


@import url('https://fonts.googleapis/css?family=Work+Sans:200');

:root {

--shadow: #fd6f21;

--ring: currentColor;

--blend1: #fc5830;

--blend2: #f98c24;

--blend-from: 0%;

--blend-to: 100%;

--blend-dir: top right;


[icon] {

-webkit-box-flex: 0;

-ms-flex: none;

flex: none;

display: none;

position: relative;

font-size: calc(10em + 1vmin);

width: 1em;

height: 1em;

margin: .3em;

border-radius: 100%;

box-shadow: 0 0 0 .05em var(--ring) inset, 0 0 .3em -.03em var(--shadow);

background: -webkit-linear-gradient( var(--blend-dir), var(--blend1) var(--blend-from), var(--blend2) var(--blend-to));

background: linear-gradient( to var(--blend-dir), var(--blend1) var(--blend-from), var(--blend2) var(--blend-to));

/* filter: saturate(0); */


/* [icon]:hover {

filter: saturate(1);

} */

[icon]::after {

content: attr(data-label);

position: absolute;

top: calc(100% + 1vmin);

left: 50%;

-webkit-transform: translateX(-50%);

transform: translateX(-50%);

font: inherit;

font-size: .15em;


[icon='sunny'] {

--shadow: #fd6f21;

--blend1: #fc5830;

--blend2: #f98c24;

--blend-to: 65%;


[icon='cloudy'] {

--shadow: #1378bb;

--blend1: #1b9ce2;

--blend2: #1378bb;

--shadow: #c9e8de;

--blend1: #758595;

--blend2: #e0e2e5;

--blend1: #1b9ce2;

--blend-to: 65%;

--blend-to: 90%;


[icon='snowy'] {

--shadow: #c9e8de;

--blend1: #758595;

--blend2: #e0e2e5;

--blend-to: 90%;

--blend-dir: bottom left;


[icon='stormy'] {

--shadow: #34c6d8;

--blend1: #4b9cc2;

--blend2: #9adbd9;


[icon='supermoon'] {

--shadow: #5133a5;

--blend1: #4054b2;

--blend2: #aa4cba;

--blend-to: 65%;

--blend-dir: bottom right;


/* SUNNY */

/* --------------------- */

.sun {

position: absolute;

top: 20%;

left: 80%;

-webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

width: 40%;

height: 40%;

border-radius: 100%;

background: #ffeb3b;

box-shadow: 0 0 0 .02em var(--ring) inset, 0 0 .3em -.03em var(--shadow);

-webkit-transform-origin: .1em .1em;

transform-origin: .1em .1em;


.sun::after {

content: '';

position: absolute;

top: .1em;

left: 0;

will-change: transform;

-webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

width: .1em;

height: .1em;

border-radius: 100%;

background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .1);

box-shadow: 0 0 .1em 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, .3) inset, -.1em -.1em 0 .2em rgba(255, 255, 255, .1);

-webkit-animation: flare 12000ms infinite alternate linear;

animation: flare 12000ms infinite alternate linear;


/* CLOUDY */

/* --------------------- */

.cloud {

position: absolute;

top: .1em;

left: 65%;

width: .37em;

height: .13em;

border-radius: .1em;

background-color: #fff;

box-shadow: 0 0 .1em .02em var(--ring) inset, 0 0 .3em -.03em var(--shadow);

-webkit-animation: move 3000ms infinite ease-in-out;

animation: move 3000ms infinite ease-in-out;


.cloud + .cloud {

top: 25%;

left: 40%;

-webkit-animation: move 3700ms infinite linear;

animation: move 3700ms infinite linear;



.cloud::after {

content: '';

position: inherit;

border-radius: inherit;

background-color: inherit;

box-shadow: inherit;

bottom: 30%;


.cloud::before {

left: .05em;

width: .2em;

height: .2em;


.cloud::after {

left: .15em;

width: .15em;

height: .15em;


/* SNOWY */

/* --------------------- */

[icon='snowy'] ul {

position: absolute;

list-style: none;

top: 0%;

left: 10%;

right: 0%;

height: 100%;

margin: 0;

padding: 0;


[icon='snowy'] li::before,

[icon='snowy'] li::after {

content: '';

position: absolute;

list-style: none;

width: .015em;

height: .01em;

border-radius: 100%;

background-color: var(--ring);

will-change: transform, opacity;

-webkit-animation: snow 3700ms infinite ease-out;

animation: snow 3700ms infinite ease-out;

opacity: 0;


[icon='snowy'] li:nth-child(2n+1)::before,

[icon='snowy'] li:nth-child(13n+11)::after {

top: -7%;

left: 40%;


[icon='snowy'] li:nth-child(3n+2)::before,

[icon='snowy'] li:nth-child(11n+7)::after {

top: 5%;

left: 90%;

-webkit-animation-delay: 1000ms;

animation-delay: 1000ms;


[icon='snowy'] li:nth-child(5n+3)::before,

[icon='snowy'] li:nth-child(7n+5)::after {

top: -10%;

left: 80%;

-webkit-animation-delay: 2000ms;

animation-delay: 2000ms;


[icon='snowy'] li:nth-child(7n+5)::before,

[icon='snowy'] li:nth-child(5n+3)::after {

top: 10%;

left: 10%;

-webkit-animation-delay: 1300ms;

animation-delay: 1300ms;


[icon='snowy'] li:nth-child(11n+7)::before,

[icon='snowy'] li:nth-child(3n+2)::after {

top: 20%;

left: 70%;

-webkit-animation-delay: 1500ms;

animation-delay: 1500ms;


[icon='snowy'] li:nth-child(13n+11)::before,

[icon='snowy'] li:nth-child(2n+1)::after {

top: 35%;

left: 20%;

-webkit-animation-delay: 500ms;

animation-delay: 500ms;


.snowman {

position: absolute;

bottom: 30%;

left: 40%;

width: .15em;

height: .15em;

opacity: .9;

background: var(--ring);

border-radius: 100%;


.snowman::after {

content: '';

position: absolute;

top: 90%;

left: 30%;

-webkit-transform: translate(-50%, 0%);

transform: translate(-50%, 0%);

width: .275em;

height: .3em;

border-radius: inherit;

background-color: var(--ring);


.snowman::before {

content: '';

position: absolute;

top: 0%;

left: 50%;

-webkit-transform: translate(-55%, -50%);

transform: translate(-55%, -50%);

width: .45em;

height: .4em;

border-radius: 60%;

border: .02em solid transparent;

border-bottom-color: var(--blend1);

will-change: border-radius;

-webkit-animation: snowman 9000ms infinite ease-in;

animation: snowman 9000ms infinite ease-in;


/* STORMY */

/* --------------------- */

[icon='stormy']::before {

--shadow: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);

content: '';

position: absolute;

top: 0;

left: 0;

right: 0;

bottom: 0;

margin: .05em;

border-radius: 100%;

opacity: .4;

will-change: background-color;

-webkit-animation: flash 2300ms infinite linear 80ms;

animation: flash 2300ms infinite linear 80ms;


[icon='stormy'] .cloud {

--shadow: #c9e8de;

--ring: #f0f2f0;

background-color: var(--shadow);

font-size: 1.3em;

left: 50%;

will-change: background-color, transform, opacity;

-webkit-animation: flash 2300ms infinite linear, move 3700ms infinite linear;

animation: flash 2300ms infinite linear, move 3700ms infinite linear;


[icon='stormy'] ul {

position: absolute;

list-style: none;

top: 0%;

left: 70%;

right: 0%;

height: 100%;

margin: 0;

padding: 0;


[icon='stormy'] li,

[icon='stormy'] li::before,

[icon='stormy'] li::after {

position: absolute;

width: .005em;

height: .02em;

border-radius: 10%;

background-color: #eee;

opacity: 0;

will-change: transform, opacity;

-webkit-animation: rain 2000ms infinite linear;

animation: rain 2000ms infinite linear;

-webkit-transform: rotate(25deg);

transform: rotate(25deg);


[icon='stormy'] li::before,

[icon='stormy'] li::after {

content: '';


[icon='stormy'] li:nth-child(5n+3)::before,

[icon='stormy'] li:nth-child(11n+7)::after,

[icon='stormy'] li:nth-child(2n+1) {

top: 10%;

left: 68%;

-webkit-animation-delay: 500ms;

animation-delay: 500ms;


[icon='stormy'] li:nth-child(3n+2)::after,

[icon='stormy'] li:nth-child(7n+5)::after,

[icon='stormy'] li:nth-child(3n+2) {

top: 5%;

left: 45%;

-webkit-animation-delay: 1250ms;

animation-delay: 1250ms;


[icon='stormy'] li:nth-child(2n+1)::before,

[icon='stormy'] li:nth-child(5n+3)::after,

[icon='stormy'] li:nth-child(7n+5) {

top: 4%;

left: 82%;

-webkit-animation-delay: 750ms;

animation-delay: 750ms;


[icon='stormy'] li:nth-child(11n+7)::before,

[icon='stormy'] li:nth-child(3n+2)::after,

[icon='stormy'] li:nth-child(7n+5) {

top: 15%;

left: 15%;

-webkit-animation-delay: 2000ms;

animation-delay: 2000ms;


[icon='stormy'] li:nth-child(7n+5)::before,

[icon='stormy'] li:nth-child(2n+1)::after,

[icon='stormy'] li:nth-child(11n+7) {

top: 10%;

left: 33%;

-webkit-animation-delay: 2500ms;

animation-delay: 2500ms;



/* --------------------- */

[icon="supermoon"]::before {

content: '';

position: absolute;

top: 0;

left: 0;

right: 0;

bottom: 0;

background-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(1px 1px at 50% 20%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), -webkit-radial-gradient(1px 1px at 30% 65%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), -webkit-radial-gradient(2px 2px at 15% 05%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), -webkit-radial-gradient(2px 2px at 37% 35%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), -webkit-radial-gradient(2px 2px at 65% 47%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), -webkit-radial-gradient(1px 1px at 42% 29%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), -webkit-radial-gradient(1px 1px at 73% 56%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), -webkit-radial-gradient(1px 1px at 24% 19%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), -webkit-radial-gradient(2px 2px at 31% 47%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), -webkit-radial-gradient(1px 1px at 18% 39%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));

background-image: radial-gradient(1px 1px at 50% 20%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), radial-gradient(1px 1px at 30% 65%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), radial-gradient(2px 2px at 15% 05%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), radial-gradient(2px 2px at 37% 35%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), radial-gradient(2px 2px at 65% 47%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), radial-gradient(1px 1px at 42% 29%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), radial-gradient(1px 1px at 73% 56%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), radial-gradient(1px 1px at 24% 19%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), radial-gradient(2px 2px at 31% 47%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), radial-gradient(1px 1px at 18% 39%, #fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));

background-repeat: repeat;

will-change: transform;

-webkit-animation: revolve 120000ms linear infinite;

animation: revolve 120000ms linear infinite;


.moon {

position: absolute;

top: 20%;

left: 80%;

-webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

width: 40%;

height: 40%;

border-radius: 100%;

background: -webkit-radial-gradient(bottom left, circle, var(--ring), #fef07e);

background: radial-gradient(circle at bottom left, var(--ring), #fef07e);

box-shadow: 0 0 0 .02em var(--ring) inset, 0 0 .3em -.03em var(--blend2);



.moon::after {

content: '';

position: absolute;

border-radius: 100%;

background-color: var(--blend1);

box-shadow: .01em .01em .1em 0 var(--blend1);


.moon::before {

top: 15%;

left: 55%;

width: 20%;

height: 20%;

opacity: .3;


.moon::after {

bottom: 50%;

left: 25%;

width: 15%;

height: 15%;

opacity: .2;


.meteor {

position: absolute;

background-color: #fff;

opacity: 0;

top: 20%;

left: 55%;

width: 1px;

height: 15px;

-webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);

transform: rotate(45deg);

will-change: transform, opacity;

-webkit-animation: meteor 6250ms infinite ease-in;

animation: meteor 6250ms infinite ease-in;


body {

min-height: 100vh;

font-size: calc(.5em + 1vmin);

display: -webkit-box;

display: -ms-flexbox;

display: flex;

-webkit-box-align: center;

-ms-flex-align: center;

align-items: center;

-ms-flex-pack: distribute;

justify-content: space-around;

-ms-flex-flow: row wrap;

flex-flow: row wrap;

font-family: 'Work Sans', sans-serif;

background: #212125;

color: #e6e8db;


[icon="sunny"] {

display: block;


[icon="cloudy"] {

display: block;


[icon="snowy"] {

display: block;


[icon="stormy"] {

display: block;


[icon="supermoon"] {

display: block;


@-webkit-keyframes flare {

to {

-webkit-transform: translate(-.3em, .3em);

transform: translate(-.3em, .3em);

opacity: .4;

font-size: .2em;



@keyframes flare {

to {

-webkit-transform: translate(-.3em, .3em);

transform: translate(-.3em, .3em);

opacity: .4;

font-size: .2em;



@-webkit-keyframes move {

50% {

-webkit-transform: translateX(-.05em);

transform: translateX(-.05em);



@keyframes move {

50% {

-webkit-transform: translateX(-.05em);

transform: translateX(-.05em);



@-webkit-keyframes snow {

50% {

opacity: 1;


100% {

-webkit-transform: translate(-.1em, 15vmin);

transform: translate(-.1em, 15vmin);



@keyframes snow {

50% {

opacity: 1;


100% {

-webkit-transform: translate(-.1em, 15vmin);

transform: translate(-.1em, 15vmin);



@-webkit-keyframes snowman {

50% {

border-radius: 60% 60% 30% 50%;



@keyframes snowman {

50% {

border-radius: 60% 60% 30% 50%;



@-webkit-keyframes flash {

49% {

background-color: var(--shadow);


51% {

background-color: var(--ring);


53% {

background-color: var(--shadow);


57% {

background-color: var(--ring);


85% {

background-color: var(--shadow);



@keyframes flash {

49% {

background-color: var(--shadow);


51% {

background-color: var(--ring);


53% {

background-color: var(--shadow);


57% {

background-color: var(--ring);


85% {

background-color: var(--shadow);



@-webkit-keyframes rain {

10% {

opacity: .4;


50% {

opacity: 1;


100% {

-webkit-transform: translate(-.1em, .5em);

transform: translate(-.1em, .5em);



@keyframes rain {

10% {

opacity: .4;


50% {

opacity: 1;


100% {

-webkit-transform: translate(-.1em, .5em);

transform: translate(-.1em, .5em);



@-webkit-keyframes revolve {

to {

-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);

transform: rotate(360deg);



@keyframes revolve {

to {

-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);

transform: rotate(360deg);



@-webkit-keyframes meteor {

5% {

opacity: 1;


8% {

-webkit-transform: translate(-.6em, .6em) rotate(45deg);

transform: translate(-.6em, .6em) rotate(45deg);

opacity: 0;



@keyframes meteor {

5% {

opacity: 1;


8% {

-webkit-transform: translate(-.6em, .6em) rotate(45deg);

transform: translate(-.6em, .6em) rotate(45deg);

opacity: 0;




天气预报鼠标css,CSS3 5个天气预报动画式图标