息,而没有完全意识到他们将如何处理他们。

If you don’t mind some companies watching your every move, then that’s fine. Everyone has their own threat model and being privacy aware doesn’t necessarily mean you should shelter yourself in a tech bunker. But please be aware that in this day and age, with just a couple of tutorial videos and some free time, anyone could be able to get your valuable, personal information.

如果您不介意一些公司监视您的一举一动,那很好。 每个人都有自己的威胁模型,了解隐私并不一定意味着您应该将自己安置在技术掩体中。 但是请注意,在当今时代,只需几个教程视频和一些空闲时间,任何人都可以获取您的宝贵个人信息。

4.“您对这种隐私问题太偏执了。 因此,我确信您的社交生活受到了打击。” (4. “You’re being way too paranoid with this privacy thing. And I’m sure your social life has taken a hit because of that.”)

There’s no blinder man that the one that doesn’t want to see. It’s a popular proverb where I come from.

没有一个不愿见的盲人 。 这是我流行的谚语。

Time and time again there’s been a scandal concerning the bad practices of many different internet giants, yet most of us turn a blind eye to it and stick with their faulty services just because it’s the norm. I simply want to defend what’s mine and say no to the botched up apples in Eden’s garden.

一次又一次的丑闻涉及许多不同的互联网巨头的不良作法,但我们大多数人对此视而不见,并仅仅因为这是正常现象而坚持他们的错误服务。 我只是想捍卫自己的权利,对伊甸园里装满苹果的苹果说不。

And I can tell you that once I’ve made my online life more private and convinced my friends to join me, my social life has vastly improved, not in quantity, but in quality. I no longer need to endlessly scroll and check through countless profiles of people I don’t really care about. Instead, I talk to the people that went out of their way to follow me on this journey towards the freedom of the net. Those who did are those worth keeping, and the only ones I feel I can talk about the things that truly matter.

我可以告诉你,一旦我使自己的网络生活更加私密,并说服朋友加入我的生活,我的社交生活就会大大改善,而不是改善数量,而是改善质量。 我不再需要无休止地滚动浏览我并不真正关心的人的无数个人资料。 取而代之的是,我与那些竭尽全力地跟随我迈向网络自由之路的人们交谈。 做到这一点的人是值得保留的人,我认为只有我能谈论真正重要的事情。

Maybe making your online life more private can make you find your identity in the real world and your true friends. Have you stopped to think about it?”

也许让您的在线生活更加私密,可以使您在现实世界和真正的朋友中找到自己的身份。 您是否已停止考虑?”

That’s a wrap for today! This will most likely be the last article I write in 2019 (and the decade). As the curtains of the 2010s fall, I want to say a massive thank you to everyone that follows me and has read me since the creation of this account. Thanks to you, this 2019 has been outstanding.

今天就好了! 这很可能是我在2019年(和十年)写的最后一篇文章。 随着2010年代的帷幕降临,我想对自创建该帐户以来跟随我并读过我的每个人表示衷心的感谢。 多亏了您,这个2019年非常出色。

Let it be known that more amazing stuff is coming in the near future. And speaking of which, some of you might be surprised by my next update post…Stay tuned!

众所周知,不久的将来还会有更多令人惊奇的东西出现。 说到这,你们中的一些人可能会对我的下一则更新感到惊讶……敬请期待!

As always, have a good one, and stay free. Here’s to an amazing 2020 👋

和往常一样,拥有一个好,并保持自由。 这是一个了不起的2020👋

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/4-common-arguments-youll-face-talking-to-others-about-privacy-622c5f55b488


