
In the fall of 1996 I assisted in the most exciting project I have yet undertaken, helping the software group develop a Real Time Video Coding/Decoding System, based on CL560, and conforming to the motion-JPEG standard. Despite the difficulties we encountered, due to the fact that this field was new to us all, we worked day in and day out, filled with energy and excitement at the prospects this field has to offer. It is in this area I would like to carry out my future research, perhaps developing new networking algorithms and image-compression algorithms to solve the problems posed by transmitting images on networks.

Soon after this the completion of this program, I worked on a CAAC-sponsored project, "Research on High Resolution Display Systems," which was based on the Sony 2000 * 2000 high-resolution monitor.

After completion of my Master of Science Degree, I began work in the Computer Science Department, and am currently in charge of a new project entitled "Research on Computer Aided Sperm Analysis".

I excelled more than just at my studies. Amidst my tight schedule, I always found the time to develop my skills in other areas, constantly participating in college activities. I was the Vice-Chairman of the Department's Student Council, Vice President of the Student Council from 1994-1995 and President of the Graduate Council for 2 years. Furthermore, I was an active member of the Speech and Debating Club, involved in debates in both Chinese and English and winning 1st prize in the 1995 Sichuan University English Speech Competition. I am currently working as a graduate teaching assistant, tutoring the undergraduate students, who know that my door is always open to them.

For as long as I can remember, I have been exploring the wonders of the information age, attempting to discover its secrets. In doing so, I have developed an entrenched team spirit, as I believe that advanced technologies are always the products of joint human efforts I have a solid background in mathematics, electronics and computer science, which I have taken full advantage of in intensive research in the areas of information transferring (e. g. computer networking), information processing (e. g. image and signal processing), and information organisation (e. g. multimedia and computer graphics). As the Thayer School encourages interdisciplinary research, it perfectly suits my background and ideals.

I not only have the conviction that the world needs more advanced technology but also follow that through with the ambition and daring to undertake high quality, cutting-edge research, research that will undoubtedly make a bountiful contribution both to your school and to my country. My burning ambition is to ensure that, with my assistance, China continues to make steady progress into the advanced world. Therefore, upon completion of my studies I plan to return to my homeland and turn this dream into a reality.

I realise that admission into your school is highly competitive, but I know that I am highly qualified, eager and prepared to meet all of the challenges I will undoubtedly be presented with Please open your doors to me so I can open the doors of discovery to the world.

