Crystal Reports - 禁止子报表参数提示(Crystal Reports - suppress subreport parameter prompts)

我在一个共同的领域有一个水晶报告与几个子报告链接 - 所有工作都很好。 现在必须添加另一个非常复杂的现有报告作为新子。 这份报告的数据源代码延伸了几页。 它还有十几个参数,这些参数进一步嵌入到众多公式领域中。 也就是说,它运行良好,并具有与主要报告链接的参数。 不幸的是,所有其他参数提示都非常烦人。



我希望找到一种替代方法来传递参数值以防止提示。 我知道ReportDocument类的SetParameterValue()方法,但不知道如何使用它。 我找到了如何将它用于C#,VS,ASP.net等的例子,这些例子都不适用于像我这样的最终用户。



I have a Crystal report with several subreports linked on a common field - all working great. Now must add another, very complex, existing report as a new sub. This report's data source code stretches several pages. It also has over a dozen parameters which are further imbedded in numerous formula fields through out. That said, it runs fine and has a parameter that links with the main report. Unfortunately all the other parameter prompts is supremely annoying.

I've searched high and low for a method to accept default values without prompts but Crystal doesn't seem to accommodate that notion.

Revising the report to remove all the unneeded parameters would be extremely painful and simply not an option.

I'm hoping to find an alternate way to pass the parameter values to prevent the prompt. I'm aware of the SetParameterValue() method of the ReportDocument class but not sure how to use it. I've found examples of how to use it with C#, VS,, etc., none of which work for an end user like myself.

Could the data source command itself be used?

Much thanks for any recommendations, guidance or thoughts!





{date_field} = {?Date_prompt}




With Command Level prompts, you would never be able to change the prompt values with the CR Viewer.

If the report is supposed to be viewed in the CR Viewer and you need the functionality or changing prompt values, try this:

1) Remove Command Level prompts 2) Create the Data prompt in the report from the Field Explorer 3) Create a Record Selection formula like this:

{date_field} = {?Date_prompt}

under Report > Selection Formulas > Saved data

4) Save the report with data

Try this...
