04【托业口语】- PART4 Respond to questions using information provided


题类安排计划,个人日程,简历,面试日程, 课程讲义日程

时间准备时间 各问题3s,  回答时间 15/15/60

问题:Question 7 -9




  • 按类型,经常出的题目练习
  • 第8题失败了,不要放弃,第9题回答好了也可以哒
  • 非主流问题也要多多练习,简历,面试日程等
  • 语法不用太在意
  • 表的内容理解
  • A presentation/workshop/seminar/ discussion
  • The + hotel/conference center/position/department
  • Am/pm不说也可以
  • 难词错了也要自信,大声的读出来

2,Program schedule 计划(会议)日程



 Q7) where will the conference be held and what date does it begin?

 A) the conference will be held at the LDS, the conference center on June 3rd

Q7) where will the conference be held and what time does the session start?

 A) the conference will be held at the LDS, the first session start at 9:00AM

(3)主语 you, will = be going to = be scheduled to


Q8I heard that I can practice social network marketing in the afternoon right?

A) I am sorry, but you have the wrong information. The practice on SNS marketing has been cancelled

Q9) could you tell me about the sessions related to marketing?

A) there are two scheduled session. First, Dr. James miler will give on opening speech on marketing trends at 9:00. Second, the importance of SNS marketing will be given by Dr. Susan Easton at 11


3,person schedule 个人日程


Q7) when do I leave Texas and which flight do I take

- you are going to leave Texas on Wednesday 13th at 1:45 pm. + on Jet Air Flight 243 + and you will take Jet Air flight 243


Q8) I want to have lunch with my clients on Thursday. Do you think its okay?

- unfortunately, you are already scheduled to have lunch with the CEO of Morgan Furnishing.

Q8) 可能的情况

- fortunately, ~ has been ~, so you can participate in the marketing  


Q9could you explain my schedule for Friday before, I depart new Mexico?

- there are two scheduled appointments. First, you are going to have a meeting with + 人名 + at 9:00 am;second, you are scheduled to have lunch with + 人名 from + 公司名 at 1pm


4. resume 简历

(1) 教育信息

主语 + received + in 专业 + at 学校 +in 毕业年份

Q7) where did Mr. Liu get his master’s degree and when did he graduate?

- Mr. Liu get his master’s degree in English at Dyson University in 211.


Q8) we are looking for candidates who can handle various editing tasks. Is he a suitable applicant?

- I think he is a suitable applicant because he + has proofreading skills and superior editing


时态, work at + 公司 + as + 职位 + 工作时间

Q9 can you give me the detail of Mr. Liu’s working experience?

- he has two different kinds of work experience. First, he worked at + 公司 + as + 职务 + from  ~ to ~, and then, he has been working at 公司 + as 职位 since + 时间  



(1) 时间,场所,第一次面试

Q7who will I interview first and what position is that person interviewing for?

- there will be an interview + with 名字 + for 职位 + at 时间,

- there will be an interview with Danla Haris for the payroll manager position at 9:45;


Q8) I would like to hire an experienced receptionist but I think no one has more than three years of experience, right?

- 问right? 肯定是 NO,sorry, you have the wrong information ~

- I’m sorry but you have the wrong information + Mina Kang has 9 years experience


Q9can you give me all the details about the interviews for the legal assistant position?

- there are 2 scheduled interviews. First, you will interview Ray Micheile for the legal assistant at 1 pm. Second, there will be another interview with Erica Chen at 2:15, she is a second-year law student.





In + 室内空间,宽敞的场所:In a conference room

At + 建筑物名字,具体场所:At the TOS building

On + 道路名称,层数:On 5th avenue

At + 时间:at 9 o’clock

On + 星期,日期,特定的某一天:on the morning, on May 5, on national holidays

In + 月,年度:in May, in 2014



主题,时间,基本信息(时间,场所,日期) - Question 7

详细信息(时间,事件内容)- Question 8 & 9 

特定事项(追加事项,留意事项)- Question 7 & 8


3. 练习


Narration. I'm sorry, I have misplaced my employee training program. Can you answer a few questions for me?

 Question 7.  Who is going to give the opening speech? And what time will it take place?

  According to the program, Jane Barnes from human resources will give the opening speech at nine o'clock.

 Question 8.  What time is the pre-lunch speech scheduled?

 Well, according to this, the pre-launch speech was supposed to take place at 11:30 am, but it has been canceled. I guess attendees can go to lunch earlier.

 Question 9.  What is scheduled after the pre-lunch speech?

 According to the program, you will have lunch at 11:30, followed by a post-lunch speech at one, then the afternoon small group discussion and closing open at four o'clock. And it says you can go home at five.



Narration. Hi, I forgot the receipt Four hammer’s delivery. Could you answer a few questions, please?

 Question 7.  Could you tell me his address?

 Of course, he lives in 34 miller road Southfield, MI? And you have three items to deliver.

 Question 8. Is there anything I should know about this delivery?

 Yes, it says here that the customer has to pay for the delivery by cash only. And he does not want a morning delivery.

 Question 9.  What exactly is in order? And what is the total cost?

 According to the receipt, there are three items in the order, Mr. Hammer ordered three boxes of cherries, five pints of blueberries, and two counts of Raspberries. Also, the total is 131 Dollar.



Narration. Yes, I am looking for a Greek tutor. And I came across the chill plateau in our files. But I don't have the resume in front of me. Could you answer a few questions about our resume?

 Question 7. Where did she go to college? And what did she study?

 She went to city colleague and she studied the liberal arts.

 Question 8. This job requires someone who knows creek, is she qualified?

 Well, according to her resume, she is bi-lingual in English and creek.

 Question 9. Could you tell me about hard work? Experience in detail?

 Sure. According to her resume, she has been working as a substitute teacher at the big city schools from 2011 to the present.  Before that, she was a student teacher in big-city schools from 2010 to 2011.  And before that, she was a cashier at big groceries from 2008 to 2010.


Narration: Hi,this is Martin Waller, Can you give me an update on the schedule for December 18th?

Question 7. When is my first interview? And where will this interview take place?

 According to the schedule, your first interview is at 8 am, and you will be in room 306.

Question 8. If I remember correctly, I won't be interviewing anyone for the public relations position today. Is that right?

Yes, that is right. According to the schedule, Ali Basheer who was to be interviewed,  But it has been canceled.

Question 9. Can you tell me the times and the names of the people applying for the marketing position?

Certainly, the following people will be interviewed for the marketing position: ~ at nine o'clock, ~ at ten o'clock, ~ at two o'clock ,and ~ at four o'clock.



Question 7. At what time does the tour start and finish?

According to the schedule, you're supposed to meet at 7am. And the tour finishes at five PM.

Question 8. I heard that the tour meets at the city square on Sunday. Is that correct?

 Now, I'm sorry, that is not correct. According to the schedule, the tour meets at Lloyd square, subway terminal, gate one.

Question 9. Can you tell me the exact details of Saturday's tour?

 Sure, people will meet at the city square in front of tom's diner at seven am. Then at nine o'clock, there will be a tour of the city's natural history museum. This is followed by lunch at a pretty Polly kitchen.  After that, at once you will go to crystal for the city park baltic gardens. This is followed by a tour of downtown at 3:30 and finishing back and the city square in front of tom's diner at five.



Question 7. Where do I make the delivery?

 Well, according to this, the address is 48 rows avenue. Apartment 58. Also, it says that you should ring the bell at the side door, not the front door

Question 8. Do I need to collect payment from the customer?

 No, you don't. According to the delivery form, she has already paid

Question 9. What exactly is in the order?

According to the delivery form, The order contains one carton of milk, two dozen eggs,16 ounces of flour, 2 pounds of beef, 3 pounds of boneless chicken breasts, one head of lettuce, and three cans of peas and carrots.



Question 7. Where will the seminar take place?

 While according to the schedule, it will take place on the first and second floor of a little jones furniture market.

Question 8. I heard you get some food at the seminar. Is that right?

Well, according to this, it was scheduled at 11:30, but unfortunately, it has been canceled

Question 9. I don't think I can make it until the afternoon. What will I miss in the morning?

According to the schedule? You will miss registration at nine. The opening address by coyote joe Briggs at 10 and a similar one titled raw materials. And given by burly bob brill.



Question seven. What is his Education background

 According to his resume, he has a bachelor’s of arts in English from university and a masters of science in engineering from new york university.

Question eight. Where is he currently working?

Currently, he is holding two jobs. He is working as a is at Maitre D’s at jack's French restaurant and working as a piano player at Lizzie's piano lounge

Question 9. we need someone who is well skilled at piano. Do you think he is qualified?

Well, according to his resume, he has been studying piano for 20 years. And he has worked as a piano player at Lizzie’s piano lounge since 2010. Furthermore, he wrote on his resume that he was tutored piano off and on since 2000.



Question seven.  When is the sideshow? And who will present it?

Well, according to this, the sideshow will take place from 10 am until 11 am and Rebecca wild will present it.

Question eight. I heard the seminar will take place at a convention center. Is that right?

No, I'm sorry. That is not right. According to this, it will take place at the mother hotel in suit 201

Question nine.  What is scheduled in the afternoon?

 Well, according to the brochure, it is said that there will be a presentation by ~ on new technical solutions followed by a parade of new products by the various present. And lastly, there will be a meet and greet which I guess is a networking party.



Question 7. When will Danny and Chris’s new album come out?

 According to this, it says that Danny and Chris new album with the working title of fun times will be released on March second.

Question 8. Will the playthings album be released?

while according to this, it won't. It was supposed to be released February 5, but it has been delayed.

Question 9. Will there be any album released in March?

Yes. According to this, there will be four albums released in March. They are Danny and Chris’s “fun times “ on March second.  Jee-hee Kim’s, “memories and glad” on March 9th. The names of “other side of the coin on March 18th and off a cliff’s sound “ on March 25th



04【托业口语】- PART4 Respond to questions using information provided