Chapter Two Essential Qualities of Sentences

Exercises for. Pronoun ReferenceP10

(1) Mr. Smith told Mr. Brown that his chickens were in his garden.

【答】Mr. Smith told Mr. Brown that Mr. Brown/Mr. Smith's chickens were in Mr. Smith/Mr. Brown's garden.
(2) Rice is an important crop in China, and many of them have little else to eat.

【答】Rice is an important crop in China, and many of Chinese(people) have little else to eat.
(3) When we climbed up to the robin's 知更鸟 nest, it flew away.

【答】When we climbed up to the robin's nest, the bird flew away.
(4) European dairy cattle can adjust themselves to a wide range of temperature, particularly if this changes gradually.

【答】European dairy cattle can adjust themselves to a wide range of temperature, particularly if the adjustment/temperature changes gradually.
(5) Before you give the baby its bottle, shake it well.

【答】Before you give the baby its bottle, shake the bottle well.

【答】Before you give the baby its bottle, shake the baby well. grammatically correct, and yet is nonsensical.语法正确,但却是荒谬的
(6) You had your choice of tooth powder or tooth paste, and you bought it without remembering that I don't like to use it.

【答】You had your choice of tooth powder or tooth paste, and you bought the tooth paste/powder without remembering that I don't like to use it.
(7) A few pod diseases damage the beans if they are left to develop.

【答】A few pod diseases damage the beans if the diseases are left to develop.
(8) If a dog should bite any man in that gang of ruffians 暴徒, he would die.

【答】If a dog should bite any man in that gang of ruffians, the dog/man would die.
(9) Only at ninety -nine degrees did the vegetation begin to wilt, and this was not surprising.

【答】Only at ninety -nine degrees did the vegetation begin to wilt, and the fact was not surprising.
(10) When I saw the advertisement for an electric train in that magazine, I bought it immediately.

【答】When I saw the advertisement for an electric train in that magazine, I bought the train/toy/magazine immediately.
(11) If an upperclassman is displeased with something a freshman does, he is punished for it.

【答】If an upperclassman is displeased with something a freshman does, the former/latter is punished for it.
(12) The farmers told his neighbor that his son had stolen his apples and that he ought to be spanked.

【答】The farmers told his neighbor that his neighbor's son had stolen his apples and that the boy ought to be spanked.
(13) I had planned to become a lawyer, but I have lost my enthusiasm for it.

【答】I had planned to become a lawyer, but I have lost my enthusiasm for becoming one/the plan.
(14) In Mongolia they don't have many railroad lines.

【答1】In Mongolia the people there don't have many railroad lines.

【答2】In Mongolia there are not many railroad lines.
(15) My roommate taught me how to water ski and scuba dive, and I have become very skilled at it.

【答】My roommate taught me how to water ski and scuba dive, and I have become very skilled at the sports.

Exercises for Consistency P12

people and number; tense and mood; subject and voice

(1) If a person has just moved to the city, you have trouble knowing where to go.

【答】If a person has just moved to the city, he/she has trouble knowing where to go.
(2) When a taxpayer does not file on time, they have to pay a penalty.

【答】When taxpayers do not file on time, they have to pay a penalty.

【答】When a taxpayer does not file on time, he/she has to pay a penalty.
(3) Writers must know what they are writing about; otherwise one cannot write.

【答】Writers must know what they are writing about; otherwise they cannot write.
(4) If a student misses too many classes, you may fail a course.

【答】If a student misses too many classes, he/she may fail a course.
(5) One should not judge other people's actions unless they know the circumstances.

【答】One should not judge other people's actions unless one knows the circumstances.不能用he/she,因为用one指代,就一直用谁。

(1) Soon after he joined the union, Lester appears at a rally and makes a speech.

【答】Soon after he joined the union, Lester appeared at a rally and makes a speech.
(2) First sand down any paint that is peeling; then you should paint the bare wood with primer. 

【答1】First sand down any paint that is peeling; then you should paint the bare wood with primer. This should be an imperative sentence

【答2】First you should sand down any paint that is peeling; then you should paint the bare wood with primer. 

(3) Rachel is walking down the street, and suddenly she stops, as a shot rang out.

【答1】Rachel is walking down the street, and suddenly she stops, as a shot rings out.[This is a historical sentence ;it expresses vividness.]

【答2】Rachel was walking down the street, and suddenly she stopped, as a shot rang out.
(4) Rudeness occurs when people did not see themselves as others saw them.

【答1】Rudeness occurred when people did not see themselves as others saw them.

【答2】Rudeness occurs when people do not see themselves as others saw them.
(5) To buy a tape deck, find out what features you need and you should decide what you want to pay.

【答】To buy a tape deck, find out what features you need and you should decide what you want to pay. [The phrase you should is crossed out.]

(1) Some arrowheads were dug up, and they found some pottery that was almost undamaged.

【答】They dug up some arrowheads, and found some pottery that was almost undamaged.
(2) They started the game after some practice drills were run.

【答1】They started the game after they ran some practice drills.[better]

【答2】The game was started after some practice drills were run.[OK]
(3) The tornado ripped off the roof, and it was deposited in a nearby lot.

【答】The roof was ripped off by the tornado, and it was deposited in a nearby lot.
(4) The debate was begun by the senator when he introduced the new bill.

【答】The senator began the debate when he introduced the new bill. 
(5) If you lean how to take good notes in class, much extra work will be avoided.

【答】If you learn how to take good notes in class,you will avoid much extra work.

        One is always urged to conserve energy, and we try to do that. However, saving energy requires making sacrifices. My children like baths, not showers, so how can I tell them that they must keep clean and then insist, “You must not use the bath?" They won't stay clean. I don't mind a cool house, but it has to be kept warm when you have the flu. Everyone enjoys a fire in the fireplace, but they fail to realize how much heat from the furnace was released up the chimney. Nonetheless, we have to lean to live with inconveniences or be introduced to real hardship later on.

【Revised】We are always urged to conserve energy, and we try to do that. However, saving energy requires making sacrifices. My children like baths, not showers, so how can I tell them that they must keep clean and then insist they should:not use the bath? They won't stay clean. I don't mind a cool house, but we have to keep the house warm when we have the flu. Everyone enjoys a fire in the fireplace,but he fails (or they fail) to realize how much heat from the furnace is released up the chimney. Nonetheless, we have to learn to live with inconveniences or be introduced to real hardship later on.

Exercises for completeness P15

(1) Both of them not only believe but work for energy conservation.

【答】Both of them not only believe energy conservation but also work for energy conservation.
(2) The legal question raised by the prosecution was relevant and considered by the judge.

【答】The legal question raised by the prosecution was relevant and was considered by the judge.[ The first was is a link verb, whereas the second was is an auxiliary 助动词, and should not be left out.」
(3) Football interested Ralph more than his friends.

【答1】Football interested Ralph more than his friends did .

【答2】Football interested Ralph more than it interested his friends.
(4) His tip was larger than any customer I ever waited on.

【答】His tip was larger than that of any other customer I ever waited on.⭐
(5) With an altitude of 6, 288 feet, New Hampshire's Mount Washington is higher than any mountain in New England.

【答】With an altitude of 6, 288 feet, New Hampshire's Mount Washington is higher than any other mountain in New England.

(6) The dog is only a puppy; the cats both ten years old.

【答】The dog is only a puppy; the cats are both ten years old.分号相当于and
(7) My chemistry text is more interesting to me than any other social science text.

【答】My chemistry text is more interesting to me than any other social science text is.
(8) He feared darkness and the drop in temperature would trap the climbers on the mountain.

【答】He feared 害怕 darkness and feared 担心the drop in temperature would trap the climbers on the mountain.
(9) Inventors usually have an interest and talent for solving practical problems.

【答】Inventors usually have an interest and a talent for solving practical problems.冠词+名词

Exercises for Sentence Unity P19

(1) The student was disobedient and the teacher punished him.

【答】The student was disobedient and was punished by the teacher.
(2) Milton was one of a large family and was sent to Oxford to study law.

【答】Milton was one of a large family and he was sent to Oxford to study law.
(3) The games were very interesting, and I was greatly absorbed, and when I started home. I found that I had torn a large hole in my best blue silk gown.

【答】The games were very interesting, and I was greatly absorbed; but when I started home, I found that I had torn a large hole in my best blue silk gown.
(4) The sea looks beautiful in the sunlight and is very useful for the passage of ships.

【答】The sea looks beautiful in the sunlight, and it is very useful for the passage of ships.
(5) It has never been done badly by him, and sometimes he does it with extraordinary skill.

【答】He has never been done it badly, and sometimes he does it with extraordinary skill.
(6) It is just a year since the foundation was laid, and the cost of the whole building and its equipment is six thousand dollars.

【答】It is just a year since the foundation was laid; and the cost of the whole building and its equipment is six thousand dollars.
(7) Any one who desires to lean the Chinese language must begin young, for you cannot master it readily after you are twenty-five.

【答】Any one who desires to lean the Chinese language must begin young, for one/he cannot master it readily after one/he is twenty-five. [“He” is informally.]
(8) John wished to attend the game, but could not do so on account of a severe cold; however, he is better now.

【答】John wished to attend the game, but he could not do so on account of a severe cold. However, he is better now. [two complete thoughts;different times,one in the past,and one in the present]
(9) Put the nuts in the oven to brown them, and one can easily tell when they are done, for they will have assumed a rich brown color.

【答】Put the nuts in the oven to brown them, and you can easily tell when they are done, for they will have assumed a rich brown color.
(10) Far down the river there was a lovely vista to be seen, and from my window I could look out upon a very extensive and beautiful park.

【答1】Far down the river there was a lovely vista to be seen; and from my window I could look out upon a very extensive and beautiful park.

【答2】Far down the river there was a lovely vista to be seen. From my window I could look out upon a very extensive and beautiful park.

(11) His companion was short, stout man, with a gray beard and bushy hair, and as they approached the top, Kip heard noises like peals of thunder.

【答】His companion was a short, stout man, with a gray beard and bushy hair. As they approached the top, Kip heard noises like peals of thunder.
(12) The doctor was called, and the sick man rallied, but as night came on, the storm increased, and no word came from the fort.
【答】The doctor was called, and the sick man rallied. But as night came on, the storm increased, and no word came from the fort. [two different complete ideas]

(13) His death was due to nervous prostration, and he had reached the age of forty-seven years.
【答】His death was due to nervous prostration 虚弱,衰竭, because he had reached the age of forty-seven years.

(14) I could not go, but the girl went, and when the party was over, it was moonlight,and so the ride home was very delightful.

【答1】I could not go, but the girl went. When the party was over, it was moonlight,and so the ride home was very delightful.

【答2】I could not go, but the girl went. When the party was over, it was moonlight;and so the ride home was very delightful.

  1. The horse stood still, but we got out, and the snow was coming down very fast, so the path was difficult to find, but home was at last reached.
    【答】The horse stood still, and we got out. and The snow was coming down very fast, so the path was difficult to find. However, home was at last reached.
  2. The most important rules, definitions, and observations, and which are therefore the most proper to be committed to memory, are printed in large types.

【答】The most important rules, definitions, and observations, and which are therefore the most proper to be committed to memory, are printed in large types.

Exercises for Sentence Coherence P23

(1) The reason was because he thought he would fail. [Because引导原因状语从句]

【答】The reason was that he thought he would fail.

(2) He was delivered a brand new book.

【答】He received a brand new book. 主动频率>被动

(3) The school will not be closed until every student has finished their work.

【答】The school will not be closed until every student has finished his/her work.

(4) He interviewed three officers of the firm, the manager, secretary and treasurer.

【答】He interviewed three officers of the firm, the manager, the secretary and the treasurer.

(5) The family buys all their merchandise at the five-and-ten-cent store.[the number of the family]

【答】The family buy all their merchandise at the five-and-ten-cent store. 

(6) He gave me some apples and which I liked very much.

【答1】He gave me some apples and which I liked very much.

【答2】He gave me some apples, and which I liked very much.

(7) Any of the secretaries in the executive offices are entitled to attend the lecture.

【答】Any of the secretaries in the executive offices is entitled to attend the lecture.

(8) Each boy and girl in the store was given a badge of merit for his or her lapel.

【答】Each boy and girl in the store was given a badge of merit for his lapel.

(9) If you would show the goods like I do you would sell more.

【答1】If you would show the goods as I do you would sell more.

【答2】If you would show the goods as I do, you would sell more.

(10) I am as glad to hear this as you.

【答】I am as glad to hear this as you are.

Exercises for Sentence Emphasis P25

1. Note the devices used for emphasis in the following sentences.

(1) Of the talents that ordinarily raise men to eminence as writers, Boswell had absolutely none.

End focus, stressing the object

(2) That such a man should have written one of the best books in the world is strange enough.

End focus, stressing the predicative

(3) When reason will be against a man, he will be against reason. Antithesis

(4) I am astonished, I am shocked, to hear such principles confessed and avowed in this house and in this country. Order of Climax

2. Reconstruct the following sentences so as to make them more emphatic.

(1) To imprison all of the crew seems unjust, although care should be taken that the murderer does not escape.

【答】Although care should be taken that the murderer does not escape, to imprison all of the crew seems unjust.

(2) Some people think that it is“the Eastern question”which is the really serious problem of today.

【答】It is“the Eastern question” that some people think is the really serious problem of today.

(3) The English language, spoken in the time of Elizabeth by a million fewer persons than today speak it in London alone, now girdles the earth with its electric chain of communication, and voices the thoughts of a hundred million of souls.

【答】Spoken in the time of Elizabeth by a million fewer persons than today in London alone, the English language, with its electric chain of communication, now girdles the earth and voices the

thoughts of a hundred million of souls.

(4) She is a woman who, in domestic pure suite, is fully occupied.

【答】She is a woman who is in domestic pure suite, and who is fully occupied.

(5) Surely no man can be fully compensated for the loss of education by great wealth.

【答】No man can be compensated for the loss of education by wealth. 删除不必要词

(6) When this man's talents were recognized, it was too late for he and his wife had died in obscure poverty. 关联词,主从复合

【答】It was too late when this man 's talents were recognized, for he and his wife had died in obscure poverty.

Exercises for Sentence Strength  P30

(1) She is a novice; that is to say, a green hand 新手at making new dress.

【答】She is a novice, a green hand at making new dress.

(2) He walked to the table and took up his hat and bade adieu to his host and took his departure.

【答】He walked to the table and took up his hat. After he bade adieu to his host, he took his departure.

(3) The glory of man, his power, his greatness, depend on essential qualities.

【答】Man's glory, power, and greatness depend on essential qualities. 要前/后置都前/后置

(4) I am extremely glad to see you, and exceedingly sorry that I have kept you waiting so terribly long.

【答】I am extremely glad to see you, and exceedingly sorry to have kept you waiting so terribly long.

(5) On account of the small number of seats available, no ladies will be admitted, only the men.

【答1】On account of the small number of seats available, no ladies will be admitted, only the men will be.

【答2】On account of the small number of seats available,only the men will be admitted,not ladies.

(6) Maud is extravagantly fond of those exquisitely beautiful flowers which are so extremely abundant on the lake.

【答1】Maud is extravagantly fond of those exquisitely beautiful flowers, which are so extremely abundant on the lake.

【答2】Maud is extravagantly fond of those exquisitely beautiful flowers that are so extremely abundant on the lake.非限制性定语从句,补充说明,必不可少的信息

(7) The glen is an extremely beautiful and delightful spot.

【答】The glen (峡谷,幽谷) is an extremely beautiful and delightful spot with various flowers I have never seen.[ This sentence is too general, we should add some concrete examples to show the

glen's beauty and delight.] 托克逊杏花

(8) They always entered school together every morning.   lacks specific words

【答】They always entered school together at 7 o' clock every morning.

(9) My goat, my children, my dog, I shall never, never see them again.

【答】I shall never, never see them again, my goat, my dog and my children.[ The original sentence might be right in spoken form,but not alright in written form. ]

(10) Summer is warm but extremely pleasant; while winter brings gloomy days and cold.

【答】Summer is warm and extremely pleasant; while winter is gloomy and cold. [The original

Sentence is similar in construction.]

Exercises for Patterns of Paragraph Development P154

1. The following paragraphs illustrate some of the methods of organizing paragraphs that we've

just discussed. In order to become more familiar with these common patterns of development, study each paragraph and decide which of the following types it represents. After you have determined the organization, point out the topic sentence of 'each paragraph( if there is one) and decide, why the writer places it in that position ( or why it is only implied).

(1) Fellow Americans, we are gathered here in the largest demonstration in the history of this nation. Let the nation and the world know the meaning of our numbers. We are not a pressure group. We are not an organization or a group of organizations. We are not a mob. We are the advance guard of a massive moral revolution for jobs and freedom.  【Definition】

AsaPhilip Randolph,“Why Should We March?"in The Black Man and the Promise of America,1963

(2) Down a piece, abreast the house, stood a little log cabin against the rail fence; and there the woody hill fell sharply away, past the barns, the com crib, the stables, and the tobacco curing house,to a limpid brook which sang along its gravelly bed and curved and frisked in and out here and there and yonder in the deep shade of overhanging foliage and vines-a divine place for wading, and it had swimming pools,too, which were forbidden to us and therefore much frequented by us. For we were little Christian children and had early been taught the value of forbidden fruit.【narration】

(3) There is an approved method of dipping a brush into a paint can. Professional painters work from a half-full can and dip only a third of the bristle length into the can.Then they slap the inside of the can with the brush and withdraw the exact amount of paint, without spilling a drop. This method may be correct, but it's dull. Amateur painters prefer to brighten the day by using the Erupting Volcano Technique, where in the paint flows steadily down the side of the can all day, gradually covering the village. 【process】

一Dereck Williamson, The Complete Book of Pitall, 1971

(4) The humorous story is told gravely; the teller does his best to conceal the fact that he even dimly suspects that there is anything funny about it; but the teller of the comic story tells you beforehand that it is one of the funniest things he has ever heard, then tells it with eager delight, and is the first person to laugh when he gets through. And sometimes, if he has had good success, he re so happy that he will repeat the“nub" of it and glance around from face to face, collecting applause, and then repeat it again. It is a pathetic thing to see.  【analysis】

—Mark Twain, How to Tell a Story, 1897 .

(5) When Adam went and took Eve after the apple, he didn't do any more than he had done many a time before, in act. But in consciousness he did something very different. So did Eve. Each of them kept an eye on what they were doing, they watched what was happening to them. They wanted to KNOW. And that was the birth of sin. Not doing it, but KNOWING about it. Before the apple, they had shut their eyes and their minds had gone dark. Now, they peeped and pried and imagined. They watched themselves: And they felt uncomfortable after. They felt self-conscious. So

they said, The act is sin. Let's hide We’ve sinned.  【cause and effect】

—D. H Lawrence, Studies in Classic American Literature, 1923

(6) The counter-cultural protest of the 60s, according to some sociologists, stemmed in part from the younger generation's discovery that the real world in no way conformed to those small-screen images ( on television). In any case, the social turbulence of that decade never invaded the tube. Prime time became congested with rural comedies like The Beverly Hillbillies and escapist fantasies like I Dream of Jeannie and Mister Ed. The only whiff of reality was provided by the TV appearance of one-parent households. Nary a one, however, was the product of something so messy as a

divorce. In My Three Sons, Fred MacMurray played a widower. In Family Affair,Brian Keith played a worldly bachelor who became a foster parent to three orphaned relatives. And to keep things familiar, there was usually a second authority figure around-a sagacious British butler, perhaps to fill the role of surrogate mother. 【cause and effect】

2. Determine what kind of comparison and contrast pattern is used in the following passage.【This comparison and contrast passage is mainly developed in the point-by-point organization.】

The African and the Asian elephants are the largest land animals in the world. They are really enormous animals. The African and Asian elephants are alike, or similar, in many ways,but there are differences between the two types of elephants, too.

What are some of the similarities between the African and the Asian elephants? Well, for one thing, both animals have long noses,called trunks. An elephant sometimes uses its trunk like a third hand. Both kinds of elephants use their trunks to pick up very small objects and very large, heavy objects. They can even pick up trees with their trunks. For another thing, both the African and the Asian elephants have large ears, although the African elephant's ears are considerably larger.

In addition, both animals are intelligent. They can be trained to do heavy work. They can also be trained to do tricks to entertain people. In other words, they both work for people, and they entertain people also.

As I said before, the African and the Asian elephants are alike in many ways, but they are also quite different, too. The African elephant is larger and heavier than the Asian elephant. The African male elephant weighs between 12, 000 and 14, 000 pounds. In contrast, the average Asian male elephant weighs between 7, 000 and 12, 000 pounds.

Another major difference between the two types of elephants is the size of the ears. Asian elephants have smaller ears than the African elephants do. The teeth are different, too. The African elephant has two very large teeth. These teeth are called tusks. The Asian elephant sometimes does not have any tusks at all. The elephant differ in color, too. The African elephant is dark gray in color while the Asian elephant is light gray. Occasionally, an Asian elephant is even white in color. The last big difference between the two elephants is their temperament. The Asian elephant is tamer than the African elephant. In other words, the African elephant is much wilder than the Asian elephant. As a result, it is more difficult to train the African elephant to perform tricks to entertain people. That's why the elephants you see in the circus are probably Asian elephants, not African elephants.

Yes, there are certainly differences between the African and the Asian elephants, but there is one big similarity between the two animals: they are both fascinating and enormous animals.

3. The paragraph below is not well developed. Analyze it, looking especially for general statements that lack support or leave questions in your mind. Then rewrite one into a well-developed paragraph, supplying your own concrete details.

Gestures are one of our most important means of communication. We use them instead of speech. We use them to supplement the words we speak. And we use them to communicate some feelings or meanings that words cannot adequately express.

【revised】Gestures are one of the most important means of communication. We use gestures when our verbal language fails us,when we have sour throat, or when we are in a situation where noises deafen our voices. Sometimes they also complement our speech when we feel speech alone can hardly convey what we intend to mean. So the supplement gestures,which people tend to make subconsciously or even unconsciously when engaged in conversations,are gradually considered to be an integral component of verbal speech. Besides , gestures, facial expressions in particular, can also help to carry meaning. For instance, the smile can show affection to a child, convey politeness to strangers, or to disguise true feelings. On the other hand, hand gestures employed by most referees play even a dominant role in sports events like basketball, football, volleyball matches. Actually, without the help of gestures, it is usually felt to be hard to communicate. This is especially so when communicators are involved in face-to-face interactions.

4. Identify the method or methods of development in the following paragraph. Where does the author supply specific details to achieve development?【The parts supplying specific details are underlined in the passage.】

Computer operations go rapidly that we routinely process data in what might be termed subliminal time intervals far too short for the human senses to detect or for human neural response times to match. We now have computer-operated microprinters capable of turning out 10, 000-20, 000 lines per minute- more than 200 times faster than anyone can read them, and this is still the slowest part of computer systems. In 20 years, computer scientists have gone from speaking in terms of milliseconds ( thousandths of a second) to nanoseconds ( billionths of a second )一a compression of time almost beyond our powers to imagine. It is as though a person's entire working life of, say, 80, 000 paid hours 2, 000 hours per year for 40 years- could be crunched into 4.8 minutes.

Exercises for Making Assertions Believable P185

1. Advertisers may have problems it 'they use the definite statements below. Change these statements to protect the company.

(1) Studying is easier when you have the Universal Encyclopedia.

【答】Studying is often easier when you have the Universal Encyclopedia.

(2) Men and women who use Clean Soap look and feel their best.

【答】Men and women who use Clean Soap usually look and feel their best.

(3) Health Bread has more nutrients than any other bread in the store.

【答】Health Bread has much more nutrients than any other bread in the store.

(4) This is the funniest movies ever made!

【答】This may be the funniest movies ever made!

(5) Students at the Washington Language School learn English in just a few short months.

【答】Students at the Washington Language School might learn English in just a few short months.

(6) People lose five pounds during their first week at the Sunshine Health Club.

【答】People often lose five pounds during their first week at the Sunshine Health Club.

(7) Buy a Reliable Washing Machine now and you will never have to buy another washing machine in your life! 将会,及其绝对

【答】Buy a Reliable Washing Machine now and you may never have to buy another washing machine in your life!

(8) When you serve North Pole frozen vegetables, your friends will think that you are a gourmet cook.

【答】When you serve North Pole frozen vegetables, your friends may think that you are a gourmet cook.

(9) If you paint your house with Perfect Paint products, it will look like a professional painter did the work.

【答】If you paint your house with Perfect Paint products, it often looks as if a professional painter did the work.

(10) Confusion-the fabulous new word game!It will give you hours of pleasure and stimulating fun.

【答】Confusion-the fabulous new word game!It should give you hours of pleasure and stimulating fun.

2. Identify the facts ( verifiable statements) , opinions ( judgments based on facts) , statements of

personal preference, and assertions of prejudice in the following paragraphs.

(1) People probably weren't as interesting before electricity was discovered as they are today. They had many fewer contacts with others outside their immediate circle because printed matter wasn't so widely circulated, and radio and television weren't invented. They knew nothing about the arts except what they could see and hear first-hand at museums and concerts. They must have led deprived lives.【In paragraph 1the first,the third and the fourth sentences are the writer s opinion; the second sentence is the fact.】

(2) I have always been a simple man.My pleasures consist of stargazing, walking in the woods, and eating homemade ice cream.The frantic pace and the constant bombardment of information experienced by most people are boring to me.I like to live as my grandparents lived.【personal preference】

Exercises for Supporting the Assertions P188

Locate the details, examples, and reasons in the following paragraphs, and evaluate the quality of the evidence against the four criteria of accuracy, relevancy, representativeness, and adequacy.

(1) Our rivers and streams are becoming choked by pollution. For example, swimming is now prohibited along stretches of the Mississippi River. My minister says there are portions of the river where fish can't survive. Are we a nation that does not care enough about its resources to conserve them?【In paragraph 1,the second sentence is an accurate example; the third sentence is a related evidence.】

(2) Crime is out of control in this city. Three months ago my parents' house was burglarized.The thieves stole their food processor and their vibrating bed as well as their television and stereo. Then a month ago my roommate had her pocket picked on the subway. And last week I saw a confused old man trying to describe to the police how muggers had stolen his wallet and his groceries as he walked home from the comer market.【In paragraph 2, all the sentences except the first one, which is the topic sentence, are pieces of evidence.' They are accurate,relevant, representative and adequate.】

P259 注意增词省略的译法P252

  1. It usually requires skill, discipline and hard work to run a successful company.成功经营一家公司,需要的是熟练的技能、严密的纪律和艰苦的工作。
  2. He favored the efforts to improve relations with all peace-loving countries.他赞成为了同所有爱好和平的国家改善关系而努力。
  3. This plan with all its disadvantages is considered to be one of the best.尽管有种种缺点,这个计划仍被认为是最佳计划之一。
  4. It is believed that the little boy was taken away by a stranger.人们相信小男孩被一个陌生人带走了。
  5. Either you do it, or we will get somebody who will.要么你去办,要么我就派愿意办的人去办。
  6. Now birth control became a possibility.现在节制生育已成为一种可行的办法了。
  7. They talked about inflation, unemployment and environmental pollution.他们谈到通货膨胀、失业、环境污染等问题。
  8. He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders.他双手插进口袋,然后耸了耸肩膀。
  9. Before he went to Africa, he learned how to ride and shoot.在去非洲前,他学了骑马和射箭。
  10. She had her hands full this morning ---washing, cooking and cleaning.她今天早上忙个不停-洗衣,做饭,收拾房间。
  11. It is a tough job and nobody can help you.这是件棘手的事,没人可帮你的忙。
  12. The lion is a symbol of courage and the lamb of weakness.狮子是勇敢的象征,而羔羊是软弱的象征。
  13. This book is very much a product of the stimulating and open intellectual  environment of my university.本书在很大程度上得益于我所在大学的既活跃又开放的学术环境。
  14. My fellow citizens, tonight is my last opportunity to speak to you from the Oval Office as your president.同胞们,今晚是我最后一次作为你们的总统,在白宫椭圆形办公室向你们作演讲。

  1. 科学是讲求实际的。科学是老老实实的学问,来不得半点虚假,需要付出艰巨的劳动。Science deals with things in a practical way. Science means honest, solid knowledge,allowing not an iota 极微小 of falsehood, and it involves herculean efforts and grueling toil.
  2. 花园里面是人间的乐园,有的是吃不完的大米白面,穿不完的绫罗绸缎,花不完的金银财宝。The garden was a paradise on earth, with more food and clothes than could be consumed and more money than could be spent.
  3. 虽然是初次登台演出,却演得很自然His acting was very natural though it was the first time he appeared on the stage.
  4. 这真是俗话说的“旁观者清” 。It is just as the proverb goes, “The onlooker sees most of the game.”
  5. 请把这张表填一下,填完给我。Please fill out this and give it to me when you have finished.
  6. 你想看这本书,就先看吧。You may read the book first, since you are anxious to read it.
  7. 我们必须培养分析问题、解决问题的能力。We must cultivate the ability to analyse and solve problems.
  8. 他一开口总是三句话不离本行。 He can hardly open his mouth without talking shop.
  9. 多年来那个国家一直有严重的失业现象。For many years there has been serious unemployment in that country.
  10. 每条河流都有上游、中游和下游 。Every river has its upper, middle and lower reaches.
  11. 人们利用科学去了解自然,改造自然。People use science to understand and change nature.
  12. 他们是多年的邻居,一旦分别,不免依依不舍。After being good neighbors for years, they can't bear to part from each other. 【因为是多年邻居,所以依依不舍】
  13. 他把事情一五一十地都跟父母讲了 。He told his parents the whole story exactly as it had happened.
  14. 实施扩大内需的方针,适时采取积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,克服亚洲金融危机和世界经济波动对我国的不利影响,保持了经济较快增长。By pursuing the principle of stimulating domestic demand and adopting the proactive fiscal policy and the sound monetary policy in good time, we overcame the adverse effects the Asian financial crisis and world economic fluctuations had on China, and maintained a relatively rapid economic growth.【一逗到底;处理方式状语+添加主语we+较长定语后置】


1.Even his closest colleagues don't know whether he is a hawk or a dove.甚至连他最亲密的同僚也说不清他是鹰派还是鸽派。直译加意译;Political stance;Radical or Conservative

2.The expansion of trade hasn't fully closed the gap between those of us who live on the cutting edge  最先进/前言 of the global economy and the billions around the world who live on the knife's edge of survival.尽管世界贸易不断扩大,但它没能缩小处于全球经济繁荣中的我们同数十亿处于死亡边缘的人们之间的距离。  后置定语,翻译成中文时要前置

3.The plates and the main dish should be placed at the end nearest the entrance so as to make it easier for the best flow of traffic.盘子和主菜应放在最靠近入口的地方,以方便客人走动

4.Your ideas seem reasonable to us, but I know old Sorby and his temper. If you want to interest him in it, go and bell the cat yourself.在我们看来,你的意见似乎是有道理的,不过我可知道老索拜和他的脾气。你如果想要他关心这事,那你就自己摸老虎屁股/老虎头上拍苍蝇吧! 借用法;take venture;老虎屁股摸不得

5.I learned yesterday that their eldest son has been twice sent to prison. I wonder how many other skeletons 骨骼 they've got in their cupboard 比较私密.我昨天听说他们的大儿子曾两次被关押,真不知道他们家还有多少见不得人的事呢。

6.The sprit is willing but the flesh 肉体 is weak.心有余而力不足

7.Know something like the palm or back of one's hand.了如指掌 【借用法】

8.He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好

9.Lifting a rock only to have  his own toes squashed 压扁/碎.搬起石头砸自已的脚

10.He that contemned small things, shall fall by little and little.勿以小事而不为 or 凡是轻视小事的人,将一事无成 or 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为

11.That which is evil is soon learned.坏事易学,恶习难改。/学好三年,学坏三天 

12.To be, or not to be, that is the question.生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题 or 抑或是个该深思的问题  【汉语对称】

13.Many friends in general, one in special. 点头之交可多,知己只需一个;泛泛之交比比是,推心置腹仅一人;弱水三千只取一瓢饮【意译】

14.It was very interesting to see how the people sitting above the salt had changed since we were last at his house.看看自从我们上次去他家以来他家的座上客发生了怎样的变化,那是非常有意思的。 盐很珍贵,吃白斩鸡时蘸盐,座位上会专门放一个盐罐,地位最贵的人


1.事实胜于雄辩水落自然石出。Facts speak louder than eloquence and the truth will prevail 占优势 in the end.

2.后来出嫁了,两个人还藕断丝连。After she married, they still kept it up.

3.木已成舟,也只好如此了。What's done is done, and can't be undone.

4.她觉得丈夫这句话说得对,真是一针见血。She felt that her husband had been right to say this and had touched it on the raw.切中要害

5.三日打鱼,两日晒网。Fish for three days and then suns the net for two.【直译】

6.这叫充饥。That's called “ Drawing a cake to satisfy your hunger.”

7.正经说的都没说,尽说些“陈谷子,烂芝麻”的。I forgot what I really come for and just to maunder 唠叨;咕哝;抱怨 on !

8.欲加之罪,何患无辞。A stick is quickly found to beat a dog with.【借用法】

9.我们必须丁是丁,卯是卯Put on the screws.

10.哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出。The dumb man eating the bitter herb: he had to suffer the bitterness of it in silence.

11.丈八的灯台--照见人家,照不见自己。丈八指一丈八寸 看得见别人缺点,看不见自己的

ten-foot lampstand that sheds light on others but none on itself.

12.老混蛋,你吃的河水,倒管的宽。手伸的太长Old bastard, poking your nose into things that don't concern you !

13.等他们赶来增援时,已是“正月十五贴门神——晚了半月”啦。But they were late for a rescue.

14.失之东隅,收之桑榆What one loses on the swings one gets back on the roundabouts.

15.方案一公布, 大家就七嘴八舌地议论开了 。Publication of the draft plan touched off a lively discussion with everybody eager to put in a word.



When you feel loved, life is wonderful! You are happy, alive and free. You feel better about yourself and everything around you... The same thing happens when you give love to someone else. Watch what happens when you compliment someone or say how much you appreciate someone. Notice how happy he becomes. Watch as the person fills with love and returns love to you.当你感到自己被爱的时候,生活是如此的精彩!你无比快乐,充满活力,自由奔放。你会对自己以及身边的事物都感觉甚好.....其实,当你施爱与人的时候,别人也会有同样的感受。观察一下,当你赞扬某人或是对其表示赞赏的时候,他将会有什么变化,你会发现这个人变得如此高兴。关注他满怀爱意并将爱回馈给你的时刻。

If you want to create a life of love, you have to open your heart and give love. As you do

this, you automatically receive love in return. Life becomes more enjoyable and you become

more effective.如果你想要创造一种爱意满盈的生活,你必须先敞开心扉去付出爱,当你做这一切的时候,你的付出自然就会得到回报,同时你的生活会变得更加惬意,而你自己也会给他人留下更为深刻的印象。


1.世界上的各种文明、不同的社会制度和发展道路应彼此尊重,在竞争比较中取长补短,在求同存异中共同发展。Countries having different civilizations and social systems and taking different roads to development should respect one another and draw upon one another’s strong points through competition and comparison, and should develop side by side by keeping common ground while shelving differences.

2.20多年来,随着改革开放逐步深化,中国利用外资的规模和质量不断扩大和提高。As the reform and opening up going into depth over the past two decades and more, China has been constantly improving its foreign investment utilization in terms of scale and quality.

3.随着中国经济改革的进一步深化, 生产力的进一步解放和人民生活水平的进一步改善,12亿中国人民对文化生活、精神生活在质量上的追求将进一步提高。为此,随着现代科学技术的迅猛发展,为了满足广大观众的需要,电视作为最具有活力的传播手段,它将不仅使节目在数量上,而且在质量上,都产生一个很大的飞跃。The deep going economic restructuring will further liberate China’s productive forces and hence enrich the material life of the 12 hundred million Chinese people. It does follow that a richer material life will bring about a call for quality cultural life. Thanks to the rapid development of science and technology, the TV industry, as the most effective media, will undergo great leap forward in quality as well as in quantity for the benefits of viewers.



1. Gone too is the emphasis on the twin ideals that form the basis of the American experiment: that rights reside in the individual rather than with social or ethnic classes and that all who come to the U.S. shores can be assimilated by an open society that transforms disparate peoples into Americans.对于构成美国“实验”基础的一对理念的强调也一去不复返了。这两个理念是:权利属于个体而与社会的或种族的阶级无关;所有踏.上美国海岸的人都能被这个开放的社会同化,它把根本不同的人改造成美国人。

2. But, I've been very fortunate because I've always had an idea in my mind about what I thought was important and what gave my life meaning and purpose. A set of values and beliefs that have helped me navigate the shoals, the sometimes very treacherous sea, to illuminate my own true

desires, despite that others say about what I should care about and believe in.你也必须了解并敏感地意识到一个事实,那就是你可能会被你的传统员工们视为一种威胁,他们可能会认为你做了他们也能做的工作。若想成为一名成功的自由职业者,你需要依靠与你接触的每一个人建立起的合作关系。如果工作会使你陷入与员工的冲突之中,那就得不偿失了。


1.从小学到中学,所学习的无非是一些普遍的基本知识,就是大学四年,所授课业也还是相当粗浅的学识。世人常称大学为“ 最高学府”,这名称易滋生误解,好像过此以上即无学问可言。Development requires that we always concentrate on economic growth, base ourselves on China s realities, conform to the trend of the times and continue to explore new ways to promote the progress of the advanced productive forces and culture. Development requires that we uphold and deepen the reform. It requires that we do away,with all notions which hinder development, changeall practices and regulations which impede it and get rid of the drawbacks of the systems which adversely affect it. Development requires that we trust and rely on the people who are the motive force for pushing forward the advance of history. We will pool the wisdom and strength of the people of the whole country and concentrate on construction and development.

2.初学阶段科目之最重要的莫过于语文与数学。语文是阅读达意的工具,国文不通便很.难表达自己,外国文不通便很难吸收外来的心智。数学是思维条理之最好的训练。其他科目也各有各的用处,其重要性很难强分轩轾。例如体育,从另一方面看也是重要得无以复加。总之,我们在求学时代,应该暂且把趣味放在一旁,耐着性子接受教育的纪律,把自己锻炼成为坚实的材料。学问的趣味,留在将来慢慢享受,一点儿也不迟。Of all the school subjects during the preliminary stage of learning,languages and mathematics are the most important. Languages serve as a tool for reading & and communication,Without a good knowledge of Chinese, you will find it difficult to express yourself. Without a good knowledge of foreign language, you will find it difficult to absorb new knowledge from abroad. Mathematics makes for logical thinking. Other subjects also have their respective uses. It is hard to say which is more important. Physical education,for example,is also extremely important from another point of view. In short, while in school, we should temporarily put aside our personal liking and patiently observe school discipline so that we may temper ourselves and become solid stuff. Don't hurry- there will be a time for you to find relish in learning in the days to come.

