无法更改堆积条形图数据的顺序(Unable to change order of Stacked bar chart data)

我在桌面上使用Crystal 11.5。 我有一个问题,堆积的图表数据没有按我的意愿出现。 它看起来像下面,但我想:



我尝试使用许多不同的图表选项,并使用Specified Order作为反转(Open,Completed而不是Completed,Open)。 我所做的一切都没有奏效。

I'm using Crystal 11.5 on the desktop. I'm having a problem where the stacked chart data is not appearing as I want. It appears like below, but I would like:

1) Completed on bottom, then Open on top, 2) Completed should be blue color, Open orange.

I think once the data appears as I want, changing the color should be easy enough via manual manipulation.

I tried using a lot of different chart options and playing around with Specified Order as reversed (Open, Completed instead of Completed, Open). Nothing I've done has worked.
