1.     Introduction

1.1    Intended Audience

This document is a technical requirement specification document and developing plan for Individual Web Diary (IWD).As such,the primary audience for this document are members of R&D technical staff involved in the plan ,requirement,design,construction,and enhancement of components for IWD Platform.

1.2    Purpose

The purpose of this document is to record the functional requirements and specification for IWD .This document also describe the design,design constraints and other factors necessary. Especially,the developing plan .

1.3    Scope

The scope of this document is agreed upon items for the initiation of software.

1.4    Definitions,Acronyms and Abbreviations

IWD Ind ividual Web Diary

1.5    References

1.6    Overview

Ind ividual Web Diary is a relatively new Individual Software Programe.The program is developed ind ividual in the phase of initiation.A person need to do a lot things a day and is going to do lots of things in the future. We intend to have some recall ,so recording is intensively needed.Using this program,we can record every day’s work,other-gain,what-to-do-thingings and comsumption and so no,search former diary basesd some condition such as record date,range and so on.

2.     Basic function

2.1    Search part

At present,it provide 1>.date of diary created 2>. tiem range. And then bring forth a report .

2.2    Construct diary part

In the system, not permit to exsit two diary on the same day,that means the column name “ID” in the table of primary_t unique.Before work,other-gain and others,primary_t need to have corresponding value.

3.     Design

3.1    Database design

In this system,because it is for ind ividual use,so design database simply.Database objects have basic table ,storage process,trigger and view.Using Sql server 2000.

3.1.1 E-R Diagram

After we can see the E-R diagram above ,a simple idea has occurred to us.Easily,seen that PRIMARY_T records description info of a day,and other four table store Work,other-gain,what-to-do and comsumption info,their relationship is master-slave .

3.2    Integrity

In other four table insert value,primary key need to raise automatically using trigger.

4.     Dev Environment

.NET 1.1  

VS.NET2003( ASP.NET/C# )



Individual Web Diary Plan