制作类似Spotify的外观(Making a Spotify-like look-and-feel)

更清楚。 我试图创建一个应用程序,其中任务栏和JPanel(例如)具有相同的颜色,以便它们看起来连接。 就像spotify一样!

我这样做的方法是frame.setUndecorated(true); 然后绘制我自己的背景并添加photoshoped jbuttons作为退出等等。 它有效,但是! 它不是非常专业而不是“正确”,我想这样做的方式。 我认为他们在Spotify上使用C ++,但我更喜欢使用Java。 这会成为一个问题吗? 这是C ++中的一块蛋糕吗? 请给我指示。

To be more clear. Im trying to create a application where the taskbar and the JPanel(for example) has the same color, so that they look connected. Just like spotify!

My way of doing this was to frame.setUndecorated(true); and then paint my own background and add photoshoped jbuttons as exit and so on. It works, but! Its not very proffesional and not "right", i want to do this the propper way. I think they are using C++ at Spotify, but im more in to java. Is that going to be a problem? is this a pice of cake in C++? please give me directions.


我认为Substance或JGoodies有类似的主题; 更多关于免费Swing 外观和感觉 ,

对于Substance,你不能设置frame.setUndecorated(true); 因为它也修改了ToolBar。


Substance(但您必须下载代码源)已在一个JFrame实现了所有已知Java Swing外观的预览。

I think that Substance or JGoodies has similar themes; more about free Swing Look & Feels,

For Substance you can't set frame.setUndecorated(true); because there it modifies the ToolBar, too.


Substance (but you have to download the code source) has implemented a preview for all known Java Swing Look & Feels in one JFrame.
