实例 1


$people = array("Peter", "Joe", "Glenn", "Cleveland");


current($people) . "
"; // The current element is Peter


next($people) . "
"; // The next element of Peter is Joe


current($people) . "
"; // Now the current element is Joe

echo prev($people) . "

// The previous element of Joe is Peter

echo end($people) . "
"; //

The last element is Cleveland

echo prev($people) . "
"; // The

previous element of Cleveland is Glenn

echo current($people) . "
"; //

Now the current element is Glenn

echo reset($people) . "
"; // Moves

the internal pointer to the first element of the array, which is Peter

echo next($people) . "
"; // The next element of Peter is Joe

print_r (each($people)); // Returns the key and value of the current element

(now Joe), and moves the internal pointer forward


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