集成Android应用程序+ Amazon EC2 + Amazon RDS(Integrate Android app + Amazon EC2 + Amazon RDS)


当我开始开发我的Android应用程序时,我在本地创建了一个webservice(java restful)和我的数据库,一切都很完美。 但现在我决定将所有内容发送到云端。 我在Amazon RDS中创建了一个实例,填充了我的mysql,一切正常,但仍在本地使用我的webservice。

我的问题是,如果我走得很好。 我想将我的webservice放在我的实例上的Amazon EC2上。 可能吗? 如何从我的应用程序访问我的Web服务?



I'm sorry if this question seems repetitive, but I've searched quite a lot and I couldn't find exactly what I need.

When I started developing my android app, I created a webservice (java restful) and my database all locally, everything works perfect. But now I decided to send everything to the cloud. I created an instance in Amazon RDS, populated my mysql, and everything works fine as well, but still using my webservice locally.

My question is if I'm going in a good track. I want to put my webservice in my instance on Amazon EC2. Is it possible? And How can I access my webservice from my app?

Thanks in advance,



是的,你走在正确的轨道上。 您需要做的就是在一个或多个ec2实例上安装Java应用程序。 您应该为实例分配DNS记录,并在应用程序中使用该记录连接到实例。

Yes, you are on the right track. All you need to do is install your java app on one or more ec2 instances. You should assign a DNS record to the instance and use that within your app to connect to the instance.
