2.2.6. 目标起伏模型

2.2.6. Target Fluctuation Models


It is common in radardetection algorithms to make a detection decision based not on one, but on aset of N noncoherently combined measurements from a given resolution cell.


One way such a set ofmeasurements can arise, and possibly the original motivation for this model, isbased on the operation of a ground-based surveillance radar.


Consider a radar withan antenna that rotates at a constant angular velocity Ω radians per secondwith an azimuth beamwidth of θ radians and a pulse repetition frequency of PRFpulses per second (hertz).


Suppose that a targetis present at a particular location.


The geometry is shownin Fig. 2.15a.

Figure 2.15. 多个非相干信号的测量采集场景:(a)非相干雷达的旋转监视天线;(b)相干雷达的多个CPI示意图Sample scenarios for collectionof multiple noncoherently related measurements: (a) rotating surveillance antennawith noncoherent radar, (b) multiple CPIs with a coherent radar.


Assume thatsignificant returns are received only when the target is in the antennamainlobe.

天线的每一次360°扫描都会产生一组新的N = (θ/Ω)PRF主波束脉冲。

Every complete 360° scanof the antenna results in a new set of N = (θ/Ω)PRF mainbeam pulses containingan echo of the target as the beam scans past.


Consequently, itwould seem to make sense to integrate the measurements from the same range binover N successive pulses in an attempt to improve signal-to-noise ratio beforeperforming a detection test.


Early radars couldonly do this noncoherently.


This is not the onlyway a set of related measurements can arise.


Many modern systemsare designed to transmit a rapid burst of M pulses at a constant PRF, oftenwith the antenna staring in a fixed or nearly fixed direction, forming acoherent processing interval (CPI) of data.


As will be seen inChap. 4, the M-pulse burst is a common waveform well suited to Dopplermeasurements and interference suppression.


The radar may thenrepeat the measurement, collecting a series of N CPIs in the same lookdirection.


Successive CPIs mayshare the same radar parameters, or the radar may change the PRF, the waveform,or the RF (frequency agility).


The data from thesame range bin within a single CPI are usually combined coherently, forinstance to form a Doppler spectrum for that range bin.


However, combiningdata across CPIs must generally be done noncoherently.

——本文译自Mark A. Richards所著的《Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing(Second edition)》


