
Are you looking for a WordPress video theme for your website? WordPress allows you to easily embed videos, which makes it a great platform to build a video website.

您是否正在为您的网站寻找WordPress视频主题? WordPress允许您轻松嵌入视频,这使其成为构建视频网站的绝佳平台。

However, most WordPress themes are designed around text content. If your website needs to prominently display videos, then you’ll need a theme made specifically for multimedia websites.

但是,大多数WordPress主题都是围绕文本内容设计的。 如果您的网站需要突出显示视频,则需要专门针对多媒体网站的主题。

In this article, we will share some of the best WordPress video themes that you can use.


使用WordPress构建视频网站 (Building A Video Website with WordPress)

You should choose the best website builder to make your video website. And, WordPress is the most popular website builder in the market.

您应该选择最佳的网站构建器来制作视频网站。 而且,WordPress是市场上最受欢迎的网站构建器。

There are 2 types of WordPress websites. WordPress, which is a hosting solution, and WordPress, which is a self-hosted platform. You can check out our complete article on WordPress vs WordPress for more details.

WordPress网站有2种类型。 WordPress是托管解决方案,而WordPress是自托管平台。 您可以在WordPress和WordPress上查看完整的文章,以了解更多详细信息。

We recommend using self-hosted WordPress. It offers you flexibility and access to thousands of website designs, addons, and extensions.

我们建议使用自托管的WordPress。 它为您提供了灵活性,并可以访问数千种网站设计,附加组件和扩展。

Next, you will need to buy a domain name and WordPress hosting account. A domain name is a URL that your users will type in their browser to find your website (like wpbeginner), and WordPress hosting is where you will store your files and content.

接下来,您将需要购买域名和WordPress托管帐户。 域名是用户将在其浏览器中键入以找到您的网站(例如wpbeginner)的URL,而WordPress托管是您存储文件和内容的位置。

We recommend using Bluehost. They are one of the largest web hosting companies in the world, and an officially recommended WordPress hosting partner.

我们建议使用Bluehost 。 他们是世界上最大的网络托管公司之一,也是官方推荐的WordPress托管合作伙伴。

After signing up for hosting, you will need to install WordPress. Follow our step by step article on how to start a WordPress blog for detailed instructions.

注册托管后,您将需要安装WordPress 。 按照我们有关如何启动WordPress博客的分步指南中的详细说明。

Now you are ready to choose a theme for your website. If you need further assistance, you can check out our article on how to install a WordPress theme.

现在,您可以为您的网站选择主题了。 如果您需要进一步的帮助,可以查看有关如何安装WordPress主题的文章 。

Important: WordPress allows you to upload videos directly to your website. However, you should never upload videos directly to your website.

重要提示: WordPress允许您将视频直接上传到您的网站。 但是,绝对不要将视频直接上传到您的网站。

Videos are larger files and take a lot of server resources. This would crash your website and make it inaccessible for users. This is why you should always use video hosting platforms like YouTube or Vimeo.

视频是较大的文件,占用大量服务器资源。 这会使您的网站崩溃并使用户无法访问。 这就是为什么您应该始终使用YouTube或Vimeo等视频托管平台的原因。

For more details, see our article on why you should never upload videos to WordPress.

有关更多详细信息,请参阅我们的文章, 为什么您永远不应该将视频上传到WordPress 。

Having said that, now let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress video themes that you can use.


1.阿斯特拉 (1. Astra)

Astra is a fast and lightweight WordPress multipurpose theme for any kind of website. It has dozens of starter sites with video support.

Astra是适用于任何类型网站的快速,轻量级的WordPress多功能主题。 它有数十个具有视频支持的入门站点。

The theme is compatible with popular WordPress drag and drop builder plugins. You can use a page builder to customize built-in templates or design your own layout from scratch without editing any code.

该主题与流行的WordPress拖放生成器插件兼容。 您可以使用页面构建器自定义内置模板,也可以从头开始设计自己的布局,而无需编辑任何代码。

2. Divi (2. Divi)

Divi is a popular WordPress theme and an ultimate page builder plugin. It offers 100s of ready-made websites for different business niches.

Divi是一个受欢迎的WordPress主题,也是一个最终的页面构建器插件。 它为不同的业务领域提供了数百个现成的网站。

Most of their built-in templates support video content in image sliders, background, header, etc. You can also embed videos on any landing page easily.


3. Hestia专业版 (3. Hestia Pro)

Hestia Pro is a stylish WordPress theme with one-page and multi-page layouts. It lets you add a custom video header or video background on the homepage.

Hestia Pro是一种时尚的WordPress主题,具有一页和多页布局。 它使您可以在首页上添加自定义视频标题或视频背景。

The theme features include page builder support, pre-built modules, parallax scrolling, and more. It supports WooCommerce to start an online store.

主题功能包括页面构建器支持,预构建模块,视差滚动等。 它支持WooCommerce 开设在线商店 。

4.超 (4. Ultra)

Ultra is a powerful WordPress multipurpose theme for any kind of website. It comes with a few built-in sites that you can import in 1-click and launch your website quickly.

Ultra是适用于任何类型网站的功能强大的WordPress多功能主题。 它带有一些内置网站,您可以一键导入这些网站并快速启动您的网站。

It has unlimited color schemes, custom widgets, fullscreen video background, and crisp typography. You will also get Themify Builder for easy customization.

它具有无限的配色方案,自定义小部件,全屏视频背景和清晰的版式。 您还将获得Themify Builder,以轻松自定义。

5. OceanWP (5. OceanWP)

OceanWP is a free WordPress multipurpose theme. It has fast page load time and built-in lazy loading enabled to improve your website’s speed and performance.

OceanWP是一个免费的WordPress多用途主题。 它具有快速的页面加载时间和内置的延迟加载功能,可以提高网站的速度和性能 。

Inside, you will find color choices, fullscreen video layouts, CTAs, and ready-made website demos. You can use their 1-click demo content importer to get started quickly. It also supports WooCommerce to make an online store and start selling.

在内部,您可以找到颜色选择,全屏视频布局,CTA和现成的网站演示。 您可以使用其一键式演示内容导入器来快速入门。 它还支持WooCommerce建立在线商店并开始销售。

6. Inspiro (6. Inspiro)

Inspiro is a beautiful WordPress multipurpose theme. It comes with fullscreen video backgrounds, a powerful portfolio section, and a gallery module.

Inspiro是一个美丽的WordPress多用途主题。 它带有全屏视频背景 ,功能强大的作品集部分以及图库模块。

It has unique custom widgets to display portfolio showcases. It also includes 4 unique templates and a built-in drag and drop page builder to customize your website.

它具有独特的自定义小部件来显示产品组合展示。 它还包括4个独特的模板和一个内置的拖放页面生成器,以自定义您的网站。

7. Tusant (7. Tusant)

Tusant is a stunning WordPress theme made specifically for videos, vlogs, podcasting, and other multimedia-rich websites. It features a modern homepage layout that puts your media on the front and center.

Tusant是一个令人惊叹的WordPress主题,专门针对视频,视频博客,播客和其他多媒体内容丰富的网站而制作。 它具有现代的首页布局,可将您的媒体放在正面和中间。

You can display your audio/video player anywhere on your website. It supports playlists, individual episodes, and multiple visual content formats.

您可以在网站上的任何地方显示音频/视频播放器。 它支持播放列表,单个剧集和多种视觉内容格式。

8.苏亚雷斯 (8. Suarez)

Suarez is an elegant WordPress blogging theme. It comes with a beautiful homepage layout with a masonry grid section for featured posts.

Suarez是一个优雅的WordPress博客主题。 它带有漂亮的首页布局,并带有砖石网格部分,用于特色帖子。

It includes a built-in slider, multiple page layouts, social media integration, useful shortcodes, and custom widgets.

它包括一个内置滑块,多个页面布局, 社交媒体集成 ,有用的简码和自定义小部件。

9. Videozoom (9. Videozoom)

Videozoom is a stylish WordPress video theme designed specifically to build video websites and portals. It supports all the popular video embed and hosting services.

Videozoom是一种时尚的WordPress视频主题,专门用于构建视频网站和门户。 它支持所有流行的视频嵌入和托管服务。

It comes with a built-in video slideshow to showcase your most powerful content. Videozoom has tons of customization options that let you create an engaging website.

它带有内置的视频幻灯片放映,以展示您最强大的内容。 Videozoom具有大量的自定义选项,可让您创建引人入胜的网站。

10.影片故事 (10. VideoStories)

VideoStories is a free WordPress video theme designed specifically for vloggers, filmmakers, and videographers. It comes with its own companion plugin to help you set up your WordPress video site.

VideoStories是免费的WordPress视频主题,专门为视频记录器,电影摄制者和摄像师设计。 它带有自己的配套插件,可帮助您设置WordPress视频网站。

The homepage features a grid-based layout to display video thumbnails prominently. It is simple to set up and easy to use even for beginners.

主页采用基于网格的布局,以突出显示视频缩略图 。 它设置简单,即使对于初学者也易于使用。

11.维迪尼奥 (11. Vidiho)

Vidiho is a beautiful WordPress video blog theme. It comes with a large image slider on the homepage so that you can display your videos in high resolution.

Vidiho是一个美丽的WordPress视频博客主题。 它在首页上带有大图像滑块 ,因此您可以高分辨率显示视频。

Apart from that, it comes with lots of premium theme features such as lightbox popups, shortcodes, page layouts, custom widgets, and social media integration.


12.超级巨星 (12. Superstar)

Superstar is a modern WordPress theme for music, video, and event websites. It includes a built-in video template, photo galleries, Soundcloud playlist, and more.

Superstar是用于音乐,视频和事件网站的现代WordPress主题。 它包括一个内置的视频模板,照片库,Soundcloud播放列表等。

It has a powerful slider and comes with a page builder that lets you create your own page layouts. It also comes with discography, testimonials, and albums sections.

它具有强大的滑块,并带有页面构建器,可让您创建自己的页面布局。 它还包含唱片, 推荐书和专辑部分。

13.迪克西 (13. Dixie)

Dixie is a stunning WordPress podcast theme. It has a fullscreen homepage layout to display your audio and video content flexibly.

Dixie是一个令人惊叹的WordPress播客主题 。 它具有全屏首页布局,可以灵活显示您的音频和视频内容。

Other notable features include podcast episode slider, masonry layout options, infinite scrolling, pagination, and more. It gives you complete control of the theme design inside the live WordPress customizer.

其他值得注意的功能包括播客插播滑块,砌体布局选项,无限滚动,分页等等。 它使您可以完全控制实时WordPress定制程序中的主题设计。

14. Photonote 2.0 (14. Photonote 2.0)

Photonote 2.0 features a unique design with a touch-enabled slideshow on the homepage. It is a photography theme but can easily be used to showcase your videos.

Photonote 2.0具有独特的设计,并在主页上提供了具有触摸功能的幻灯片。 这是一个摄影主题,但可以轻松用于展示您的视频。

It comes with a light and a dark color scheme. It displays videos at the top of the post with a fullscreen view.

它带有浅色和深色方案。 它以全屏视图在帖子顶部显示视频。

15.泽勒 (15. Zelle)

Zelle is a modern WordPress one-page theme with a multipurpose approach to make a website of your choice. It supports video content out of the box.

Zelle是一种现代的WordPress一页主题,具有多种用途,可以使您选择一个网站 。 它支持开箱即用的视频内容。

The theme is compatible with WooCommerce to sell your content and products online. It also works great with third-party WooCommerce plugins to add more functionality to your site.

该主题与WooCommerce兼容,可以在线销售您的内容和产品。 它还与第三方WooCommerce插件配合使用 ,可以为您的网站添加更多功能。

16.活动 (16. Event)

Event is a fantastic WordPress video theme with a built-in video library. It features a beautiful design with image sliders, large header images, and multiple layout choices.

活动是一个梦幻般的WordPress视频主题,带有内置视频库。 它具有美观的设计,带有图像滑块,大页眉图像和多种布局选择。

It comes with an events section, video galleries, social media integration, post statics, and more. It has tons of customization options in the WordPress theme customizer.

它包含一个事件部分, 视频库 ,社交媒体集成,静态发布等。 它在WordPress主题定制器中具有大量的定制选项。

17.重温 (17. Relive)

Relive is a beautifully crafted WordPress theme suitable for photography, video blogs, and storytelling websites. It is designed to tell long-form stories with rich multimedia elements and an eye-catching layout.

Relive是精心制作的WordPress主题,适用于摄影,视频博客和讲故事的网站。 它旨在通过丰富的多媒体元素和引人注目的布局来讲述长篇故事。

It lets you embed videos, audio, image galleries, maps, and more on your site. It focuses on user experience and comes with a drag and drop page builder for easy customization.

它使您可以在网站上嵌入视频,音频, 图库 ,地图等。 它着重于用户体验,并带有一个拖放页面生成器,可轻松自定义。

18. Videobox (18. Videobox)

Videobox is a modern WordPress video theme. It supports many video hosting sites such as YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook Video, Instagram Video, DailyMotion, Brightcove, Amazon S3, etc.

Videobox是现代的WordPress视频主题。 它支持许多视频托管站点,例如YouTube, Vimeo ,Facebook视频,Instagram视频,DailyMotion,Brightcove,Amazon S3等。

It can automatically detect videos and use them as a thumbnail for the post. It also comes with a popular video widget that lets you get more views for your featured video content.

它可以自动检测视频并将其用作帖子的缩略图。 它还带有一个流行的视频小部件,可让您获得更多精选视频内容的观看次数。

19.萨奇莫 (19. Satchmo)

Satchmo is a classic WordPress podcast theme built specifically for video content creators. It offers an appealing layout with a perfect choice of colors for the header and CTA buttons.

Satchmo是一个经典的WordPress播客主题,专门为视频内容创建者构建。 它提供了引人入胜的布局,并为页眉和CTA按钮提供了完美的颜色选择。

The theme features include unlimited color schemes, font, theme options, and custom video backgrounds. It is translation ready to create a multilingual website easily.

主题功能包括无限的配色方案,字体,主题选项和自定义视频背景。 它已经做好翻译准备, 可以轻松创建一个多语言网站 。

20.视频博客 (20. Videoblog)

Videoblog is a free magazine-style WordPress video theme. It showcases your featured content at the top of the page and displays posts from your selected 5 categories in a beautiful grid layout.

Videoblog是免费的杂志式WordPress视频主题。 它在页面顶部展示您的特色内容,并以漂亮的网格布局显示您选择的5个类别的帖子。

It supports third-party plugins for video thumbnails, post ratings, and more. You can customize the website using WordPress live customizer.

它支持用于视频缩略图 ,帖子评分等的第三方插件。 您可以使用WordPress实时定制器自定义网站。

21.着迷 (21. Mesmerize)

Mesmerize is a free WordPress theme with a multipurpose design capable of handling videos gracefully. It is packed with useful features and handy options to set up your site without writing any code.

Mesmerize是一个免费的WordPress主题,具有多用途设计,能够优雅地处理视频。 它包含有用的功能和便捷的选项,可在不编写任何代码的情况下设置您的网站。

The homepage design includes 5 header styles and over 30 ready-to-use content sections. It also includes support for video backgrounds, slideshows, header content types, and gradient overlays.

主页设计包括5种标题样式和30多个现成的内容部分。 它还包括对视频背景,幻灯片,标题内容类型和渐变叠加的支持。

22.杂志 (22. Magazinum)

Magazinum is a beautiful WordPress magazine theme for video websites. It supports video thumbnails and comes with a built-in featured content slider.

Magazinum是视频网站的美丽WordPress杂志主题 。 它支持视频缩略图,并带有内置的特色内容滑块。

It has custom widgets for social media profiles and Flickr gallery. Magazinum comes in 2 color schemes and an easy-to-use theme options panel.

它具有用于社交媒体配置文件和Flickr画廊的自定义小部件。 Magazinum提供2种配色方案和一个易于使用的主题选项面板。

23.擒纵轮 (23. Catch Wheels)

Catch Wheels is a bold WordPress theme designed specifically for vloggers, videographers, and creative artists. It has a featured content slider on the top of the page to display your most important content professionally.

Catch Wheels是一个大胆的WordPress主题,专门为vlogger,摄像师和创意艺术家设计。 它在页面顶部具有一个精选的内容滑块,可专业显示您最重要的内容。

It lets you showcase your post categories on the homepage. The theme comes with 1-column and 2-column layouts.

它使您可以在首页上显示您的帖子类别。 主题带有1列和2列布局。

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress video theme for your website. You may also want to check out our article on how to increase your website traffic, and our comparison of the best email marketing services.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适合您网站的最佳WordPress视频主题。 您可能还需要查看我们有关如何增加网站流量的文章 ,以及我们对最佳电子邮件营销服务的比较 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner/showcase/best-wordpress-video-themes/


