1. personel 人事部

    the personel department 人事部门

    the personel director   人事总监


    medical personnel  医务人员

    sales personnel   销售人员


2. representative 代表

a sales representative/rep 销售代表


3. potential 潜力/潜能

sb have/has the potential to do sth 某人有做某事的潜力

例句:Come, you have the potential to become a champion


4. expectation 期望/期待

salary expectation 薪资期望

contrary to all expectation / against all expectation 出乎所有人的意料/意想不到的事

come / live up to sb's expection 达到某人的期待


5. honor 荣幸/光荣

have the honor of doing sth 有做某事的荣耀

have the honor of sth 得到某殊荣

May I have the honor of the next dance 我可以和你跳下一支舞吗

do sb the honor of doing sth 赏脸为某人做某事

would you do me the honor of dining with me? 你能赏光和我一块吃饭吗

do the honors 尽主人之友谊


the guest of honor 贵宾

the seat/place of honor 上座

maid of honor 首席伴娘






