
Do you want to start a WordPress blog the right way? We know that starting a blog can be a terrifying thought specially when you are not geeky. Guess what – you are not alone. Having helped over 370,000+ users create a blog, we have decided to create the most comprehensive guide on how to start a WordPress blog without any technical knowledge.

您想以正确的方式创建WordPress博客吗? 我们知道,特别是当您不讨厌时,开始写博客可能是一个恐怖的想法。 猜猜是什么-您并不孤单。 在帮助超过370,000多名用户创建博客之后,我们决定创建最全面的指南,介绍如何在没有任何技术知识的情况下启动WordPress博客。

The process is easy to follow whether you are 20 years old or 60 years old. However if you need help, our expert team will help you setup your blog for free. → Click Here to Get Your Free WordPress Blog Setup! ←

无论您是20岁还是60岁,这个过程都很容易遵循。 但是,如果您需要帮助,我们的专家团队将免费帮助您设置博客。 →单击此处获取免费的WordPress博客设置! ←

创建WordPress博客需要什么? (What do you need to start a WordPress blog?)

There are three things you need to create a WordPress blog:


  1. A domain name idea (this will be the name of your blog i.e wpbeginner)

  2. A web hosting account (this is where your website live on the internet)

  3. Your undivided attention for 30 minutes.


Yes, you read it right. You can start a blog from scratch in less than 30 minutes, and we will walk you through the whole process, step by step.

是的,你没有看错。 您可以在不到30分钟的时间内从头开始创建博客,我们将逐步指导您完成整个过程。

In this tutorial, we will cover:


  • How to Register a Domain Name for Free

  • How to Choose the Best Web Hosting

  • How to Install and Setup WordPress Blog

  • How to Change Your Blog Design Template

  • How to Write Your First Blog Post

  • How to Customize WordPress Blog with Plugins

  • How to Add a Contact Form

  • How to Setup Google Analytics Tracking

    如何设置Google Analytics(分析)跟踪
  • How to Optimize Your Website for SEO

  • How to Make Money From Your Blog

  • Resources to Learn and Master WordPress


Ready? Let’s get started.

准备? 让我们开始吧。

影片教学 (Video Tutorial)


If you don’t like the video or need more instructions, then continue reading.


步骤1.设定 (Step 1. Setup)

The biggest mistake beginners make when building a blog is choosing the wrong blogging platform. Thankfully you’re here, so you won’t be making that mistake.

初学者在构建博客时最大的错误是选择了错误的博客平台 。 幸好您在这里,所以您不会犯那个错误。

For 95% of users, it makes more sense to use WordPress also known as self-hosted WordPress. Why?

对于95%的用户, 使用WordPress(也称为自托管WordPress)更有意义。 为什么?

Because it is free to use, you can install plugins, customize your blog design, and most importantly make money from your blog without any restrictions (see the difference between WordPress vs WordPress).


WordPress is also the number one website platform used by all successful blogs. To put in perspective, 34% of all websites on the internet use WordPress!

WordPress还是所有成功博客使用的第一网站平台。 透视一下,互联网上所有网站中有34%使用WordPress!

Now you might be wondering why is WordPress free? What’s the catch?

现在您可能想知道为什么WordPress是免费的 ? 有什么收获?

There’s no catch. It’s free because you have to do the setup and host it yourself.

没有收获。 它是免费的,因为您必须自己进行设置并托管。

In other words, you need a domain name and web hosting.


A domain name is what people type to get to your website. It’s your website’s address on the internet. Think google or wpbeginner

域名是人们键入要访问您的网站的内容。 这是您网站在互联网上的地址。 想想google或wpbeginner

Web hosting is where your website files live. It’s your website’s house on the internet. Every website needs web hosting.

Web托管是您的网站文件所在的位置。 这是您网站在互联网上的房子。 每个网站都需要网络托管

A domain name typically costs around $14.99 / year, and web hosting normally costs $7.99 / month.

域名的价格通常为每年$ 14.99美元左右,虚拟主机的价格通常为$ 7.99美元/月。

That’s a lot of money for beginners who are just starting out.


Thankfully, Bluehost, an official WordPress recommended hosting provider, has agreed to offer our users a free domain name and over 60% off on web hosting.


→ Click here to Claim this Exclusive Bluehost offer ←


Bluehost is one of the oldest web hosting companies on the internet. They are also the largest brand name when it comes to WordPress hosting because they host millions of websites including many of our own.

Bluehost是互联网上最古老的网络托管公司之一。 在WordPress托管方面,它们也是最大的品牌名称,因为它们托管了数百万个网站,其中包括我们自己的许多网站。

On top of all this, Bluehost has been working with WordPress since 2005, and they are committed to giving back. That’s why they have promised us that if you cannot get your blog online within 30 minutes by following this tutorial, then our expert team will complete the process for you without any cost. They will compensate us, so you don’t have to. Contact us for free blog setup help.

最重要的是,Bluehost自2005年以来一直与WordPress合作,他们致力于回馈社会。 这就是为什么他们向我们保证,如果您无法通过遵循本教程在30分钟之内将博客联机,那么我们的专家团队将为您免费完成此过程 。 他们会补偿我们,所以您不必这样做。 与我们联系以获得免费的博客设置帮助。

NOTE: At WPBeginner we believe in transparency. If you sign up with Bluehost using our referral link, we will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you (in fact, you will save money and get a free domain). We would get this commission for recommending just about any WordPress hosting company, but we only recommend products that we use personally use and believe will add value to our readers.

注意:在WPBeginner,我们相信透明度。 如果您使用我们的引荐链接注册Bluehost,我们将为您带来小额佣金,而无需您支付任何额外费用(实际上,您可以省钱并获得免费域名)。 我们几乎可以推荐任何WordPress托管公司来获得此佣金,但是我们仅推荐个人使用的产品,并相信这些产品会为我们的读者增加价值。

Let’s go ahead and purchase your domain + hosting.


Open up Bluehost in a new window and follow along.

在新窗口中打开Bluehost ,然后继续。

First thing you need to do is click on the green Get Started Now button to get started.


On the next screen, select the plan that you need (basic and plus are the most popular).


After that, you will be asked to enter the domain name for your website.


Lastly, you will need to add your account information and finalize the package info to complete the process. We recommend going with the 36-month plan because that’s the best value.

最后,您需要添加您的帐户信息并最终确定包裹信息以完成该过程。 我们建议您采用36个月的计划,因为这是最好的价值。

On this screen, you will see optional extras that you can purchase. It’s entirely up to you whether or not you purchase these, but we generally don’t recommend purchasing them right away. You can always add them later on, if you decide that you need them.

在此屏幕上,您会看到可以购买的可选附件。 是否购买这些完全取决于您,但是我们通常不建议您立即购买。 如果您决定需要它们,则以后可以随时添加它们。

Once completed, you will receive an email with details on how to login to your web hosting control panel (cPanel). This is where you manage everything from support, emails, among other things. But most importantly, this is where you install WordPress.

完成后,您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含有关如何登录网络托管控制面板(cPanel)的详细信息。 在这里,您可以管理所有内容,包括支持,电子邮件等。 但最重要的是,这是您安装WordPress的地方。

步骤2.安装WordPress (Step 2. Install WordPress)

When you signup with the new version of Bluehost using our link, they will automatically install WordPress for you. This new version was recently launched to make it easier for non-techy users to create their blog.

当您使用我们的链接注册新版本的Bluehost时,他们将自动为您安装WordPress。 最近发布了此新版本,以使非技术用户更轻松地创建他们的博客。

What this means is you simply need to login to your Bluehost account, and then click the Login to WordPress button to get started.


You can also login to WordPress by simply going to yoursite/wp-admin/ directly from your browser.


If you are using a different WordPress blog hosting service like SiteGround, HostGator, WP Engine, etc, then you can see our comprehensive guide on how to install WordPress for step by step instructions for those providers.

如果您使用的是SiteGround , HostGator , WP Engine等不同的WordPress博客托管服务,则可以查看有关如何安装WordPress的全面指南, 以针对这些提供商的逐步说明。

Once WordPress is setup, you’re ready to customize your blog’s appearance to make it your own and start blogging.


步骤3.选择您的WordPress主题 (Step 3. Selecting Your WordPress Theme)

The visual appearance of your WordPress blog is controlled by themes. When you first visit your blog, it will look something like this:

WordPress博客的外观由主题控制。 初次访问博客时,它看起来像这样:

This is not very appealing to most people.


Customizing the look and feel of your blog is by far one of the most exciting and rewarding part in the journey of creating your WordPress blog.


There are thousands of pre-made WordPress themes that you can install on your site. Some of them are free themes, while others are paid.

您可以在网站上安装数千个预制的WordPress主题 。 其中一些是免费主题,而其他则是付费主题。

You can change your theme by going to your WordPress dashboard and clicking on Appearance » Themes.


Go ahead and click on the Add New button.


On the next screen, you will able to search from 7,400+ free WordPress themes that are available in the official WordPress themes directory. You can sort by popular, latest, featured, as well as other feature filters (i.e industry, layout, etc).

在下一个屏幕上,您将可以从WordPress官方主题目录中提供的7,400多个免费WordPress主题中进行搜索。 您可以按流行,最新,特色以及其他要素过滤器(即行业,布局等)进行排序。

You can take your mouse over to a theme, and you will see a Preview button. Clicking on it will open the theme preview where you can see how the design would look on your website.

您可以将鼠标移到主题上,然后会看到“预览”按钮。 单击它会打开主题预览,您可以在其中查看设计在网站上的外观。

The preview of your theme may not look exactly as shown in the screenshot, which is normal as you will get to customize and set it up later. What you need to look for is design, colors, typography, and other elements.

主题的预览可能与屏幕快照中显示的不完全相同,这是正常现象,因为您稍后可以自定义和设置它。 您需要寻找的是设计,颜色,版式和其他元素。

The best tip to select the perfect WordPress theme is to strive for simplicity in design. It helps you keep things clean and clear while offering a good experience to your users.

选择完美的WordPress主题的最佳技巧是努力简化设计。 它可以帮助您保持事物的清洁和清晰,同时为用户提供良好的体验。

When you have found the theme that you like, simply bring your mouse on it, and it will show the Install button. Click on it and wait for the theme to be installed. After that, the install button will be replaced with an Activate button. You need to click on it to Activate the theme.

找到所需的主题后,只需将鼠标放在该主题上,它将显示“安装”按钮。 单击它,然后等待主题安装。 之后,安装按钮将被激活按钮替换。 您需要单击它以激活主题。

Once you have installed your theme, you can customize it by clicking on the Customize link under the Appearance menu.


If you need help selecting a theme, then please refer to our guide on 9 things you should consider when selecting a perfect WordPress theme.

如果您在选择主题方面需要帮助,请参考我们的指南,以选择9个完美的WordPress主题时应考虑的事项 。

Once you have selected your WordPress theme, you are now ready to create your first blog post.


步骤4.创建您的第一篇博客文章 (Step 4. Creating Your First Blog Post)

To write a blog post, click on the Posts » Add New menu in your WordPress dashboard.


You will see an editor area where you can write your first blog post.


WordPress uses a block-based editor where each element is a block. This allows you to create beautiful content layouts for your blog posts.

WordPress使用基于块的编辑器,其中每个元素都是一个块。 这使您可以为博客文章创建漂亮的内容布局。

To familiarize yourself with the editor, see our WordPress block editor tutorial.

要熟悉编辑器,请参阅我们的WordPress块编辑器教程 。

Once you’re done writing, go ahead and click on the Publish button on the top-right corner of the screen to make your blog post publicly available.


On the posts screen, you will notice several other sections such as Categories and Tags. You can use these to organize your blog posts into sections. We have a great writeup on the difference between categories vs tags, which we highly recommend that you read.

在帖子屏幕上,您会注意到其他几个部分,例如类别和标签。 您可以使用它们将您的博客文章分为几部分。 我们强烈建议您阅读有关类别vs标签之间差异的文章。

To utilize all the features on the posts screen, you should read our article on how to add a new post in WordPress (video included).

要利用帖子屏幕上的所有功能,您应该阅读有关如何在WordPress中添加新帖子的文章(包括视频) 。

Often beginners are confused between posts and pages menu in the WordPress dashboard. That’s why we have also written a complete guide on the difference between posts vs pages in WordPress.

通常,初学者对WordPress仪表板中的帖子和页面菜单感到困惑。 这就是为什么我们还编写了有关WordPress中帖子与页面之间区别的完整指南。

步骤5.插件和自定义 (Step 5. Plugins & Customizations)

Once you have written your first sample blog post, you probably want to get started with adding other usual elements on your website such as contact forms, galleries, sliders, newsletter subscription form, etc.


To add all these additional features, you need to use plugins.


WordPress plugins are apps that allow you to add new features to your website (without writing any code).


There are over 55,000 WordPress plugins available in the free WordPress plugin directory alone. This means no matter what you want to accomplish, there is a plugin for it.

仅免费WordPress插件目录中就有超过55,000个WordPress插件。 这意味着无论您要完成什么,都有一个插件。

We have a step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.


That being said, let’s take a look at how to use plugins to add some essential features to your WordPress blog.


如何在WordPress中创建联系表单 (How to Create a Contact Form in WordPress)

Every website needs a contact form. It allows your users to email you directly. Since WordPress doesn’t come with a built-in contact form, you will need a WordPress form builder plugin to add a contact form on your site.

每个网站都需要联系表格。 它允许您的用户直接向您发送电子邮件。 由于WordPress没有随附的内置联系表单,因此您将需要WordPress表单构建器插件在您的网站上添加联系表单。

We recommend using the WPForms Lite plugin. It is a free version of the popular WPForms plugin, which is #1 in our list of best contact form plugins for WordPress.

我们建议使用WPForms Lite插件。 它是流行的WPForms插件的免费版本,在我们的WordPress 最佳联系表单插件列表中排名第一。

Over 3 million websites use WPForms!


You can install the plugin by going to Plugins » Add New page and typing WPForms in the search box. Next, you need to click “Install” and then “Activate”. Upon activation, you need to head over to WPForms » Add New page to create your first form.

您可以转到插件»添加新页面,然后在搜索框中输入WPForms来安装插件。 接下来,您需要单击“安装”,然后单击“激活”。 激活后,您需要转到WPForms»添加新页面以创建您的第一个表单。

This will open the WPForms builder interface.


First, you need to enter a name for your contact form and then click on ‘Simple Contact Form’ template.


WPForms will now create a simple contact form for you with all the required fields. You can click on any field to change it, or add a new field from the left column.

WPForms现在将为您创建一个包含所有必填字段的简单联系表单。 您可以单击任何字段进行更改,或从左栏中添加新字段。

Once you are done editing the form, click on the save button at the top right corner and then exit the form builder.


You can now create a new page in WordPress by going to Pages » Add New and call it ‘Contact’. On the edit screen, you need to enter the WPForms block into the editor.

现在,您可以转到页面»添加新内容并将其称为“联系方式”,从而在WordPress中创建一个新页面。 在编辑屏幕上,您需要将WPForms块输入到编辑器中。

After that, select the form you created earlier from the drop down menu and WPForms will load a live preview of the form in the editor.


You can now save and publish the page and visit it in your browser to see your contact form in action.


If you need more detailed instructions, then see our step by step guide on how to create a contact form in WordPress.


如何设置Google Analytics(分析)跟踪 (How to Setup Google Analytics Tracking)

Google Analytics helps you see how many people are visiting your blog, where they are coming from, and what are they doing on your website?

Google Analytics(分析)可帮助您查看有多少人正在访问您的博客,他们来自何处以及他们在您的网站上正在做什么?

It is best to install Google Analytics when starting your blog, so you can see how much your blog has grown over time.

最好在启动博客时安装Google Analytics(分析),这样您就可以查看博客随着时间的增长。

First, you need to visit Google Analytics website and sign in using your Gmail account.

首先,您需要访问Google Analytics(分析)网站并使用您的Gmail帐户登录。

Once you are logged in, you can go ahead and sign up for a free Google Analytics account.

登录后,您可以继续注册免费的Google Analytics(分析)帐户。

You will be asked to provide your information and website URL. After that, you will be presented with your Google Analytics tracking code.

系统将要求您提供信息和网站URL。 之后,系统将为您提供Google Analytics(分析)跟踪代码。

You can stop here because we will be using a plugin to automatically fetch and add this code to your blog (along with setting up proper WordPress tracking).


Switch to your WordPress admin area to install and activate the MonsterInsights plugin. It is the free version of the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress, and it is the easiest way to add Google Analytics on your site (trusted by over 2 million websites).

切换到WordPress管理区域以安装并激活MonsterInsights插件。 它是适用于WordPress的最佳Google Analytics(分析)插件的免费版本,并且是在您的网站(超过200万个网站信任)上添加Google Analytics(分析)的最简单方法。

Upon activation, you need to visit Insights » Settings page to configure the plugin settings.


On the settings page, click on the ‘Connect MonsterInsights’ button to connect Google Analytics to your WordPress site.

在设置页面上,单击“连接MonsterInsights”按钮以将Google Analytics(分析)连接到您的WordPress网站。

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup. Once done, you will be able to see your website analytics report straight from your WordPress dashboard under the MonsterInsights tab.

请按照屏幕上的说明完成设置。 完成后,您将可以直接从WordPress仪表板的MonsterInsights选项卡下查看网站分析报告。

For detailed instructions, see our article on how to install Google Analytics in WordPress.

有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中安装Google Analytics(分析)的文章。

如何为SEO优化WordPress博客 (How to Optimize Your WordPress Blog for SEO)

Most beginners don’t optimize for SEO when creating a blog. SEO or search engine optimization helps users find your blog in search engines. If you want more traffic, then it’s crucial that you optimize your blog for SEO from the beginning.

创建博客时,大多数初学者不会针对SEO进行优化。 SEO或搜索引擎优化可帮助用户在搜索引擎中找到您的博客。 如果您想要更多的流量,那么从一开始就为SEO优化博客至关重要。

To get started, first you need to install and activate the Yoast SEO plugin. It is the complete WordPress SEO plugin that will help you optimize your blog.

首先,您需要安装并激活Yoast SEO插件。 这是完整的WordPress SEO插件,可帮助您优化博客。

Upon activation, you will see a new menu item labeled ‘SEO’. Clicking on it will take you to the plugins settings page.

激活后,您将看到一个名为“ SEO”的新菜单项。 单击它会将您带到插件设置页面。

The plugin comes with a quick configuration wizard to help you walk through the set up. You can also follow the instructions in our Yoast SEO guide for manual set up.

该插件附带一个快速配置向导,可帮助您逐步进行设置。 您也可以按照我们的Yoast SEO指南中的说明进行手动设置。

We also recommend you to follow our complete step by step WordPress SEO guide to set up your blog’s SEO.

我们还建议您遵循我们完整的WordPress SEO分步指南来设置博客的SEO。

更多WordPress插件和自定义项 (More WordPress Plugins and Customizations)

There are a ton of others WordPress plugins that you can install. Often beginners find it a bit overwhelming to search for the plugins they need.

您可以安装大量其他WordPress插件。 通常,初学者发现搜索所需的插件有些不知所措。

At WPBeginner, we often feature the best WordPress plugins to help you add the functionality that you need.


Here is our expert pick of the best WordPress plugins that you should check out.


  • Backup备份 – UpdraftPlus is the UpdraftPlus是best WordPress backup plugin. You need to create regular backups of your website in case something ever goes wrong.最好的WordPress备份插件 。 您需要为网站创建常规备份,以防万一出问题。
  • Security – Sucuri Security is a free security scanner for WordPress. We have a complete step by step WordPress security guide for beginners that will help you secure your blog.
  • 安全性 – Sucuri Security是WordPress的免费安全扫描器。 我们为初学者提供了一套完整的WordPress安全分步指南 ,可帮助您保护博客。
  • Performance – We recommend using either WP Rocket (premium) or WP Super Cache (free) to speed up WordPress. For more on this topic see our article on WordPress speed and performance with step by step instructions.
  • 性能 –我们建议您使用WP Rocket (高级版)或WP Super Cache (免费)来加快WordPress的速度。 有关此主题的更多信息,请参阅有关WordPress速度和性能的文章, 并提供逐步说明。
  • Design & Customization – We recommend using either Beaver Builder or Divi page builder for customizing your homepage design, creating custom landing pages, or even creating custom themes (without writing any code). For more on this topic, see our article on best WordPress page builders (compared).
  • 设计和自定义 –我们建议使用Beaver Builder或Divi页面构建器自定义您的主页设计,创建自定义登录页面甚至创建自定义主题(无需编写任何代码)。 有关此主题的更多信息,请参阅有关最佳WordPress页面构建器的文章(比较) 。

If you are curious about the plugins and tools we use on our site, then check out WPBeginner’s Blueprint. It has all the plugins and tools that we use on the WPBeginner blog.

如果您对我们在网站上使用的插件和工具感到好奇,请查看WPBeginner的Blueprint 。 它包含了我们在WPBeginner博客上使用的所有插件和工具。

Need more recommendations? See our expert-pick of the must have WordPress plugins and tools for all websites (hand-picked by our founder, Syed Balkhi).

需要更多建议吗? 请参阅我们为所有网站提供的WordPress插件和工具的专家精选(由我们的创始人Syed Balkhi亲自挑选)。

步骤6.从您的博客中赚钱 (Step 6. Making Money From Your Blog)

Now that you’ve created your blog and customized it to your liking, you are probably wondering how can I actually make money from my blog?


There are a lot of different ways to successfully monetize your blog. However there is no such thing as a get rich quick scheme.

有很多不同的方法可以成功地通过博客获利。 但是,没有像快速致富这样的事情。

Don’t be fooled by the pictures of expensive cars and mansions because those are all fake.


Unlike other “make money online” articles, we have created the most comprehensive guide on how to make money from your blog using WordPress.

与其他“在线赚钱”文章不同,我们创建了关于如何使用WordPress 从您的博客中赚钱的最全面指南。

That’s a 4000+ word guide that everyone who want to make money with their blog needs to read. We have shared our 15+ years of online wisdom in that ultimate guide.

那是一个4000多个单词指南,每个想要通过其博客赚钱的人都需要阅读。 我们在该最终指南中分享了我们15年以上的在线智慧。

As long as you’re willing to put in the hard work and effort, you’ll reap the reward. Remember, there are no shortcuts.

只要您愿意付出辛勤的劳动和努力,您就会获得丰厚的回报。 记住,没有捷径。

Here are some of the best ways to make money from your blog.


1. Google AdSense

1. Google AdSense

Many bloggers make money by showing ads on their blog. If you make a blog with monetization in mind, then Google AdSense is the best way to do this.

许多博客作者通过在博客上展示广告来赚钱。 如果您考虑赚钱创建博客,那么Google AdSense是实现这一目标的最佳方法。

It is the largest advertising platform for bloggers and publishers. Acting as a middleman between you and the advertiser, Google allow advertisers to bid for keywords matching your content. This allows you to get the best rates possible for the ads.

它是面向博客作者和发布者的最大广告平台。 Google充当您和广告客户之间的中间人,允许广告客户竞标与您的内容匹配的关键字。 这样一来,您便可以获取最优惠的广告费率。

For more details, see our article on how to properly add Google AdSense to your WordPress blog.

有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何将Google AdSense正确添加到WordPress博客的文章 。

2. Affiliate Marketing


Affiliate marketing is the second most commonly used monetization strategy among bloggers. Basically, you recommend your favorite products / services to your readers, and when they make a purchase you get a referral commission.

会员营销是博主中第二常用的获利策略。 基本上,您会向读者推荐您喜欢的产品/服务,当他们购买产品时,您会获得推荐佣金。

The key in affiliate marketing is to recommend high-quality products and services that you already use and trust. There are plenty of affiliate marketing plugins and tools for WordPress that can help you make more money when promoting affiliate products.

联盟营销的关键是推荐您已经使用和信任的高质量产品和服务。 有很多针对WordPress的联盟营销插件和工具 ,可以帮助您在推广联盟产品时赚更多的钱。

We also have a complete step by step affiliate marketing guide for beginners, that will help you get started.

我们还为初学者提供了完整的分步营销指南 ,可帮助您入门。

3. Online Store


Many bloggers make money by selling things directly from their blog. This could be physical products, digital downloads like ebooks, artwork, music, and more. Some bloggers even offer consulting services.

许多博客作者通过直接从博客中出售商品来赚钱。 这可能是物理产品,数字下载,例如电子书,艺术品,音乐等。 一些博客甚至提供咨询服务。

We recommend using WooCommerce because it is the best eCommerce plugin for WordPress. It is also the most commonly used eCommerce platform in the world.

我们建议使用WooCommerce,因为它是WordPress的最佳电子商务插件 。 它也是世界上最常用的电子商务平台。

For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to easily create an online store using WordPress.


On top of the 3 methods above, you can do so much more with your WordPress blog. You can make WordPress blogs specifically for reviews, fashion blogging, food blogging with recipes, and more. Each of these blog types brings you more unique opportunities to make money.

除了上述3种方法之外,您还可以通过WordPress博客执行更多操作。 您可以制作专门用于评论 , 时尚博客 , 带有食谱的美食博客等的 WordPress博客。 这些博客类型均为您带来更多独特的赚钱机会。

You can also turn your blog into a membership site to offer premium content and courses.


步骤7.掌握WordPress (Step 7. Mastering WordPress)

WPBeginner is the largest free WordPress resource site for beginners.


At WPBeginner, our main goal is to provide cutting-edge helpful WordPress tutorials that are easy to understand for small businesses, bloggers, and non-techy WordPress website owners (see more about us).

在WPBeginner,我们的主要目标是提供对小型企业,博客和非高科技WordPress网站所有者易于理解的前沿实用WordPress教程(请参阅有关我们的更多信息 )。

To expand your WordPress knowledge, you should check out:


  • WPBeginner Dictionary – The best place for beginners to start and familiarize themselves with the WordPress lingoWPBeginner词典 –初学者入门和熟悉WordPress术语的最佳场所
  • WPBeginner Videos – New to WordPress? Watch these 23 videos to master WordPress.
  • WPBeginner视频 – WordPress 新手 ? 观看这23个视频以掌握WordPress。
  • WPBeginner Blog – The central place for all our WordPress tutorials.WPBeginner博客 –我们所有WordPress教程的中心位置。

For more discussions, you may want to join our free Facebook group WPBeginner Engage. With more than 24,000 members, the group is focused on helping beginners and non-techy users do more with WordPress.

有关更多讨论,您可能想加入我们的免费Facebook组WPBeginner Engage 。 该小组拥有24,000多名成员,致力于帮助初学者和非技术用户使用WordPress做更多的工作。

You can also subscribe to WPBeginner’s YouTube Channel where we regularly share video tutorials to help you learn WordPress.

您还可以订阅WPBeginner的YouTube频道 ,我们定期在此分享视频教程,以帮助您学习WordPress。

Lastly, you can use Google to type your question and add WPBeginner in front of it. Our users find this trick to be always helpful because it makes it easy for you to find the RIGHT answer for your WordPress questions.

最后,您可以使用Google键入您的问题,并在其前面添加WPBeginner。 我们的用户发现此技巧总是有用的,因为它使您轻松找到WordPress问题的正确答案。

In case you don’t find an answer to your question, don’t worry. Simply use our contact form to send us a message. Our always helpful, full time WPBeginner support team, will be happy to assist. We love helping users get started with WordPress.

如果您找不到问题的答案,请不要担心。 只需使用我们的联系表向我们发送消息。 我们始终有用的全职WPBeginner支持团队将竭诚为您提供帮助。 我们很乐意帮助用户开始使用WordPress。

常见问题(FAQ) (Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))

Having helped thousands of people start a blog, we have answered quite a lot of questions. Below are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about creating a blog.

在帮助了数千人创建博客之后,我们已经回答了很多问题。 以下是有关创建博客的最常见问题的解答。

Can I create a blog without WordPress?


Yes, there are several other blogging platforms available. We have compared them all, and WordPress is by far the best solution in the market to make a blog with complete ownership and freedom.

是的,还有其他几种博客平台可用。 我们已经对它们进行了比较,而WordPress是迄今为止拥有完全所有权和自由性的博客的最佳解决方案。

Can I build a blog without hosting?


No, that’s not possible. Web hosting is where your website files are stored. All websites need web hosting.

不,那不可能。 Web托管是您的网站文件的存储位置。 所有网站都需要网络托管。

How much does it cost to start a blog?


The cost depends on the add-ons that you buy. We have a complete guide on how much does a WordPress website cost as well as tips on how to save money.

费用取决于您购买的附件。 我们提供了有关WordPress网站的费用的完整指南,以及有关如何省钱的提示。

Can I create a blog without my parents knowing about it?


Yes. You can make your WordPress blog private and hide it from the internet. Here is a step by step guide on how to make your WordPress blog completely private.

是。 您可以将WordPress博客设为私有,并从互联网隐藏它。 这是有关如何使WordPress博客完全私有的分步指南。

Can I start a WordPress blog and make money with Google Adsense?

我可以建立WordPress博客并通过Google Adsense赚钱吗?

Yes, you can use your WordPress blog to earn money from Google AdSense. We have a step by step guide on how to add Google AdSense in WordPress.

是的,您可以使用WordPress博客从Google AdSense赚钱。 我们有逐步指南, 介绍如何在WordPress中添加Google AdSense 。

How can I create a blog and remain anonymous?


If you want to have a public-facing blog but want to remain anonymous, then you need to make sure that your domain has WHOIS privacy turned on. Often people use a pseudonym / nickname to write under. You should also create a unique email just for your blog. It goes without saying, don’t post your pictures or anything on the blog. For more detailed instructions, see our article on how to blog anonymously using WordPress.

如果您想拥有一个面向公众的博客,但希望保持匿名,那么您需要确保您的域已启用WHOIS隐私。 人们经常用化名/昵称写下。 您还应该为您的博客创建唯一的电子邮件。 不用说,不要在博客上发布您的图片或任何东西。 有关更多详细说明,请参阅有关如何使用WordPress匿名撰写博客的文章。

How do I add a podcast to my WordPress blog?


WordPress makes it super easy to start a blog and add a podcast to it. We have a step by step guide on how to start a podcast with WordPress.

WordPress使创建博客和添加播客变得非常容易。 我们有逐步指南, 介绍如何使用WordPress启动播客 。

How do I come up with blogging ideas to write about?


Here’s an excellent guide that has 103 blog post ideas that you can write about today. Here’s another guide on 73 types of blog posts that are proven to work.

这是一份出色的指南,其中包含您今天可以撰写的103个博客文章创意 。 这是关于73种已证明有效的博客文章的另一指南。

You can also follow this tutorial from Blogtyrant on how to write a good blog post (12 expert tips) which will help you write great content.

您也可以按照Blogtyrant的本教程讲解如何撰写出色的博客文章(12个专家技巧) ,这将有助于您撰写精彩的内容。

Can I build a blog in my own language?


Yes, you can use WordPress in other languages. You can select your language during installation or from Settings page in WordPress admin area. WordPress is fully translated in more than 56 languages and partially translated into dozens of other languages. Many top WordPress themes and plugins are also available in multiple languages. You can also translate a theme or a plugin that you want to use on your website.

是的,您可以使用其他语言的WordPress 。 您可以在安装过程中或从WordPress管理区域的“设置”页面中选择语言。 WordPress已完全翻译成56多种语言,部分翻译成数十种其他语言。 许多顶级WordPress主题和插件还提供多种语言版本。 您还可以翻译要在网站上使用的主题或插件 。

How do I create a blog in multiple languages?


Want to start a blog in Hindi, Spanish, or multiple languages? Here’s a step by step guide on how to create a multilingual website in WordPress.

想要以印地语,西班牙语或多种语言创建博客吗? 这是有关如何在WordPress中创建多语言网站的分步指南。

Can I design a blog with no coding skills?


Absolutely. You don’t need any programming, coding, or design skills to create a professional-looking WordPress blog.

绝对。 您不需要任何编程,编码或设计技能即可创建外观专业的WordPress博客。

WordPress themes are easy to customize and you can just point and click to set up your theme. There are WordPress themes like Astra which comes with ready-made starter websites that you can import with one-click.

WordPress主题易于自定义,您只需指向并单击即可设置主题。 有像Astra这样的WordPress主题,它带有现成的入门网站,您可以一键导入。

There are other powerful themes like Divi which give you complete drag & drop design options for customizing your blog.

还有其他强大的主题,例如Divi ,可为您提供用于定制博客的完整拖放设计选项。

Then there are powerful drag and drop page builders like Beaver Builder and Divi builder that works with any WordPress theme. You can use it to just drag and drop items and design your own pages.

然后是功能强大的拖放页面 生成 器 ,例如Beaver Builder和Divi构建器 ,可与任何WordPress主题配合使用。 您可以使用它来拖放项目并设计自己的页面。

You can even create your own custom theme without writing any code.


Can I add a photography gallery to my blog?


Yes, WordPress comes with a built-in gallery feature that makes it easy for you to add photo galleries in your blog posts.

是的,WordPress具有内置的图库功能 ,使您可以轻松地在博客文章中添加照片库。

Professional photographers can also use premium WordPress gallery plugins to better showcase their photos and even sell photos to make money from their photography business.


How can I create a professional email address for my blog?


If you’re serious about your blog, then we highly recommend that you create a professional business email address (it’s free).

如果您对自己的博客很认真,那么我们强烈建议您创建一个专业的企业电子邮件地址 (免费)。

All successful bloggers use professional email address to stand out and make better partnership deals to grow their blog.


We hope that you found our tutorial on how to start a WordPress blog to be helpful. You may also want to check out our article on 19 actionable tips to drive traffic to your new WordPress site.

我们希望您发现有关如何启动WordPress博客的教程对您有所帮助。 您可能还想查看有关19个可行提示的文章, 以吸引访问新WordPress网站的流量 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner/start-a-wordpress-blog/


