Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Apr 01, 2015

use the following link to test filter logic: ( filter by status = open )
https://:4080/sap/opu/odata/sap/CRM_OPPORTUNITY/Opportunities?$skip=0&$top=20&$filter=UserStatusCode eq 'I1002'
in this case get_system_status will never be called:

instead, the filter option passed by the consumer will be handled:

However, in the result list, E0001 is filled instead of I1002.


首先读出所有的CRM status:


REPORT zlock1.
DATA: lr_1o_search                TYPE REF TO cl_crm_q1o_search.
DATA: lt_guidlist                 TYPE crmt_bsp_objectkey_tab.
DATA: lt_oppt                     TYPE REF TO data.
DATA: lt_return                   TYPE bapiret2_t.
DATA: ls_return                   TYPE bapiret2.
DATA: lt_selection_parameter TYPE genilt_selection_parameter_tab,
      ls_selection_parameter LIKE LINE OF lt_selection_parameter.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <oppt>     TYPE any,
               <oppt_tab> TYPE ANY TABLE.
CREATE OBJECT lr_1o_search.
CHECK lr_1o_search IS BOUND.
ls_selection_parameter-attr_name = 'RESPONS_AREA'.
ls_selection_parameter-option = 'EQ'.
ls_selection_parameter-sign = 'I'.
ls_selection_parameter-low = '2'.
APPEND ls_selection_parameter TO lt_selection_parameter.
ls_selection_parameter-attr_name = 'STATUS'.
ls_selection_parameter-low = 'I1002'.
APPEND ls_selection_parameter TO lt_selection_parameter.
CALL METHOD lr_1o_search->set_selection_parameters
    iv_obj_il                 = cl_crm_odata_oppt_constant=>gc_oppt_obj_il
    it_selection_parameters   = lt_selection_parameter
    et_return                 = lt_return
    partner_fct_error         = 1
    object_type_not_found     = 2
    multi_value_not_supported = 3
    OTHERS                    = 4.
CREATE DATA lt_oppt TYPE TABLE OF crmst_query_r_opp_btil.
ASSIGN lt_oppt->* TO <oppt_tab>.
CALL METHOD lr_1o_search->get_result_values
    iv_max_hits  = 100
    et_results   = <oppt_tab>
    et_guid_list = lt_guidlist
    et_return    = lt_return.


Opportunity search filtered by status