openge db启动错误(openedge db startup error) proenv>proserve dbname -S 2098 -H hostname -B 10000 OpenEdge Release 11.6 as of Fri Oct 16 19:02:26 EDT 2015 11:00:35 BROKER This broker will terminate when session ends. (5405) 11:00:35 BROKER The startup of this database requires 46Mb of shared memory. Maximum segment size is 1024Mb. 11:00:35☻ BROKER 0: dbname is a void multi-volume database. (613) 11:00:35 BROKER : Removed shared memory with segment_id: 39714816 (16869) 11:00:35 BROKER ** This process terminated with exit code 1. (8619)


proenv>proserve dbname -S 2098 -H hostname -B 10000 OpenEdge Release 11.6 as of Fri Oct 16 19:02:26 EDT 2015 11:00:35 BROKER This broker will terminate when session ends. (5405) 11:00:35 BROKER The startup of this database requires 46Mb of shared memory. Maximum segment size is 1024Mb. 11:00:35☻ BROKER 0: dbname is a void multi-volume database. (613) 11:00:35 BROKER : Removed shared memory with segment_id: 39714816 (16869) 11:00:35 BROKER ** This process terminated with exit code 1. (8619)

I am getting the above error when I tried to start the progress database...



11:00:35☻BROKER0:dbname是一个无效的多卷数据库。 (613)

我的猜测是,你刚刚使用prostrct create创建了数据库。 您需要将空数据库转储到数据库中,以便if具有模式表。


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This is the problem:

11:00:35☻ BROKER 0: dbname is a void multi-volume database. (613)

My guess is, you have just created the DB using prostrct create. You need to procopy an empty db into your db so that if has the schema tables.

procopy empty yourdbname

