这个WSO2 ESB回声终点究竟是什么?(What exactly does this WSO2 ESB echo endpoint?)


在这个ESB应用程序中,我向一个命名的endopoint mediator发送一条消息,如下所示:

<send> <endpoint key="echoEndpoint"/> </send>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <endpoint name="echoEndpoint" xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse"> <address format="soap11" statistics="enable" trace="enable" uri="http://localhost:8280/services/echo"/> </endpoint>

那么这个终点究竟是什么呢? http:// localhost:8280 / services / echo类似于WSO2本身提供的预定义endopoined? 或者是什么?

I am very new in WSO2 and I have the following doubt related to an ESB project on which I am working.

In this ESB application I am sending a message to a named endopoint mediator, something like this:

<send> <endpoint key="echoEndpoint"/> </send>

This is the contend of the related echoEndpoint.xml file in my project:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <endpoint name="echoEndpoint" xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse"> <address format="soap11" statistics="enable" trace="enable" uri="http://localhost:8280/services/echo"/> </endpoint>

So what exactly does this endpoint? The http://localhost:8280/services/echo is something like a predefined endopoined provided natively by WSO2? or what?


默认情况下,echo服务包含在esb / ei中。 您可以在Carbon Panel - > Main - > Manage - > Services中看到它。 在那里你可以通过“试一试”功能进行测试。 它的方法很少:

echoInt扩展为获取整数作为参数并返回相同的整数值 echoString - 期望获取字符串值作为参数并返回相同的值 echoOMElement - 接收XML作为参数并返回相同的XML

和其他一些方法。 总体思路 - 此服务返回的值与收到的值相同。


echo service included into esb/ei by default. You can see it in Carbon Panel -> Main -> Manage -> Services. There you can test it via "Try It" feature. It has few methods:

echoInt extected to get integer as argument and returned same integer value echoString - expected to get string value as argument and returned same value echoOMElement - received XML as argument and returned same XML

and some other methods. General idea - this service returned same value as it is received.

This service is helpful for testing purposes.
