SQL Server索引 - 非常大的表,其中where子句针对非常小的值 - 我需要where子句的索引吗?(SQL Server index - very large table with where clause against a very small range of values - do I need an index for the where clause?)

我正在设计一个带有单个表的数据库,用于我需要实现解决方案的特殊方案。 该表在短时间后将有几亿行,但每行都相当紧凑。 即使有很多行,我也需要插入,更新和选择速度才能快速,所以我需要为作业选择最佳索引。


create table dbo.Domain ( Name varchar(255) not null, MetricType smallint not null, -- very small range of values, maybe 10-20 at most Priority smallint not null, -- extremely small range of values, generally 1-4 DateToProcess datetime not null, DateProcessed datetime null, primary key(Name, MetricType) );


select Name from Domain where MetricType = @metricType and DateProcessed is null and DateToProcess < GETUTCDATE() order by Priority desc, DateToProcess asc


merge into Domain as target using @myTablePrm as source on source.Name = target.Name and source.MetricType = target.MetricType when matched then update set DateToProcess = source.DateToProcess, Priority = source.Priority, DateProcessed = case -- set to null if DateToProcess is in the future when DateToProcess < DateProcessed then DateProcessed else null end when not matched then insert (Name, MetricType, Priority, DateToProcess) values (source.Name, source.MetricType, source.Priority, source.DateToProcess);


update Domain set DateProcessed = source.DateProcessed from @myTablePrm source where Name = source.Name and MetricType = @metricType


-- for the order by clause in the select query create index IX_Domain_PriorityQueue on Domain(Priority desc, DateToProcess asc) where DateProcessed is null; -- for the where clause in the select query create index IX_Domain_MetricType on Domain(MetricType asc);

I am designing a database with a single table for a special scenario I need to implement a solution for. The table will have several hundred million rows after a short time, but each row will be fairly compact. Even when there are a lot of rows, I need insert, update and select speeds to be nice and fast, so I need to choose the best indexes for the job.

My table looks like this:

create table dbo.Domain ( Name varchar(255) not null, MetricType smallint not null, -- very small range of values, maybe 10-20 at most Priority smallint not null, -- extremely small range of values, generally 1-4 DateToProcess datetime not null, DateProcessed datetime null, primary key(Name, MetricType) );

A select query will look like this:

select Name from Domain where MetricType = @metricType and DateProcessed is null and DateToProcess < GETUTCDATE() order by Priority desc, DateToProcess asc

The first type of update will look like this:

merge into Domain as target using @myTablePrm as source on source.Name = target.Name and source.MetricType = target.MetricType when matched then update set DateToProcess = source.DateToProcess, Priority = source.Priority, DateProcessed = case -- set to null if DateToProcess is in the future when DateToProcess < DateProcessed then DateProcessed else null end when not matched then insert (Name, MetricType, Priority, DateToProcess) values (source.Name, source.MetricType, source.Priority, source.DateToProcess);

The second type of update will look like this:

update Domain set DateProcessed = source.DateProcessed from @myTablePrm source where Name = source.Name and MetricType = @metricType

Are these the best indexes for optimal insert, update and select speed?

-- for the order by clause in the select query create index IX_Domain_PriorityQueue on Domain(Priority desc, DateToProcess asc) where DateProcessed is null; -- for the where clause in the select query create index IX_Domain_MetricType on Domain(MetricType asc);



您的更新应使用PK 为什么不使用tinyint(范围0-255)使行更窄? 你需要约会时间吗? 你能用smallledatetime吗?


您的SELECT查询没有覆盖它的索引。 你需要一个( DateToProcess, MetricType, Priority DESC) INCLUDE (Name) WHERE DateProcessed IS NULL :你将不得不尝试使用键列顺序来获得最好的一个

您可以扩展该索引以使每个MetricType具有过滤索引(保持DateProcessed IS NULL过滤器)。 当我有数百万行要测试时,我会在另一个之后执行此操作


Your updates should use the PK Why not use tinyint (range 0-255) to make the rows even narrower? Do you need datetime? Can you use smalledatetime?


Your SELECT query doesn't have an index to cover it. You need one on (DateToProcess, MetricType, Priority DESC) INCLUDE (Name) WHERE DateProcessed IS NULL `: you'll have to experiment with key column order to get the best one

You could extent that index to have a filtered indexes per MetricType too (keeping DateProcessed IS NULL filter). I'd do this after the other one when I do have millions of rows to test with
