She walks across the top of a broken building made of white marble. She reaches the edge and jumps down to the red sands below. To her surprise, the ground has a sharp incline and she finds herself gliding through a massive reddish-brown landscape. Her skirt catches the vibrant crimson hues of the scene as the wind flows through it in sublime motion. The silence is broken by warm music that swells with hope, yearning and excitement as the sun rises behind her, turning her into a dusky silhouette. The camera zooms out and you notice that the incline is about to curve upwards. She is launched into a turmoil of dust and clouds as she goes into free fall. Yet, she emerges from it all, the sun centering around her body in the background as she plummets towards the unseen ground. The music reaches its crescendo and we finally glimpse the level rocky bridge she is headed towards. With a flutter of her dress to slow the impact, she makes an elegant landing just as the ending note of the mellow musical piece reaches you.

她走过一栋由白色大理石制成的残破建筑物的顶部。 她到达边缘,跳到下面的红沙。 令她惊讶的是,地面倾斜得很厉害,她发现自己滑过巨大的红棕色景观。 当风以极好的运动流过时,她的裙子捕捉到了充满活力的深红色调。 当阳光从她身后升起,使她变成朦胧的轮廓时,温暖的音乐打破了寂静,充满希望,向往和激动。 相机缩小后,您会注意到倾斜即将向上弯曲。 当她自由落体时,她陷入尘土和云层的混乱之中。 然而,她从这一切中脱颖而出,在她朝着看不见的地面坠落时,太阳在背景中围绕着她的身体。 音乐渐渐达到了高潮,我们终于瞥见了她所通往的那座岩石桥。 她的裙子颤抖以减缓冲击,使她优雅地着陆,就像圆润的音乐作品的结尾音符一样。

This sequence of events is one of many that left me in a state of wondrous joy and astonishment in a roughly five-hour run through of Gris. Released back in December 2018, the game immediately caught my eye for its fluid visual art style and the glorious musical masterpieces that accompanied it. Finally, amidst the global quarantine, I found the time to sit down and enjoy this piece of art from start to finish. Going in, I expected to be blown away by the beauty of the game owing to my ardent love for minimalism and vibrant color palettes. However, what stayed with me long after I watched the credits roll was the candid, vulnerable and sometimes scary exploration of human emotion that the game sets out on, and its portrayal of the wars we fight within ourselves.

Ť 他对事件的顺序是许多留在我的奇妙的欢乐和惊奇的状态在大约5小时的运行,通过格里斯之一。 该游戏于2018年12月发布,其流畅的视觉艺术风格以及伴随其而来的光辉音乐杰作立即引起了我的关注。 最后,在全球隔离中,我找到了从头到尾坐下来欣赏这件艺术品的时间。 进去的时候,由于我热衷于极简主义和充满活力的调色板,我期望被游戏的美感震撼。 但是,在观看积分榜之后很长一段时间我一直呆在我身上,是对游戏开始进行的人类情感的坦率,脆弱,有时甚至令人恐惧的探索,以及对我们自己打仗的刻画。

MKIceAndFire’s playthrough above. MKIceAndFire的播放过程中观看开头所述的序列。

Using the power of symbolism, Gris effortlessly manages to tell a story of fighting through loss, depression, anxiety and trauma. The young girl that we follow throughout the stunningly crafted levels has no dialogues to say or speech bubbles to fill. Yet, her tale manages to resonate with the deepest recesses of my being, reminding me of what it means to be human.

利用象征主义的力量, 格里斯毫不费力地讲述了一个经历迷失,沮丧,焦虑和创伤的战斗故事。 我们在令人惊叹的精湛Craft.io中所遵循的年轻女孩没有对话可说,也没有讲话泡泡可填补。 然而,她的故事设法使我的内心深处产生了共鸣,使我想起了人类的意义。

格里斯(灰色) (Gris (Gray))

The opening scene.

The word ‘Gris’ actually translates to gray in Spanish, and that is where the game opens. We are introduced to our protagonist, sitting on a large palm made of stone. She slowly rises above the surface and starts singing an almost hauntingly beautiful tune. We see that in this scene, there are splotches of color all over; in her hair, in the stone and even in the sky behind her. However, I immediately realize that something is amiss as I notice the numerous cracks running along the stone. Suddenly, her voice cracks and she is unable to sing anymore. She falls on to the palm as the cracks widen until finally, the entire structure shatters, leaving her plummeting towards the ground.

“ Gris”一词实际上在西班牙语中会翻译成灰色,这就是游戏开始的地方。 我们被介绍给我们的主角,坐在一块石头做成的大棕榈树上。 她慢慢升到水面之上,开始演唱几乎令人难以忘怀的优美音乐。 我们看到在这个场景中,到处都是色彩斑点。 在她的头发,石头甚至在她身后的天空中。 但是,我立即意识到有些不对劲,因为我注意到沿着石头的无数裂缝。 突然,她的声音嘶哑,无法唱歌了。 随着裂缝的扩展,她跌落在手掌上,直到最后,整个结构都破碎了,直落在地。

This shows us the exact moment in which denial gives in to despair. She was singing as though everything was alright, ignoring the deteriorating state of the stone statue until the weight of reality was too much to bear. The statue here could be symbolically interpreted in many ways. It could be a personification of her current state of mental health, barely holding together. Another popular interpretation is that the opening scene represents the loss of her mother, which is alluded to in a hidden scene later on. However you choose to look at it, it represents a critical turning point in the story of our protagonist — one that sends her spiraling into the depths of despair.

这向我们展示了拒绝让我们绝望的确切时刻。 她似乎一切都还好,却在唱歌,无视石像的恶化状态,直到现实的力量无法承受为止。 这里的雕像可以用多种方式象征性地解释。 这可能是她目前精神健康状况的拟人化,几乎没有融合在一起。 另一种流行的解释是,开场场面代表了母亲的遗失,这在后来的一个隐蔽场面中被提及。 无论您选择看什么,它都代表了我们主人公故事中的一个关键转折点,这使她陷入了绝望的深渊。


She lands in a world devoid of all color. Save for her hair, every misshapen stone, crumbling building and leafless tree is rendered in grayscale. She is shocked at first, unable to get up from where she lands. Yet, she slowly picks herself up, dries her tears and sets off to explore this new place she finds herself in. She walks through the crumbling remains of several stone structures until she finds a glowing white orb. This orb proceeds to follow her wherever she goes and becomes an important gameplay mechanism later on.

她降落在一个没有所有色彩的世界中。 除头发外,所有变形的石头,摇摇欲坠的建筑物和无叶的树都是灰度级渲染的。 起初她很震惊,无法从着陆的地方起床。 然而,她慢慢地振作起来,ries着眼泪,出发去探索她发现的这个新地方。她穿过几块石头结构的残骸,直到发现发光的白色球体。 无论她走到哪里,这个球都会跟随她,并在以后成为重要的游戏机制。

The glowing orb.

She proceeds to collect more of the floating orbs until she reaches a point where she cannot proceed because of the large distance to be covered. The orbs suddenly fly out in front of her and ‘connect the dots’ to create a pathway for her to tread on. This leads me to understand that the orbs could perhaps be representations of the core ideals upon which our personalities are built. They could be character traits or life-changing moments that shape the person you are today. Even in darkest of times, they become your pillars of strength, showing you the way forward even when you fail to see one.

她继续收集更多的浮球,直到由于无法覆盖的距离而无法继续前进为止。 球体突然在她面前飞出并“连接点”为她踩踏创造了一条路径。 这使我理解,这些球也许可以代表我们个性所基于的核心理想。 它们可能是塑造您今天的人的性格特征或改变生活的时刻。 即使在最黑暗的时期,它们也成为您的力量Struts,即使在您看不见的情况下,也向您显示前进的道路。

Connecting the dots.

罗霍(红色) (Rojo (Red))

Our protagonist continues on her journey of exploration until she finds what appears to be the broken, crumbling palm that had fallen with her from the sky. It serves as a reminder of her tragedy, triggering a sudden flow of emotion and pain. The music swells with a melancholy note as she rises into the air, shutting her eyes with her hands, until an explosion of red slowly takes over the screen, painting the landscape in what looks like splotches of blood.

我们的主角继续她的探索之旅,直到她发现似乎破碎的,破碎的手掌从天而降。 它提醒着她的悲剧,引发了情绪和痛苦的突然爆发。 当她上升到空中时,音乐以忧郁的音调膨胀,双手闭上眼睛,直到红色的爆炸声慢慢占据屏幕,在看起来像鲜血的斑点中画出风景。


Red here could represent rage in its purest form. She could be angry at herself for not being strong enough to prevent this situation from happening. Or perhaps, she could be channeling her anger towards the external world, for being unfair and cruel to her. Anger and hatred of oneself and others is one of the most understandable ways of dealing with grief. We try to overpower the sadness with rage so that we can find someone to put the blame on. We also hope that the feeling of hatred will be able to eclipse the sorrow which lies beneath and hope that it makes things easier to deal with.

这里的红色可能以最纯粹的形式代表着愤怒。 她可能会因为没有足够强壮到无法阻止这种情况而生自己的气。 或许,她可能是因为对她不公平和残忍而将愤怒引导到外部世界。 对自己和他人的愤怒和仇恨是处理悲伤的最容易理解的方式之一。 我们试图用愤怒战胜悲伤,以便我们找人责备。 我们也希望仇恨的情绪能够掩盖其内心的悲伤,并希望它使事情变得更容易处理。

The centre of existence.

She continues on her journey to reach a very elaborate structure that stretches far and wide. I like to think that this building represents the very center of our protagonist’s inner existence. The glowing orbs shoot out towards the sky above the building to form a small part of what looks like a giant constellation. This is where we establish what we’re working towards — filling up the constellation so that we can create a metaphorical staircase back to where we fell from.

她继续自己的旅程,以达到一个非常精细的结构,延伸到无处不在。 我喜欢认为这座建筑代表了我们主人公内部生活的中心。 发光的球体朝着建筑物上方的天空射出,形成了看起来像巨大星座的一小部分。 这是我们建立工作的方向-填充星座,以便我们可以创建一个隐喻性的阶梯,使其回到原来的位置。

This not only creates a way to track progression but also makes the end goal seem like it is something that is in fact achievable, provided we put in the effort.


These are two very important steps to remember when we undertake pretty much any task in this world. Up next comes the sequence described at the beginning of the article, which serves as an interesting expansion to the meaning behind the color red.

当我们承担这个世界上几乎任何任务时,这是要记住的两个非常重要的步骤。 接下来是本文开头所描述的顺序,它是对红色背后含义的有趣扩展。

Red, I realize, can also signify bravery and the courage to let go and see where the world takes you.


She continues ahead from the bridge she landed on and quickly finds herself in the middle of a relentless sand storm which is strong enough to blow her away. The entire screen turns blood red as the music picks up its pace as she is sent tumbling backwards.

她从着陆的桥上继续前进,很快发现自己陷入了无情的沙尘暴之中,沙尘暴足以将她炸死。 当音乐向后滚动时,随着音乐加快节奏,整个屏幕变成鲜红色。


These storms could be representative of panic attacks or sudden bursts of negative emotion that could overwhelm us completely. The most important insight I gained from this section was that these frightful events don’t last forever. If you don’t move forward when the wind stops blowing and stay in the same place, you’ll end up never actually making any progress.

这些风暴可能代表恐慌发作或突然爆发的负面情绪,可能使我们完全不知所措。 我从本节中获得的最重要见解是,这些可怕的事件不会永远持续下去。 如果在风停止吹拂并停留在同一位置时不前进,则最终将永远得不到任何进展。

The lesson here is that when the situation is dire, one should lie low and wait for the storm to pass, but one shouldn’t be scared of stepping out on a sunny day for fear of the looming rain clouds.


After trudging through more of the desert, we come across a sort of shrine which unlocks the first ability of the game. I was admittedly amused by the sudden turn of events whereby the delicate, elegant girl could now at will turn herself into a solid cube that could break through certain fragile platforms.

在更多的沙漠中穿行之后,我们遇到了一种神殿,可以解开游戏的第一个功能。 事态的突然转变让我感到很有趣,这位精致,优雅的女孩现在可以随意将自己变成一个坚固的立方体,可以突破某些脆弱的平台。


Then, the storm came once again and I instinctively pressed the key to use the ability. To my utter delight, I find that the storm no longer pushes her back. Instead, she’s actually able to take slow, powerful steps forward even as the wind howls and screams across the sands. Braving the storm so many times, I realize, has now given rise to a natural immunity within her. The protagonist is not just someone who is an emotional wreck who always struggles in the face of a threat. She has the strength and willpower to grow; she can stand her ground and be as immovable as a mountain.

然后,风暴再次降临,我本能地按下了使用该功能的键。 令我非常高兴的是,我发现暴风雨不再将她推倒。 取而代之的是,即使风在沙地上咆哮和尖叫,她实际上也能够向前迈出缓慢而有力的一步。 我意识到,经历了如此多次的暴风雨,现在已经在她体内产生了自然免疫力。 主角不仅是一个情绪失事的人,总是在面对威胁时挣扎。 她有成长的力量和意志; 她可以站稳脚跟,不动如山。

Gris, I realize, is not just a journey of understanding and appreciating the different emotions we possess but also about the importance of keeping those emotions in check in the situations that require you to.


Our protagonist moves on to find a destructible platform underneath a large bell. The platform gives way to a seemingly bottomless pit that sees her fall into the deepest, darkest part of her inner world.

我们的主角继续前进,在大钟下寻找可破坏的平台。 平台让位于一个看似无底洞,让她跌入了她内心最深,最黑暗的地方。


This space could represent a graveyard of forgotten sorrows and tragedies as can be seen by the weeping, crumbling statues. This is quite literally a visual metaphor of her hitting rock bottom. Beneath her feet, we see a reflection of herself surrounded by winged creatures fluttering about; a manifestation of the darkness and fear that we all carry locked away within. She is unable to leave this realm of grief until the winged creatures finally cross into the upper world. They gather around her and shoot upwards until they reach the red sky, carrying our protagonist along with them.

从哭泣而摇摇欲坠的雕像可以看出,这个空间可能代表着被遗忘的悲伤和悲剧的墓地。 从字面上看,这是她跌倒岩壁的视觉隐喻。 在她的脚下,我们看到自己的反射,周围有飞舞的有翼生物围绕着自己。 黑暗和恐惧的体现,使我们所有人都被锁在里面。 在这些有翼生物最终进入上层世界之前,她无法离开这个悲伤的境界。 他们聚集在她周围,向上射击,直到到达红色的天空,并带着我们的主角。

Down in this chamber is where she has locked away her fear and grief. Yet, we see that constantly suppressing these emotions and playing prison guard for her negativity is ironically equivalent to locking herself away.

在这个房间里,她锁定了恐惧和悲伤。 然而,我们看到,不断压抑这些情绪并为她的消极情绪扮演监狱看守人,具有讽刺意味的是等同于将自己封锁。

She finally decides that she feels strong enough to no longer run from the fear, darkness and grief that plague her. She is ready to face these issues head on and deal with the consequences of living with them in her world above.

她最终决定,她感到自己足够坚强,不再摆脱困扰她的恐惧,黑暗和悲伤。 她准备直面这些问题,并处理在他们的上层世界中生活的后果。

Gris makes the bold statement that living in constant fear of your negative emotions is not living at all.


You can buy Gris on several platforms including Steam, the Google Play Store, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Mac to experience the game for yourself. All credits for the gameplay screenshots go to Devolver Digital and Nomada Studios.

您可以在 Steam Google Play商店 ,PlayStation 4,Nintendo Switch和Mac 等多个平台上购买Gris, 以亲自体验游戏。 游戏截图的所有功劳归Devolver Digital和Nomada Studios所有。

翻译自: https://medium/super-jump/the-grief-in-gray-and-the-rage-in-red-1b65e5bbf4f0

