
网页设计参考文献(国外英文资料)Web design is refers to the use of sign language (markup language), through a series of design, modeling, and implementation process of information transmission through the Internet, the electronic format eventually in the form of a graphical user interface (GUI) browse by users.In short, the purpose of web design is to produce websites. Simple information such as text, images, GIFs, JPEGs, PNGs) and forms, can make the hypertext markup language, extensible hypertext markup language such as sign language is placed on the web page. More complex information such as vector graphics, animation, video, audio and other multimedia files requires plug-in to run, they also need to be in the same way markup language migration within the site.As the improvement of the browser and the W3C standard consistency, and no form of web design that sex increased, hypertext markup language together with cascading style sheets (CSS) used as the design of the web content has been widely accepted and used. The latest standards and recommendations are moving in the browser's ability to expand and improve the development, can do not need to plug-in can transmit multimedia information to users and more choice.directory1 page format1.1 static web page1.2 dynamic web pageEffect of appearance2.1 liquidity to fixed layout2.2 the FlashTwo design patterns3 web design stepsWeb design toolsWeb graphics design tool6 web language7 see8 external linksWeb page formatA static pageStatic web pages are mostly single hyperfile markup language files. A lot of websites today tend to be static on dynamic web pages, making the search engine optimized.Dynamic web pagesThe content of a dynamic web page varies depending on the user's input and interaction, or changes with the user, time, and data revision. The content on the page can also be changed by the user using the client description language (JavaScript, JScript, Actionscript). Of course, it's more common to have a server-side description lan

