PDF is a popular file extension that is generally used to store documents, brochures, books, scanned documents, user manuals portable format. PDF is the short form of the Portable Document Format.

PDF是一种流行的文件扩展名,通常用于存储文档,小册子,书籍,扫描的文档,用户手册的便携式格式。 PDF是Portable Document Format的缩写。

什么是PDF文件? (What Is PDF File?)

Portable Document Format or PDF is a standard which is created Adobe in 1993. The PDF files have the .pdf the file extension for all different platforms. The PDF file contains different types of data, text, and scripts in order to represent the content properly and pretty way. The PDF file contains postscript, text, font, vector graphics, raster images and other data to display content properly. Below you can find an example PDF file that displays images, text, tables, headers in a colored way, etc.

可移植文档格式或PDF是Adobe在1993年创建的标准.pdf文件的扩展名为.pdf ,适用于所有不同平台。 PDF文件包含不同类型的数据,文本和脚本,以便正确且漂亮地表示内容。 PDF文件包含脚本,文本,字体,矢量图形,光栅图像和其他数据,以正确显示内容。 您可以在下面找到一个示例PDF文件,该文件以彩色方式显示图像,文本,表格,标题等。

What Is PDF File?

Here is a list of contents that can be stored and used in a PDF file.


  • Text

  • Image

  • Vector Graphics

  • Raster Images

  • Embedded Fonts

  • Hyperlinks

  • Video

  • Interactive Buttons

  • Forms

  • Digital Signatures

  • Attachments


PDF file format is standardized with ISO 32000 electronic document exchange standards. There are some sub-standards for specific purposes like;

PDF文件格式已按照ISO 32000电子文档交换标准进行了标准化。 有一些用于特定目的的子标准,例如;

  • `PDF/A` for document archiving

    PDF / A用于文件归档
  • `PDF/E` for engineering

    用于工程的PDF / E
  • `PDF/X` for printing

    PDF / X用于打印

PDF文件的优势(PDF File Advantages)

PDF format becomes very popular because of its advantages. Here you can find some advantages to the PDF file format.

PDF格式由于其优势而变得非常流行。 在这里,您可以找到PDF文件格式的一些优点。

  • `Cross-Platform`: PDF file format is supported in different operating systems and platforms like Windows, Linux, Android, MacOSX, Windows Mobile, IOS, etc.

    “跨平台”:Windows,Linux,Android,MacOSX,Windows Mobile,IOS等不同的操作系统和平台均支持PDF文件格式。
  • `Graphic Integrity`: PDF file contents may contain graphics and these graphics can be shown in an integrated and pretty way.

  • `Secure`: PDF files can provide integrity and encryption for PDF content like text, image, graphics, etc.

  • `Compact`: PDF file is compact where multiple contents can be stored into a single PDF file without extra extensions and presented in a compact way just opening the PDF file.

  • `User Interaction`: PDF files can provide interactive user experiences like filling forms, putting data, checking input, calculations, and scripting.

  • `Support`: PDF file format is supported by different platforms and applications tools specialized for the PDF format to display, edit, create or update.

  • `Searchable`: PDF file text content can be searched like a word or web page content.

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如何打开/查看PDF文件? (How To Open/View PDF File?)

As a popular file format, there are a lot of different ways and applications to open a PDF file. In this part, we will learn how to open or view a PDF file in different operating systems like Windows, Linux, MacOSX, Android, iOS with different tools. The following tools can be used to open and view PDF files.

作为一种流行的文件格式,有很多不同的方法和应用程序可以打开PDF文件。 在这一部分中,我们将学习如何使用不同的工具在不同的操作系统(例如Windows,Linux,MacOSX,Android,iOS)中打开或查看PDF文件。 以下工具可用于打开和查看PDF文件。

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader

    Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • Google Chrome

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer

    Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Foxit Reader

  • Abbyy PDF Reader

    Abbyy PDF阅读器
  • LibreOffice Draw

    LibreOffice Draw
  • Google Chrome

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Qoppa PDF Studio

    Qoppa PDF Studio
  • Okular

  • Scribus

  • Inkspace

  • Evince

  • Foxit Reader


使用Google Chrome打开/查看PDF(Open/View PDF with Google Chrome)

It may seem strange to open a PDF file with a browser but for a long time, Google Chrome can open PDF files. As the web or internet is full of PDF files it is very convenient to open a PDF file as a browser.

使用浏览器打开PDF文件似乎很奇怪,但是很长一段时间以来,Google Chrome可以打开PDF文件。 由于网络或Internet上充满了PDF文件,因此以浏览器打开PDF文件非常方便。

  1. Right-click to the PDF file.

  2. Navigate to the `Open with` file.

  3. Select `Google Chrome` from the list

    从列表中选择“ Google Chrome”
Open/View PDF with Google Chrome
使用Google Chrome打开/查看PDF

The opened PDF file will look like below in the Google Chrome browser. The URL will be the path of the PDF file and protocol will be file://.

在Google Chrome浏览器中,打开的PDF文件如下所示。 该URL将是PDF文件的路径,而协议将是file://

如何创建PDF文件? (How To Create PDF File?)

PDF files can be created in different ways as creating a PDF file is a lot easier than editing or updating a PDF file. A PDF file can be created with a specific PDF tool like Acrobat DC, Abbyy PDF Editor, Qoppa PDF Studio or with Google Chrome or Microsoft PDF printer.

可以以不同的方式创建PDF文件,因为创建PDF文件比编辑或更新PDF文件容易得多。 可以使用特定的PDF工具(例如Acrobat DC,Abbyy PDF Editor,Qoppa PDF Studio)或Google Chrome或Microsoft PDF打印机来创建PDF文件。

In the following example, the PDF is created from a Google Chrome browser. We will use CTRL+P to open the printing menu where we will select the Destination as Save as PDF or Microsoft Print to PDF.

在以下示例中,PDF是从Google Chrome浏览器创建的。 我们将使用CTRL+P打开打印菜单,在该菜单中,我们将“ Destination选择为“ Save as PDF或“ Microsoft Print to PDF

How To Create PDF File?

如何编辑PDF文件? (How To Edit PDF File?)

The hardest job for a PDF file is editing the PDF file. In order to edit a PDF file, we need some special tool which is created for editing PDF file. Generic PDF tools like Google Chrome or PDF viewers can not work for editing PDF.  These PDF editing tools generally require some fee to buy and use.

PDF文件最难的工作是编辑PDF文件。 为了编辑PDF文件,我们需要一些用于编辑PDF文件的特殊工具。 诸如Google Chrome或PDF查看器之类的通用PDF工具无法用于编辑PDF。 这些PDF编辑工具通常需要购买和使用一些费用。

  • `Adobe Acrobat Pro DC`

    `Adobe Acrobat Pro DC`
  • `Nitro Pro12`

    Nitro Pro12
  • `PDF Architect 6 Professional`

    `PDF Architect 6专业版`
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如何转换PDF文件?(How To Convert PDF File?)

Even PDF is a very popular compatible file format we may need to convert PDF files into different formats like Word Doc, HTML, Image, etc. PDF files can be converted these format generally using some PDF editing software those are described above. Also, there are some web-based tools paid or free which can be used to convert PDF files. These web tools provide practical usage because there is no need to install some extra software.

即使PDF是非常流行的兼容文件格式,我们也可能需要将PDF文件转换为不同的格式,例如Word Doc,HTML,Image等。通常可以使用上述PDF编辑软件将PDF文件转换为这些格式。 另外,有一些付费或免费的基于Web的工具,可用于转换PDF文件。 这些Web工具提供了实际用法,因为不需要安装一些额外的软件。

As an example, Zamzar is a web-based tool that can convert PDF files up to 100MB in size. The PDF file will be uploaded into the Zamzar web server where the converted file download link will be emailed to the provided email address. We can select different conversion formats like doc, docx, jpeg, text, xlsx etc.

例如, Zamzar是基于Web的工具,可以转换最大100MB的PDF文件。 PDF文件将被上传到Zamzar Web服务器,在该服务器中,转换后的文件下载链接将通过电子邮件发送到提供的电子邮件地址。 我们可以选择不同的转换格式,例如doc,docx,jpeg,text,xlsx等。

Zamzar PDF Convert
Zamzar PDF转换

Alternatively, we can download the converted file after the conversion is complete.


PDF替代 (PDF Alternatives)

In some cases, we may need alternative file formats for the PDF. One of the most important drawbacks of PDF file format is editing is very painful. Here you can find some alternative format to PDF to store text, image, graphics, data, etc.

在某些情况下,我们可能需要PDF的其他文件格式。 PDF文件格式的最重要缺点之一是编辑非常痛苦。 在这里,您可以找到PDF的其他替代格式,用于存储文本,图像,图形,数据等。

  • `Word`

  • `Excel`

  • `Text`


翻译自: https://www.poftut/what-is-a-pdf-portable-document-format-file-and-how-to-open-pdf/

