我应该使用mysqli_real_escape_string还是应该使用预准备语句?(Should I use mysqli_real_escape_string or should I use prepared statements? [duplicate])


如何在PHP中阻止SQL注入? 28个答案



准备好的陈述有什么好处吗? 你认为最好的方法是什么?

This question already has an answer here:

How can I prevent SQL injection in PHP? 28 answers

Should I use mysqli_real_escape_string or should I use prepared statements?

I've seen a tutorial now explaining prepared statements but I've seen them do the same thing as mysqli_real_escape_string but it uses more lines

Are there any benefits for prepared statements? What do you think is the best method to use?


准备好的陈述 。 因为无处逃避是一回事。 实际上,逃逸与任何注射完全无关,不应用于保护。


Prepared statements only. Because nowhere escaping is the same thing. In fact, escaping has absolutely nothing to do with whatever injections, and shouldn't be used for protection.

While prepared statements offer the 100% security when applicable.
