嵌入式WebDAV服务器(Embedded WebDAV server)

我知道这可能是之前被问过的,但我发现的大多数事情都是半完成的。 是否有一个C#库可以让我嵌入一个小的(最好是高速的) WebDAV服务器并将其扩展为从我的后备存储中提供文件? 此外,如果不存在这样的事情,是否有类似的HTTP/S服务器,其模块化足以使WebDAV建立在它之上?

I know this was probably asked before, but most things I found are half-finished. Is there a C# library that would enable me to embed a small (preferably high speed) WebDAV server and expand it to serve files from my backing store? Also, if no such thing exists, is there a similar HTTP/S server which is modular enough for WebDAV to be built on top of it?


WebDavSystem中存在服务器组件,我们的SecureBlackbox产品中存在WebDAV服务器组件。 两者都可用于.NET。 我们可以与任何传输一起使用,不一定是HTTP(S)。

There exist server components from WebDavSystem and there exist WebDAV server components in our SecureBlackbox products. Both are available for .NET. Ours can be used with any transport, not necessarily HTTP(S).
