
Are you looking for the best Stripe payment plugin to accept payments on your WordPress site? Stripe is one of the most popular payment processing companies in the world. It allows you to easily accept credit card payments on your website. In this article, we will share the best Stripe payment plugins for WordPress sites.

您是否正在寻找最好的Stripe付款插件以在WordPress网站上接受付款? Stripe是全球最受欢迎的付款处理公司之一。 它使您可以轻松地在您的网站上接受信用卡付款。 在本文中,我们将为WordPress网站分享最好的Stripe付款插件。

为什么使用Stripe接受WordPress上的付款? (Why Use Stripe to Accept Payments on WordPress?)

If you want to accept credit card payments on your WordPress website, then there isn’t an easier solution that Stripe.


Stripe is one of the top payment companies that does not require you to go through a lengthy process of getting a merchant account. They allow anyone with a legitimate business to accept credit card payments online. All you need to do is create a Stripe account.

Stripe是不需要您花很长时间才能获得商家帐户的顶级支付公司之一。 他们允许经营合法业务的任何人在线接受信用卡付款。 您需要做的就是创建一个Stripe帐户。

The best part is that your customers do not need to have a Stripe account. They can simply enter their credit card on your website to make a payment.

最好的部分是您的客户不需要拥有Stripe帐户。 他们只需在您的网站上输入信用卡即可付款。

Accepting online payments on your website has never been this easier. There are many popular payment services that you can use to accept credit card payments on your website.

在您的网站上接受在线支付从未如此简单。 您可以使用许多流行的付款服务在您的网站上接受信用卡付款。

Note: Stripe requires you to use SSL on your website to accept payments. If you haven’t already done so, then see our guide on how to how to get a free SSL certificate and how to properly switch your WordPress site to https.

注意: Stripe要求您在网站上使用SSL来接受付款。 如果您尚未这样做,请参阅我们的指南,了解如何获取免费的SSL证书以及如何将WordPress网站正确切换为https 。

Unlike other “best Stripe WordPress plugins articles”, we didn’t just create a random list of Stripe integrations. We hand-picked a list of the top Stripe WordPress payment plugins for each use-case.

与其他“最好的Stripe WordPress插件文章”不同,我们不仅创建了Stripe集成的随机列表。 我们为每个用例精心挑选了顶级Stripe WordPress付款插件列表。

That being said, let’s take a look at the top Stripe payment plugins for WordPress that you can use to start accepting payments on your website.


1. WPForms (1. WPForms)

WPForms is the best drag & drop form builder plugin for WordPress. It is currently being used by over 3 million websites and boast a 4.9 out of 5 star rating average with over 5400+ reviews.

WPForms是适用于WordPress的最佳拖放表单生成器插件 。 目前,有超过300万个网站在使用它,并且在5颗星的平均评分中获得4.9分,其中有5400多个评论。

WPForms Pro version allows you to easily accept online payments on your website using Stripe or PayPal.

WPForms Pro版本允许您使用Stripe或PayPal轻松接受网站上的在线支付。

If you’re looking to create a simple order form or donation form without the hassle of a full-fledged eCommerce platform or shopping cart plugin, then WPForms is the perfect solution for you.


You can create an unlimited number of payments forms and accept credit card payments right on your website. You can add these forms anywhere on your website including posts, pages, sidebar widgets, and more.

您可以在您的网站上创建无限数量的付款表格并接受信用卡付款。 您可以在网站上的任何位置添加这些表单,包括帖子,页面,侧边栏小部件等。

For detailed instructions, see our step by step guide on how to easily accept credit card payments in WordPress.


2. WooCommerce (2. WooCommerce)

WooCommerce is the world’s most popular eCommerce platform. It is available as a WordPress plugin, and you can use it to create an online store or sell items on your existing WordPress website. WooCommerce enables you to sell physical goods, digital downloads, as well as membership and subscription courses.

WooCommerce是世界上最受欢迎的电子商务平台 。 它可以作为WordPress插件使用,您可以使用它来创建在线商店或在现有WordPress网站上出售商品。 WooCommerce使您能够出售实物商品, 数字下载以及会员和订阅课程。

During the Setup Wizard, WooCommerce will ask you to choose payment providers. By default, it will give you two options: PayPal and Stripe. In case, you missed the setup wizard, you can simply install and activate the free Stripe for WooCommerce addon.

在安装向导期间,WooCommerce将要求您选择付款提供商。 默认情况下,它将为您提供两个选项:PayPal和Stripe。 如果您错过了设置向导,则只需安装并激活免费的Stripe for WooCommerce插件即可。

3. MemberPress (3. MemberPress)

MemberPress is the best WordPress membership plugin. If you’re looking to sell courses or add a membership option to your website, then MemberPress is a great choice.

MemberPress是最好的WordPress会员插件 。 如果您想出售课程或向网站添加会员选项,那么MemberPress是一个不错的选择。

MemberPress comes with a Stripe integration for WordPress that allows you to easily accept credit card payments on your site. Their Stripe and PayPal addon are available for all MemberPress membership levels.

MemberPress带有WordPress的Stripe集成,可让您轻松地在您的网站上接受信用卡付款。 他们的Stripe和PayPal插件可用于所有MemberPress会员级别。

You can use it to add paywalls to your site, sell courses, lock specific downloads, etc. MemberPress supports recurring payments, has complete subscription management options and everything else that you would expect from a premier membership plugin.


For detailed instructions, see our step by step guide on how to create a membership website in WordPress.


4. WP Simple Pay Pro (4. WP Simple Pay Pro)

WP Simple Pay Pro enables you to accept payments on your website using Stripe without adding a shopping cart plugin to your website. It allows you to create unlimited payment forms with a Stripe payment button.

WP Simple Pay Pro使您可以使用Stripe在网站上接受付款,而无需在网站上添加购物车插件。 它允许您使用“条带化”付款按钮创建无限的付款形式。

You can add all the fields you will need to create a payment form. You can also use it with Easy Pricing Tables plugin to create beautiful pricing pages for your website. Their business plan enables you to add subscription or recurring payments option.

您可以添加创建付款表格所需的所有字段。 您还可以将其与Easy Pricing Tables插件结合使用,为您的网站创建漂亮的定价页面。 他们的商业计划使您可以添加订阅或定期付款选项。

For detailed instructions, see our article on how to accept payments with Stripe in WordPress.


5.易于数字下载的条带 (5. Stripe for Easy Digital Downloads)

Easy Digital Downloads is another popular WordPress eCommerce plugin which allows you to easily sell digital downloads from your website. By default, it comes with PayPal and Amazon payment gateways. Stripe for Easy Digital Downloads is a paid add-on which adds support for accepting online payments via Stripe on your Easy Digital Downloads powered website.

Easy Digital Downloads是另一个流行的WordPress电子商务插件,它使您可以轻松地从网站上出售数字下载。 默认情况下,它带有PayPal和Amazon付款网关。 Stripe for Easy Digital Downloads是一个付费加载项,它增加了对在支持Easy Digital Downloads的网站上通过Stripe接受在线付款的支持。

It is suitable for websites that are exclusively selling digital downloads on their website. Once installed, it will add a new payment option in your Easy Digital Downloads settings page. From here, you can set up Stripe and make it your default payment gateway.

它适用于专门在其网站上出售数字下载内容的网站。 安装后,它将在“轻松数字下载”设置页面中添加新的付款选项。 在这里,您可以设置Stripe并将其设置为默认的支付网关。

6. LearnDash (6. LearnDash)

LearnDash is the best WordPress LMS plugin in the market. It allows you to create and sell courses online. You can easily accept payments on your WordPress site using their free Stripe integration.

LearnDash是市场上最好的WordPress LMS插件 。 它使您可以在线创建和销售课程。 您可以使用其免费的Stripe集成轻松地在WordPress网站上接受付款。

LearnDash comes with powerful features like multi-tier courses, assignments for students, quizzes, grading system, and more. You can easily set prerequisites for students such as finishing a lesson first before going to next lesson.

LearnDash具有强大的功能,例如多层课程,学生作业,测验,评分系统等。 您可以轻松地为学生设置先决条件,例如在完成下一堂课之前先完成一堂课。

For more details, see our step by step guide on how to sell online courses in WordPress using LearnDash.


We hope this article helped you find the best Stripe payment plugins for WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on more ways to make money online from your WordPress website.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适用于WordPress的最佳Stripe付款插件。 您可能还希望查看有关从WordPress网站在线赚钱的更多方法的指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner/plugins/best-stripe-payment-plugins-for-wordpress/


