In order to prevent the ups and downs in the coal price, National Energy Administration launched a series of control policies to regulate the development and production of coal. This will ease the gloomy situation for the current coal market.

The first step for coal production is crushing and the crushing ratio directly decides the quality and productivity of finished coal products. Therefore, choosing correct and suitable coal crusher is the key point for high and stable productivity. Influenced by the control policies, the demands for the coal crushers such as ring hammer crusher, single-stage fine crusher and hammer crusher will increase compared with the last quarter.

As far as we know, ring hammer crusher is the most widely applied coal crusher and Daswell ring hammer crusher is popular among its customers because its ring hammer crushers consist of dry crusher and wet crusher. In addition, the crushers can adjust the grate gap so as to change the discharging granularity according to customers’ different requirements.

We have exported many hammer crushers to other countries and according to the customers’ reflections, our hammer crusher has stable performance and high efficiency in crushing no matter dry materials or wet materials.

Moreover, most hammers of the ring hammer crusher in current market are forging hammers which are not wear-resistant and will effect the working efficiency of the ring hammer crusher. Therefore, we have developed new hammers which are suitable for crushing coal. After improvements, the service life of the hammers are four or five times longer than the common ones so that the ring hammer crusher can have a more excellent performance.

​resource: http://www.dwcrusher

​ http://www.dwcrusher/products/stone-crushers/hammer-crusher.html

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Demand for Coal Leads to the Development of Hammer Crusher