Java is a programming language that is very popular amongst developers. In order to run Java applications Java Runtime Environment a.k.a. JRE should be installed. As new features come or security bugs fixed JRE is updated regularly. Java or JRE can be updated in different ways where we will look at these ways in this tutorial.

Java是一种在开发人员中非常流行的编程语言。 为了运行Java应用程序,应该安装Java Runtime Environment aka JRE。 随着新功能的出现或安全漏洞的修复,JRE会定期更新。 Java或JRE可以通过不同的方式进行更新,我们将在本教程中介绍这些方式。

安装Java(JRE) (Install Java (JRE))

We will start with the installation of Java or JRE. First, we will browse the following URL which provides the Java installation executables for the all Windows operating system like Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 2008, Windows 2012, Windows 2016 etc.

我们将从安装Java或JRE开始。 首先,我们将浏览以下URL,该URL为所有Windows操作系统(例如Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10,Windows 2008,Windows 2012,Windows 2016等)提供Java安装可执行文件。



Install Java (JRE)

We can see that the following installation files are provided


  • Windows Online will download a little executable which will 1.87 MB and download all required files and libraries for Java from the internet.

    Windows Online将下载一个1.87 MB的可执行文件,并从互联网上下载Java所需的所有文件和库。
  • Windows Offline will download all files and libraries which is 63.53 MB.

    Windows Offline将下载63.53 MB的所有文件和库。
  • Windows Offline (64-bit) which contains all files and libraries for Java installation. It is 71.44 MB and can be used for a 64-bit browser.

    Windows脱机版(64位),其中包含Java安装的所有文件和库。 它是71.44 MB,可以用于64位浏览器。
Start JRE Installation

During the installation we will see the following screen which will provide basic information about the currently running installation process.


JRE Installation

When the installation is complete successfully we will see the following screen which provides “You have successfully installed Java” message.


JRE Installation Completed Successfully

检查Java或JRE版本(Check Java or JRE Version)

Java or JRE provides regular updates. New updates are numbered according to track updates. Each update or Java version has a version number. We can print this version number in different ways like command-line, GUI, or Browser. We can use java command with the --version option in order to check the version of the installed Java or JRE.

Java或JRE提供定期更新。 新更新根据曲目更新编号。 每个更新或Java版本都有一个版本号。 我们可以通过命令行,GUI或浏览器等不同方式打印此版本号。 我们可以将java命令与--version选项一起使用,以检查已安装的Java或JRE的版本。

> java --version
Check Java or JRE Version From Command Line

Alternatively we can check Java or JRE version with the GUI where we will write java about to the Start box like below.


About Java
Check Java Version From Java Menu

This will open following Windows here version information is provided which is version 8 and Update 201.


We can also check the Java or JRE version from the following link where we need to click the Accept and Continue button on this page.

我们还可以从以下链接中检查Java或JRE版本,我们需要单击此页面上的Accept and Continue按钮。

LEARN MORE  How To Download, Install JDK (Java Development Kit) On Windows? 了解更多如何在Windows上下载并安装JDK(Java开发工具包)?

检查Java或JRE更新 (Check Java or JRE Update)

We can check if there is a Java or JRE update from different ways like checking the version. We can use GUI or Web in order to check Java or JRE updates. From the web, we can use the following URL to check Java or JRE Update.

我们可以通过不同的方式(例如检查版本)来检查是否有Java或JRE更新。 我们可以使用GUI或Web来检查Java或JRE更新。 在网络上,我们可以使用以下URL检查Java或JRE更新。

JAVA/JRE Installation Outdated
JAVA / JRE安装已过时

When we click our Java or JRE


We can see that your Java is Out of Date message with the A newer version of Java available. We have Java version 8.181 but the latest Java version is 8.201. We can update Java or JRE with the Download Java Now button which will continue classical Java Install which is explained above.

我们可以看到your Java is Out of Date消息your Java is Out of Date并且A newer version of Java available 。 我们具有Java版本8.181,但最新的Java版本是8.201。 我们可以使用Download Java Now按钮更新Java或JRE,该按钮将继续上述经典的Java安装。

从Java网站更新Java (Update Java From Java Web Site)

Well we can update Java or JRE on Windows operating systems in different ways. We will start with the web where we will visit following URL where we have been used for update check.

好了,我们可以通过不同的方式在Windows操作系统上更新Java或JRE。 我们将从网络开始,在这里我们将访问以下用于更新检查的URL。

Then we will click I Agree to the Terms and Want to Continue.

然后,我们将单击I Agree to the Terms and Want to Continue

This will redirect us following page where Java Online installer will run. We will click Run command.

这会将我们重定向到运行Java Online安装程序的下一页。 我们将单击Run命令。

We will click Yes in the following screen to install and update Java with Administrator privileges.

我们将在以下屏幕中单击“ Yes ,以管理员权限安装和更新Java。

We will click Install to start the installation.

我们将单击“ Install以开始安装。

This is the installation phase of the Java.


When the new version of the Java installation complete we will see a Windows which will list old or out-of-date versions of Java to uninstall. We will click Uninstall

新版Java安装完成后,我们将看到一个Windows,其中列出了要卸载的Java旧版本或过期版本。 我们将点击Uninstall

Here is the uninstall process of old and out-of-date Java


When uninstall of old Java completed we will see the following screen. We can click Next

旧Java的卸载完成后,我们将看到以下屏幕。 我们可以点击Next

Now we can exit from the update of the Java.


通过GUI从Java更新Java (Update Java From Java From GUI)

We can update Java from GUI or Desktop by using Java Configuration tool. We can open the Java configuration tool from Computer->Control Panel->Java

我们可以使用Java配置工具从GUI或桌面更新Java。 我们可以从Computer -> Control Panel -> Java打开Java配置工具

Or writing Configure Java to the Start menu like below.

或将“ Configure Java写入“开始”菜单,如下所示。

Then we will open the Update pane where we can find the Update button below.

然后,我们将打开“ Update窗格,在下面可以找到“ Update按钮。

We will see the following screen where we have to click Update. We can see that Java Update Available message which means there is an update version.

我们将看到以下屏幕,我们必须单击Update 。 我们可以看到Java Update Available消息,这意味着有一个更新版本。

After this step, the update process will continue like web-based Java update.


LEARN MORE  How To Install Eclipse Java Development Environment On Windows ? 了解更多信息如何在Windows上安装Eclipse Java开发环境?

翻译自: https://www.poftut/how-to-and-install-java-jre-update-on-windows/

