非生物序列比对工具(Non-biological sequence alignment tool)


市场上几乎所有的序列比对工具都集中在生物序列(核苷酸或肽)上。 然而,在我的例子中,序列由数百个不同的元素组成,它们不能编码为ASCII字符串。 所以,我需要一个工具或库,它可以简单地对齐两个(或更多)整数数组。

Are there any tools/libraries for aligning sequences of arbitrarily large alphabets?

Almost all of the sequence alignment tools in the market are focused on biological sequences (nucleotides or peptides). In my case, however, sequences are composed of hundreds of distinct elements and they cannot be encoded as ASCII strings. So, I need a tool or a library that can align, simply, two (or more) integer arrays.


我找不到这样的工具或库,所以我实现了自己的Python库以进行通用序列比对。 它是开源的: https : //github.com/eseraygun/python-alignment

您也可以从PyPI下载它: http : //pypi.python.org/pypi/alignment

I couldn't find such a tool or library, so I implemented my own Python library for generic sequence alignment. It is open-source: https://github.com/eseraygun/python-alignment

You can also download it from PyPI: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/alignment
