ai 数据工程师

A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.— Bob Proctor

导师是指那些比您自己看到的更多才能和能力的人,并能帮助您实现这一目标。 —鲍勃·普罗克特

Learning to become a data scientist, AI or ML engineer can be very difficult even if you are privileged to have a formal classroom education. More often than normal, you learn so many abstract things that you find yourself wanting when you finally break into the field as a professional. Think of learning to be a data scientist, AI or ML engineer as being in a sandbox where you have a controlled environment around you. Whatever you do in the sandbox does not affect life in the real world and most often, the kinds of projects you work on or data you use for those projects are already prepared for you to use without facing any problems in the learning process. However, you find that life outside the sandbox as a professional or practicing data scientist, AI or ML engineer is totally different. Here in the real world, your actions have impacts on your organization’s business or financial plans, the data you would have to work with is not pre-processed and the projects you work on will be vital for decision making in any institution you find yourself. How then can you prepare yourself for a career out there? Simple, get yourself a mentor. Not just any mentor, but someone who has worked professionally in the industry and was good at what he did or still does if the person is currently working. Let’s discuss a few reasons why having a mentor is essential if you want to have a successful career as a data scientist, AI or ML engineer.

即使您有资格接受正规的课堂教育,学习成为一名数据科学家,AI或ML工程师也可能非常困难。 当您最终以专业人士身份进入该领域时,会比平常更多地学到很多抽象的东西,以至于发现自己想要的东西。 想到要成为一名数据科学家,AI或ML工程师,就像在沙盒中一样,您可以在周围有受控的环境。 您在沙盒中所做的任何事情都不会影响现实世界的生活,并且通常情况下,您正在使用的项目类型或用于这些项目的数据已经准备好供您使用,而不会在学习过程中遇到任何问题。 但是,您发现作为专业或实践数据科学家,AI或ML工程师的沙盒之外的生活完全不同。 在现实世界中,您的行动会对组织的业务或财务计划产生影响,您需要处理的数据没有经过预先处理,并且您从事的项目对于您发现自己的任何机构的决策至关重要。 那么,您如何为自己的职业生涯做好准备? 很简单, 找一个导师 。 不仅是任何导师,而且是一个在行业中专业工作并且擅长于他目前所从事或仍在从事的工作的人。 让我们讨论一些原因,如果您想获得成功的数据科学家,AI或ML工程师职业,为什么必须配备导师。

您的导师为您做好准备 (Your Mentor Prepares You)

As someone with so much technical experience in the industry, your mentor prepares you on what to expect out there in the real world and guides you on the right path for success in the field by teaching you the right things to do from their personal experiences, mistakes and shortcomings. Your mentor also takes your relationship as an opportunity to advise and motivate you, even in aspects of life not relating to work and studies. Your mentor sees you as a friend or even a younger sibling and will do everything to help you succeed.

作为具有丰富的行业技术经验的人,您的指导者会为您准备在现实世界中可以期待的一切,并通过教您根据他们的个人经验进行正确的事情来指导您在该领域取得成功的正确方法,错误和缺点。 您的导师也将您的人际关系作为一个机会,向您提供建议和激励,即使在与工作和学习无关的生活方面也是如此。 您的导师将您视为朋友,甚至是更年轻的兄弟姐妹,并将竭尽所能帮助您成功。

您的导师向您挑战 (Your Mentor Challenges You)

Your mentor makes it a point to make sure you are always a better version of yourself than you were the day before. With all the knowledge and experience your mentor has from working professionally in the industry, your mentor pushes you to go the extra mile, to do and know better. Your mentor knows what you’ll gain by doing more and they will not rest till you are better versions of themselves.

您的导师很重要的一点是,要确保自己永远比前一天更好。 凭借您的指导者在行业中专业工作所获得的全部知识和经验,您的指导者会促使您更加努力,去做和更好地了解。 您的导师知道您将通过做更多的事情而受益,他们只有在您成为更好的自己之后才会休息。

您的导师保护您 (Your Mentor Protects You)

As someone who is passionate about your well-being and career success, your mentor will never make you settle for less than you deserve. Your mentor protects you from falling into the hands of bad employers and falling prey for bad contracts.

作为对您的幸福和事业成功充满热情的人,您的导师将永远不会让您为自己所应得的满足。 您的导师可以保护您,避免陷入不良雇主的掌控之下,并避免因不良合同而沦为猎物。

Show me a successful individual and I’ll show you someone who had real positive influences in his or her life. I don’t care what you do for a living — if you do it well I’m sure there was someone cheering you on or showing the way. A mentor.— Denzel Washington

给我看一个成功的人,我将给你看一个对他或她的生活产生真正积极影响的人。 我不在乎您以什么为生-如果您做得好,我相信有人在为您加油或为您指路。 导师。 —丹泽尔·华盛顿

Notitia AI (Notitia AI)

Notitia AI logo by Norit Dziwornu的 Norbert Dziwornu Notitia AI标志

Notitia AI is an organization founded with the vision to raise the next generation of data scientists from Africa even as we bridge the gap between training and mentorship. Enrolling at Notitia AI gives you access to a virtual ecosystem consisting of an AI-powered learning and training platform, a solid workspace and a community with top professionals as mentors from all over Africa and beyond. Notitia AI is currently holding a cohort but interested people can join the waiting list for our future cohorts by completing this form.

Notitia AI是一家成立机构,其愿景是在我们缩小培训与指导之间的差距的同时,从非洲培养下一代数据科学家。 进入Notitia AI,您可以访问一个虚拟的生态系统,该生态系统由AI驱动的学习和培训平台,坚实的工作空间以及由来自非洲及其他地区的高级专业人员指导的社区组成。 Notitia AI当前正在举办一个队列,但是有兴趣的人可以通过填写此表格加入我们未来队列的候补名单。

Do you still have doubts about the importance of mentorship? Would you like to point out a few things I might have missed while writing this? Share your thoughts and opinions in the response section of this article. You can also reach out directly to me on Twitter or LinkedIn.

您仍然对指导的重要性有疑问吗? 您想指出我在撰写本文时可能错过的几件事吗? 在本文的回复部分中分享您的想法和意见。 您也可以在Twitter或LinkedIn上直接与我联系。

Best wishes on your journey to becoming a world-class data scientist, AI or ML engineer, you can do it!


My heartfelt gratitude goes to Anna Ayiku for proofreading and correcting the many mistakes I made writing this.

我衷心感谢 Anna Ayiku 校对并纠正了我在撰写本文时犯下的许多错误。

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience/why-mentorship-is-essential-if-you-want-to-be-a-successful-data-scientist-ai-or-ml-engineer-b445112e53bb

ai 数据工程师


ai 数据工程师_为什么要成为一名成功的数据科学家AI或ml工程师,指导是必不可少的...