
If you’ve read a few of my other pieces, you already know that I’m kinda backwards. I enjoy old tech (where applicable) and the nostalgia and focus associated with using it. So, it comes of no surprise, that I have a thing for old typewriter and computer fonts.

如果您已经阅读了其他几篇文章,那么您已经知道我有点倒退。 我喜欢旧技术(在适用的地方)以及与使用它相关的怀旧和专注。 因此,拥有一台老式打字机和计算机字体就不足为奇了。

As I am working as a graphics designer, I naturally work a lot with typography and I stumble across new and old fonts on a regular basis. This is the source of my habit collecting fontsets that I like. Especially monospaced fonts.

在担任图形设计师的过程中,我自然会从事很多排版工作,并且会定期偶然发现新旧字体。 这是收集我喜欢的字体集的习惯的来源。 特别是等宽字体。

If you’re a font-afficionado as well, read on to get to know some of the most beautiful and practical monospaced fonts.


等宽字体 (Monospace fonts)

What does “monospace” mean?


Simple answer: All letters take up the same horizontal space. They all have the same width. This was necessary, back in the day of typewriters and early computers. Typewriters had a fixed number of letters, that could fit into any one line of text, so the letters all had to be the same width. It was similar on early computers, like the C64 and early IBM compatibles. These old computers usually were capable of either showing 40 or 80 characters in a line. Imagine them as separate blocks, that could be inhabited by a character/letter. It was not possible of showing a single letter “between” two blocks, so again, all the characters of a fontset had to have the same width. Each letter had to fit exactly in one block.

简单的答案:所有字母都占据相同的水平空间。 它们都具有相同的宽度。 早在打字机和早期计算机时代,这是必要的。 打字机有固定数量的字母,可以容纳任意一行文本,因此字母的宽度必须相同。 在早期的计算机上,例如C64和早期的IBM兼容机,情况与此相似。 这些旧计算机通常能够在一行中显示40或80个字符。 可以将它们想象成一个单独的块,一个字符/字母可能会占用它们。 不可能在两个块之间显示单个字母,所以同样,字体集的所有字符都必须具有相同的宽度。 每个字母都必须完全适合一个块。

Modern fonts today have slimmer (i.e. “l”) or wider letters (i.e. “B”) and are spaced accordingly. The advantage of this is a better use of available space and a more natural looking typography.

当今的现代字体具有更细的字体(即“ l”)或更宽的字母(即“ B”),并相应地隔开。 这样做的好处是可以更好地利用可用空间和更自然的字体。

This clearly shows the difference between Courier New and Times New Roman.
这清楚地显示了Courier New和Times New Roman之间的区别。

But monospaced fonts also have several advantages. They’re still being used in machine-processed typography (like in contracts or cheques) and can easily be identified by OCR software (text recognizing software). As the tech behind the software improves though, the “need” for monospaced fonts disappears.

但是等距字体也有几个优点。 它们仍在机器处理的版式中使用(如合同或支票),并且可以通过OCR软件(文本识别软件)轻松识别。 但是,随着软件背后技术的改进,等宽字体的“需求”消失了。

What’s left is people like me who have a personal taste for fonts like this and think that they are easy to read and “fly over” — especially when writing first or second drafts and doing your editing.


1,5 linespace and monospaced fonts go really well together. Many scripts for TV shows or movies are still written this way. It’s perfect for easy consumption and readability.

1,5行距和等宽字体结合得很好。 电视节目或电影的许多脚本仍以这种方式编写。 非常适合轻松使用和可读性。

我最喜欢的等宽字体 (My favorite monospaced fonts)

C64 Pro (C64 Pro)

This is a remake of the old font on the C64 line of computers back in the 1980’s. For me it’s pure nostalgia. It’s modern-day-use is limited though. I mostly use it for vintage-designs. For huge bodies of text it’s just not convenient, even though the readability is quite good, despite it being pixelated on purpose. Still, a lovely font to have around.

这是对1980年代C64系列计算机上旧字体的重制。 对我来说,这纯粹是怀旧之情。 但是,现代用途是有限的。 我主要将其用于复古设计。 对于大量的文本,尽管可读性非常好,但是尽管故意将其像素化,但这仍然不方便。 仍然有一个可爱的字体。

旧打字机 (Old Typewriter)

Reminiscent of the old Underwoods this typewriter font ist very handy, when designing greeting cards or invitations. To use it as your “draft-font” it’s a bit too heavy on the eyes. Still, if you want just one “old typewriter font” which has plenty of character(s), you should try this one, even if it might see limited use.

在设计贺卡或邀请函时,这种打字机字体使人想起旧的Underwood,非常方便。 要将其用作“草稿字体”,它在眼睛上有点沉重。 但是,如果您只想要一种具有很多字符的“旧打字机字体”,则应尝试使用这种字体,即使它可能使用有限。

Warenhaus Typenhebel (Warenhaus Typenhebel)

Slightly more modern, this font screams “german Bauhaus”. It’s very versatile and I use it quite regularly in design projects. For using it as a body font in my drafts, it’s not quite there yet. I do enjoy the slight variation in the letters and the hints of imperfection, giving it a natural 1950’s/1960's typewriter look.

这种字体稍微现代一点,叫“德国包豪斯”。 它非常通用,我在设计项目中经常使用它。 为了在我的草稿中将其用作正文字体,它还不存在。 我确实喜欢字母的细微变化和不完美的提示,使其具有1950年代/ 1960年代自然的打字机外观。

TT2020基地 (TT2020 Base)

Welcome to the world of electric typewriters of the 1980’s and 1990’s. Just before typewriters went away to make room for computer aided text processing, they reached the peak in readability and clarity. This delicate font does a very good job recreating that style. It’s perfectly suited for huge bodies of text and it’s also very versatile as it comes in different styles too.

欢迎来到1980年代和1990年代的电动打字机世界。 就在打字机为计算机辅助文本处理腾出空间之前,它们在可读性和清晰度方面达到了顶峰。 这种精美的字体在重新创建该样式方面做得很好。 它非常适合大量文本,并且功能多样,因为它也具有不同的样式。

平均单声道 (Average Mono)

This is a solid alternative to Courier New and it provides a very clear and easy-to-read appearence. It’s just oh-so-slightly different to similar fonts. It’s a really good all-purpose-font with no fuzz. It’s a bit heavier than the TT2020 in it’s regular style, which is a good thing, if you want to use it negatively on a dark background!

这是Courier New的可靠替代方案,它提供了非常清晰易读的外观。 它与相似的字体略有不同。 这是一种非常好的通用字体,没有模糊性。 它比常规样式的TT2020重一些,如果您想在深色背景上否定使用它,这是一件好事!

Consolas (Consolas)

This font tries to somewhat emulate the font of DOS and your average Windows or Linux terminal, hence the name. It does a terrific job of being perfectly readable, no matter if used in positive or in negative. It’s just perfect, if you want to use it on dark backgrounds. I do use it often in Focus Writer either in green or amber on a black background, to emulate that very-early-computer feel of the 1980’s. It’s versatile and beautiful! Also, I really love that crossed-out “0”.

该字体试图在某种程度上模拟DOS字体和普通的Windows或Linux终端的字体,因此也要模仿其名称。 无论是正面使用还是负面使用,它都具有出色的可读性。 如果您想在深色背景上使用它,那就太完美了。 我确实经常在Focus Writer中以绿色或黑色背景上的琥珀色使用它,以模仿1980年代的早期计算机感觉。 它用途广泛且美观! 另外,我真的很喜欢划掉的“ 0”。

Adobe源代码Sans (Adobe Source Code Sans)

This font was created by Adobe and yet can be obtained for free. It was meant to be a perfect font for coding, hence the name. I don’t do much coding myself, but I write a lot and what’s good for coders is also usually good for writers. It produces a really clean and sharp text, readability is perfect and the font is very versatile, as it is available in a plethora of styles. Highly recommended for all your coding or writing needs.

该字体由Adobe创建,但可以免费获得。 它被认为是一种完美的编码字体,因此得名。 我自己不会做很多编码,但是我会写很多东西,对编码人员有好处的通常对作家也有好处。 它提供了多种样式,因此可以产生真正干净,清晰的文本,可读性极佳,并且字体用途广泛。 强烈建议您满足所有编码或写作需求。

解放单声道 (Liberation Mono)

This font is part of the open source font family “Liberation” — meant as an alternative to Courier New. The whole font package is just lovely. This is the most versatile and easy to read monospaced font for me. Have you seen that beautiful “0”? It’s pure simplistic functionality — what a bliss! Naturally, this is also my favorite monospaced font, all things considered.

该字体是开源字体家族“ Liberation”的一部分,它是Courier New的替代产品。 整个字体包非常可爱。 对我来说,这是最通用,最易读的等宽字体。 您看到美丽的“ 0”了吗? 纯粹的简单功能-多么幸福! 当然,考虑到所有因素,这也是我最喜欢的等宽字体。

信使新与时代新罗马 (Courier New vs. Times New Roman)

Most publishers want your manuscript in Times New Roman and that’s the way you should submit them.

大多数出版商都希望您的手稿使用Times New Roman,这是您应提交的方式。

But personally, I can’t stand Times New Roman.

但就我个人而言,我不能忍受Times New Roman。

It’s just bland and overused. Maybe, it’s because I’m a graphics designer and literally know hundreds of fonts that look better and still serve the same purpose of Times New Roman.

它只是乏味和过度使用。 也许是因为我是一名图形设计师,并且从字面上知道数百种看起来更好的字体,但仍然达到Times New Roman的相同目的。

Times New Roman was cooked up way back in the day and can be found on any modern computer — probably that’s why it’s the universal manuscript font. Personally, I enjoy the open source version of Times New Roman coming from the Linux world more: Liberation.

Times New Roman早在一天前就已经制作完成,并且可以在任何现代计算机上找到-也许这就是为什么它是通用手稿字体的原因。 我个人更喜欢来自Linux世界的Times New Roman的开源版本:Liberation。

You can download the whole font family (serif — just like Times New Roman, sans serif — just like Arial and mono — just like Courier New) for free, here.

您可以在此处免费下载整个字体系列(serif-类似于Times New Roman,sans serif-类似于Arial和mono-像Courier New)。

Monospaced fonts are still in use today, mainly for aesthetic and practical reasons. It immediately gives retro vibes to a block of text. Many “hipster” or “vintage” designs work with those fonts. Still, they have the huge benefit (that might be subjective though) to be easily readable, even by OCR software. Usually books are not printed in monospaced fonts though.

如今,等间距字体仍在使用,主要是出于美学和实用的原因。 它立即使文本块具有复古感。 许多“时髦”或“复古”设计都可以使用这些字体。 尽管如此,它们仍然具有巨大的优势(尽管可能是主观的),即使通过OCR软件也易于阅读。 通常,书籍不是以等宽字体打印的。

One could argue, that serif fonts (think Times New Roman) are easier to read than sans serif fonts (think Arial) and that is the reason why most books are printed in serif fonts. For your internal workflow however, you can work with whatever works best for you, and for me it’s all about monospaced fonts. It speeds up my proofreading and editing process quite a bit and if you haven’t tried it yourself yet, this is the time to give it a shot.

有人可能会说,衬线字体(认为Times New Roman)比无衬线字体(认为Arial)更易于阅读,这就是大多数书籍都采用衬线字体印刷的原因。 但是对于您的内部工作流程,您可以使用最适合自己的方法,对我而言,全都是等距字体。 它极大地加快了我的校对和编辑过程的速度,如果您自己还没有尝试过,现在是时候尝试一下。

If you try only one monospaced font (that is not Courier New) go with my favorite: Liberation Mono. It’s really practical and beautiful — if you’re into that kind of thing. You can download it here for free, if you’re interested.

如果您只尝试一种等宽字体(不是Courier New),请选择我最喜欢的字体:Liberation Mono。 这真的很实用而且很漂亮-如果您喜欢这种东西。 如果您有兴趣,可以在这里免费下载 。

There’s a wonderful website called fontlibrary with plenty of free open-source fonts for you to use. Check it out, there are a lot of gems to be found. Another good resource for free fonts is of course dafont. Please note the licence for each font. Here’s a collection of beautiful, free, vintage typewriter fonts on fontsarena.

有一个很棒的网站fontlibrary,其中有许多免费的开源字体供您使用。 检查一下,有很多宝石可以找到。 另一个免费字体的好资源当然是dafont 。 请注意每种字体的许可。 这是fontsarena上美丽,免费的老式打字机字体的集合 。

This article is purely based on personal experience and opinion. It contains no affiliate links!

本文纯粹基于个人经验和观点。 它不包含会员链接!

翻译自: https://uxdesign/my-favorite-monospaced-fonts-ff0cd6104a12


