
Do you want to delete a WordPress theme but are worried that it might be unsafe?


If you have recently switched your WordPress theme, then you may want to delete the old one. You may also have a few other WordPress themes that come pre-installed on your website that you may want to remove.

如果您最近切换了WordPress主题 ,则可能要删除旧主题 。 您可能还会在您的网站上预先安装了一些其他WordPress主题,您可能希望将其删除。

In this article, we’ll show you why and how to easily delete a WordPress theme without affecting your website.


为什么要删除WordPress主题? (Why Delete a WordPress Theme?)

If you are not using a WordPress theme, then it is recommended to delete it from your website. There are a number of reasons for deleting unused WordPress themes.

如果您没有使用WordPress主题,则建议将其从您的网站中删除。 删除未使用的WordPress主题有多种原因。

  • malicious code or malware on your website (that is if your website was ever compromised). Sometimes rogue developers can hide backdoors in unused themes as well.恶意代码或恶意软件 (也就是说,如果您的网站曾经遭到入侵)。 有时,流氓开发人员也可以将后门隐藏在未使用的主题中。
  • WordPress security plugin takes longer to finish a scan.WordPress安全插件需要更长的时间才能完成扫描。
  • You’ll also keep getting updates for those themes, even though you are not using them at all.


Now a lot of users install WordPress themes on their live websites just to test them out. This is not the best way to test drive a WordPress theme.

现在,许多用户在其实时网站上安装WordPress主题只是为了对其进行测试。 这不是测试驱动WordPress主题的最佳方法。

We recommend using a staging site or a local WordPress install to do all your testing. This way it doesn’t affect your live website and allows you to offer a consistent experience to your users.

我们建议您使用暂存站点或本地WordPress安装来进行所有测试。 这样,它不会影响您的实时网站,并可以为用户提供一致的体验。

What’s the difference between uninstalling vs deleting a WordPress theme?


WordPress allows you to only keep one theme as your active theme. However, you can install as many themes as you want on your website.

WordPress允许您仅保留一个主题作为活动主题。 但是,您可以在网站上安装任意数量的主题。

These themes will not be active, but they are still installed on your site, and you’ll continue to receive updates for them.


To completely uninstall a WordPress theme, you need to delete it. This will remove all theme files from your website.

要完全卸载WordPress主题,您需要将其删除。 这将从您的网站中删除所有主题文件。

Is it safe to delete old WordPress themes?


Yes, it is safe to delete a WordPress theme that you are not using.


Each WordPress site needs at least one theme installed to function properly. This is the theme that WordPress will use to display your website.

每个WordPress网站都需要至少安装一个主题才能正常运行。 这是WordPress用于显示您的网站的主题。

You can view which WordPress theme you are currently using by visiting Appearance » Themes page. Your current theme will appear as ‘Active’ theme.

您可以通过访问外观»主题页面查看当前正在使用的WordPress主题 。 您当前的主题将显示为“活动”主题。

We also recommend keeping one default WordPress theme (e.g. Twenty Twenty or Twenty Nineteen) installed on your website. It acts as the fallback theme in case your current theme is not working.

我们还建议您在网站上保留一个默认的WordPress主题(例如,二十二十岁或二十十九岁)。 如果您当前的主题无法正常工作,它可以作为后备主题。

If your current theme is a child theme, then you will also need to keep the parent theme installed on your website.


Apart from these themes, you can safely delete any other themes installed on your website.


That being said, let us show you how to delete a WordPress theme.


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删除WordPress主题之前的准备工作 (Preparing Before Deleting a WordPress Theme)

If you have customized a WordPress theme and want to preserve those customizations before deleting it, then you can create a complete WordPress backup.

如果您已自定义WordPress主题,并且想要在删除主题之前保留这些自定义,则可以创建完整的WordPress备份 。

You can also just download the theme folder to your computer as a backup.


To do that, you can use an FTP client or the File Manager app in your WordPress hosting account dashboard. Once connected, go to /wp-content/themes/ folder and download the inactive theme folder to your computer.

为此,您可以在WordPress托管帐户信息中心中使用FTP客户端或文件管理器应用程序。 连接后,转到/ wp-content / themes /文件夹,然后将非活动主题文件夹下载到您的计算机。

Once you have safely backed-up your old theme, you can proceed to delete it.


删除WordPress主题 (Deleting a WordPress Theme)

There are multiple ways to delete a WordPress theme. We’ll start with the easiest one first.

有多种删除WordPress主题的方法。 我们将从最简单的一个开始。

1. Deleting a WordPress theme via admin dashboard


This is the easiest and the recommended way to delete a WordPress theme.


First, you need to go to Appearance » Themes page and click on the theme that you want to delete.


WordPress will now open theme details in a popup window. You need to click on the Delete button at the bottom right corner of the popup screen.

WordPress现在将在弹出窗口中打开主题详细信息。 您需要单击弹出屏幕右下角的“删除”按钮。

Next, you’ll be asked to confirm that you want to delete the theme. Simply click the OK button to continue, and WordPress will delete your selected theme.

接下来,将要求您确认要删除主题。 只需单击“确定”按钮继续,WordPress将删除您选择的主题。

2. Deleting a WordPress theme via FTP


This method is a bit advanced, but it comes in handy if you are unable to access the WordPress admin area.

这种方法有点先进,但是如果您无法访问WordPress管理员区域 ,它会派上用场。

Simply connect to your WordPress site using an FTP client and then go to /wp-content/themes/ folder.

只需使用FTP客户端连接到您的WordPress网站,然后转到/ wp-content / themes /文件夹。

From here you need to locate the theme folder that you want to delete. Right-click on the folder name and then select delete.

在这里,您需要找到要删除的主题文件夹。 右键单击文件夹名称,然后选择删除。

Your FTP client will now delete your selected theme.


3. Delete a WordPress theme using File Manager


If you are uncomfortable using an FTP client, then you can also use the File Manager app in your web hosting control panel.


For this example, we’ll be showing screenshots from Bluehost’s hosting dashboard. Depending on your hosting provider, your hosting dashboard may look a bit different.

对于此示例,我们将显示Bluehost托管面板的屏幕截图。 根据您的托管服务提供商,您的托管仪表板可能看起来有所不同。

Login to your hosting account dashboard and click on the File Manager icon under the Advanced tab.


This will launch the file manager where you can browse the contents of your web server like you would using an FTP client. You need to go to the /public_html/wp-content/themes/ folder.

这将启动文件管理器,您可以在其中浏览Web服务器的内容,就像使用FTP客户端一样。 您需要转到/ public_html / wp-content / themes /文件夹。

Next, you just need to right-click and delete the theme that you want to get rid of, and that’s all.


如果不小心删除了WordPress主题怎么办? (What to Do If You Accidentally Delete a WordPress Theme?)

If you accidentally deleted a WordPress theme, then there are multiple ways to restore it back.


First, you can restore the theme from the backup. This is easier as many WordPress backup plugins allow you to quickly restore your website to an earlier stage.

首先,您可以从备份中还原主题。 这很容易,因为许多WordPress备份插件使您可以快速将网站还原到早期阶段。

However, if you didn’t make a backup, then you can restore the theme by downloading and installing a fresh copy of the same theme.


The downside of the second approach is that you would lose any customizations you made to the theme.


We hope this article helped you learn how to easily delete a WordPress theme. You may also want to see our list of the best WordPress plugins and best email marketing services for small business.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何轻松删除WordPress主题。 您可能还需要查看我们的最佳WordPress插件列表和针对小型企业的最佳电子邮件营销服务 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner/beginners-guide/how-to-delete-a-wordpress-theme/


