异步执行LightSwitch Javascript(Execute LightSwitch Javascript Asynchronously)

我的Lightswitch应用程序中有一个Back Button ,我需要直接链接到特定的屏幕。 链接的屏幕需要一个ProjectID值,我从您单击“ Back的页面提供该值。

问题是当我点击回来时,我被带到了正确的页面,但是在页面刷新之后才会显示任何记录。 我需要在加载完成后刷新页面

我一直在搞乱setTimeout和setInterval而没有运气。 这可以在我的按钮点击中完成,还是我应该完全使用不同的导航方法?


myapp.ViewRecordDetails.BackButton_execute = function (screen) { // window.history.back(); showDetails = function () { setTimeout(function () { window.location.reload(true); }, 0) } window.location.reload(true); };


myapp.ViewRecordDetails.BackButton_execute = function (screen) { // window.history.back(); myapp.showViewProjectDetails(screen.TBG_V_TimeLog_Detail), function () { }//Need to execute reload AFTER show screen has completed };

您可能会注意到我已经注释掉了widow.history.back(); ...这是在我的应用程序的第一次迭代中工作,但现在有两种不同的方法登陆页面,因此历史记录不可靠

I have a Back Button within my Lightswitch Application which I need to link directly to a specific screen. The linked screen requires a ProjectID value which I supply from the page which you are clicking Back on.

The problem is that when I click back, I am brought to the right page but no records display until after a page refresh. I need to refresh the page AFTER the load is complete

I have been messing with setTimeout and setInterval with no luck. Can this be done within my button click, or should I be using a different navigation method entirely?

Code with the setTimeout (doesn't navigate backward):

myapp.ViewRecordDetails.BackButton_execute = function (screen) { // window.history.back(); showDetails = function () { setTimeout(function () { window.location.reload(true); }, 0) } window.location.reload(true); };

Code which navigates back but needs the refresh to show data:

myapp.ViewRecordDetails.BackButton_execute = function (screen) { // window.history.back(); myapp.showViewProjectDetails(screen.TBG_V_TimeLog_Detail), function () { }//Need to execute reload AFTER show screen has completed };

You may notice that I have commented out widow.history.back();... this was working in the first iteration of my application, but there are now two different ways to land on the page so History is unreliable





myapp.ViewRecordDetails.BackButton_execute = function (screen) { // window.history.back(); myapp.showViewProjectDetails(screen.TBG_V_TimeLog_Detail).then(function(){ myapp.commitChanges() }).then(function () { window.location.reload(true);//Need to execute reload AFTER show screen has completed }) };


myapp.ViewRecordDetails.BackButton_execute = function (screen) { myapp.showViewProjectDetails(screen.TBG_V_TimeLog_Detail).then(function(){ window.location.reload(true); }) };

只需使用.then()功能。 很俏皮

Not sure how I didn't get this before..

BobbyJ's response got me thinking about commitChanges which got me thinking about skipping javascript tricks, and using what I already had.

This code works:

myapp.ViewRecordDetails.BackButton_execute = function (screen) { // window.history.back(); myapp.showViewProjectDetails(screen.TBG_V_TimeLog_Detail).then(function(){ myapp.commitChanges() }).then(function () { window.location.reload(true);//Need to execute reload AFTER show screen has completed }) };

This is all that I actually needed though:

myapp.ViewRecordDetails.BackButton_execute = function (screen) { myapp.showViewProjectDetails(screen.TBG_V_TimeLog_Detail).then(function(){ window.location.reload(true); }) };

Just utilizing the .then() functionality. Pretty nifty
