如何格式化JTextField以使单词不截止?(How to format a JTextField so words don't cutoff?)

我有一个JTextField,它会切断我的输入,使句子超过界限,而不是每5个字左右开始一个新行。 我曾经尝试过这个适用于JLabel而不适用于JtextField的内容:

String html1 = "<html><body style='width: "; String html2 = "px'>"; labell.setText(html1+"300"+html2+content);

I have a JTextField which cuts off my input making the sentence go on past the bounds instead of starting a new line every 5 words or so. I have tried in the past this which has worked for a JLabel but not for JtextField:

String html1 = "<html><body style='width: "; String html2 = "px'>"; labell.setText(html1+"300"+html2+content);




JTextArea#setLineWrap JTextArea#setWrapStyleWord JTextArea#setRows JTextArea#setColumns

See How to Use Text Areas

You may also want to take a look at

JTextArea#setLineWrap JTextArea#setWrapStyleWord JTextArea#setRows JTextArea#setColumns
