
A file with the .RTF file extension is a Rich Text Format file. While a normal text file stores only plain text, RTF files can include extra information about font style, formatting, images, and more. They are great for cross-platform document sharing because they are supported by lots of apps.

具有.RTF 文件扩展名的文件是RTF格式文件。 普通文本文件仅存储纯文本,而RTF文件可以包含有关字体样式,格式,图像等的更多信息。 它们非常适合跨平台文档共享,因为它们得到许多应用程序的支持。

什么是RTF文件? (What Is an RTF File?)

RTF was created by the Microsoft Word team back in the 1980’s. It was intended as a universal format that could be used by most word processors, making it easier for people to share Word documents with people who don’t use Word. It was also incorporated as the default format used by Windows’ built-in WordPad app—a lightweight word processor.

RTF由Microsoft Word团队在1980年代创建。 它旨在作为一种通用格式,可被大多数文字处理器使用,从而使人们更容易与不使用Word的人共享Word文档。 它也被合并为Windows内置的写字板应用程序(轻量级文字处理器)使用的默认格式。

Before they were superseded by HTML files, RTF was also used as the basis for the Windows help files.


With most word processors being able to read and write an RTF file, this means if you create one on Windows, then you’ll be able to send it to a colleague who uses macOS, or Linux, without encountering any problems. It’s also widely used in other types of apps, such as email clients.

由于大多数文字处理器都能够读取和写入RTF文件,这意味着,如果您在Windows上创建一个文件,则可以将其发送给使用macOS或Linux的同事,而不会遇到任何问题。 它也广泛用于其他类型的应用程序,例如电子邮件客户端。

Microsoft discontinued the development of RTF in 2008, but it’s still widely supported by apps on almost every operating system.


如何打开RTF文件? (How Do I Open An RTF File?)

The first thing to try is just double-clicking (or tapping on mobile) to open the RTF file directly.


You almost certainly have an app already built-in or installed on your system for opening RTF files. To start with, if you’ve got any word processing app installed—Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, OpenOffice, AbiWord, and so on—you can open an RTF file with it.

您几乎可以肯定已经在系统中内置或安装了用于打开RTF文件的应用程序。 首先,如果您安装了任何文字处理应用程序(Microsoft Word,LibreOffice,OpenOffice,AbiWord等),则可以使用它打开RTF文件。

Most file syncing services—like Dropbox, OneDrive, and Google Drive—have built in viewers that let you at least read an RTF file, even if you can’t edit there. Google Docs does let you edit RTF files, though.

大多数文件同步服务(例如Dropbox,OneDrive和Google Drive)都内置了查看器,即使您无法在其中进行编辑,它们也至少可以读取RTF文件。 不过,Google文档确实允许您编辑RTF文件。

And most operating systems have a built-in editor that can open RTF files. In Windows, that’s WordPad. In macOS, you can use Apple TextEdit or Apple Pages. And unless you’ve installed something else (like Microsoft Word), those apps will be the default for opening RTF files. For example, even on a fresh install of Windows, double-clicking an RTF files opens it right up in WordPad.

而且大多数操作系统都有一个内置的编辑器,可以打开RTF文件。 在Windows中,就是写字板。 在macOS中,您可以使用Apple TextEdit或Apple Pages。 并且,除非您安装了其他工具(例如Microsoft Word),否则这些应用程序将是打开RTF文件的默认应用程序。 例如,即使在全新安装的Windows上,双击RTF文件也可以在写字板中直接将其打开。

Note: And while there’s not a built-in RTF editor in most Linux distros, you can certainly install something like LibreOffice.

注意 :尽管大多数Linux发行版中没有内置的RTF编辑器,但您当然可以安装类似LibreOffice的东西。

If you prefer that RTF files open with a different app than the one currently set as the default, that’s easy enough. On Windows or macOS, just right-click the file and you’ll see an “Open With” command or something similar for picking the app you want to use.

如果您希望RTF文件使用与当前设置为默认应用程序不同的应用程序打开,这很容易。 在Windows或macOS上,只需右键单击文件,您将看到“打开方式”命令或类似的用于选择要使用的应用程序的命令。

Here’s the window that pops up when you do that in Windows (macOS is similar). It shows a list of apps that can open RTF files. Just pick the one you want to use. And you can select the “Always use this app to open .rtf files” option to have that app become the default.

这是在Windows中执行此操作时弹出的窗口(macOS与此类似)。 它显示了可以打开RTF文件的应用程序列表。 只需选择您要使用的那个。 您可以选择“始终使用此应用程序打开.rtf文件”选项,以使该应用程序成为默认应用程序。

如何转换RTF文件 (How To Convert an RTF File)

While many applications support RTF files, you might want to convert them to something else. You can’t just change a file’s extension to do that—you have to convert the file. Typically, you’re going to want to convert it to the format used by your word processor. The easiest way to do that is to open the RTF file in that app, and then use that app to save it in a different format.

尽管许多应用程序支持RTF文件,但您可能希望将其转换为其他文件。 您不能只是更改文件扩展名来做到这一点-您必须转换文件。 通常,您将需要将其转换为文字处理器使用的格式。 最简单的方法是在该应用程序中打开RTF文件,然后使用该应用程序将其保存为其他格式。

For example, if you open your RTF file in Microsoft Word, and then use the Save As command, you’ll come to the Save As dialog box. You can then use the “Save As Type” dropdown menu to choose from a bunch of different formats.

例如,如果您在Microsoft Word中打开RTF文件,然后使用“另存为”命令,则会进入“另存为”对话框。 然后,您可以使用“另存为类型”下拉菜单从一系列不同的格式中进行选择。

If you don’t have a full word processor installed, you can also try whatever comes with your OS. The WordPad Save As window, for example, doesn’t offer as many formats as Microsoft Word does, but there are still a few useful ones.

如果您没有安装完整的文字处理器,也可以尝试使用操作系统随附的任何工具。 例如,“写字板另存为”窗口没有提供像Microsoft Word一样多的格式,但是仍然有一些有用的格式。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/358854/what-is-an-rtf-file-and-how-do-i-open-one/


