Interesting Studies to Spark Your Interest in the Research Field

When it comes to picking studies worth reading, what scientists deem an interesting science article might be perceived differently by a person who’s clueless about the field or has no interest in it.

However, numerous interesting research studies have been conducted in the past that explored relatively uncommon, in fact, weird research topics and made some pretty interesting discoveries.

Below, we’ve compiled the many interesting studies we found on the internet that might spark your interest in the research field.

1.Because there are so many different reasons why people put off doing things, procrastination is seen to be a complicated psychological behavior.Although it is sometimes blamed on “laziness,” research indicates that worry, sadness, a fear of failing, or reliance on ethereal ideals are more likely to be to blame.

2.According to research, even those who have never seen a gesture and are congenitally blind when speaking nonetheless produce hand gestures as regularly and similarly to sighted individuals.Even when speaking with another blind person, they will gesture.

3.According to a study, starting high school one hour later than usual allowed pupils to sleep for at least half an hour longer and was linked to decreased drowsiness and improved academic performance.

4.According to a study, most American dog owners are prepared to call it quits with their partner if the dog doesn’t like them.And honestly, we don’t blame them.

5.Researchers have found that bats frequently argue with one another and address each other as individuals.

6.The 75-year Harvard Grant Study, the longest study of humans ever conducted, discovered that doing chores as a young child is a key factor in later career success.

7.A 2011 study discovered that people with high levels of social anxiety also had higher levels of empathy.According to the study, having a high level of compassion may make socially anxious people more perceptive and aware of other people’s emotional states.

