
In the end that was the choice you made, and it doesn’t matter how hard it was to make it. It matters that you did.― Cassandra Clare

最终,这就是您做出的选择,无论选择多么困难都没有关系。 您要做的很重要。-卡桑德拉·克莱尔(Cassandra Clare)

As people who constantly write code, we develop soft spots for certain tools and technologies that we tend to use all the time even if they are not the best or advisable tools to use in certain instances. It is then our responsibility to know when to draw the line between using the right and appropriate tool, technology, or method, and using tools we just like.

作为不断编写代码的人,即使某些工具和技术不是在某些情况下最好的或可取的工具,我们也会一直在使用这些工具和技术。 然后,我们有责任知道何时在使用正确和适当的工具,技术或方法与使用我们喜欢的工具之间划清界限。

何时知道使用什么 (When To Know What to Use)

For any project you take as a data scientist, AI or ML engineer, be sure to know what solution the problem requires you to build. If you understand the problem statement well enough, you will find it relatively easier to build and implement your solution. In building your data science, AI or ML solution, be sure to take it one step at a time. Building solutions using a systematic or step by step approach is very essential if you aim at building solutions that can stand the test of time. Be sure to follow the ethical and generally accepted workflow of a data science or ML project. At every stage in the workflow, do a research or case study on the possible ways to tackle the problem at hand and look up the tools and technologies available for you to use. When these things are done, weigh the pros and cons that come with using each of the available tools or technologies and by your own discretion, choose the ones that will help you achieve your goals in a much easier and faster way. If there are many available options to choose from, it will then boil down to choosing anyone with a good community and content built around it to help and guide you as you use that tool or technology so as you can effectively utilize the tool or technology.

对于您担任数据科学家,AI或ML工程师的任何项目,请确保知道问题需要您构建哪种解决方案。 如果您对问题陈述的理解足够好,您会发现构建和实施解决方案相对容易一些。 在构建数据科学,AI或ML解决方案时,请确保一次迈出一步。 如果您要构建经得起时间考验的解决方案,那么使用系统或逐步方法构建解决方案非常重要。 确保遵循数据科学或ML项目的道德和普遍接受的工作流程。 在工作流的每个阶段,都要进行研究或案例研究,以解决当前问题,并查找可供您使用的工具和技术。 完成这些步骤后,请权衡使用每种可用工具或技术所带来的利弊,并根据自己的判断,选择能够更轻松,更快捷地帮助您实现目标的工具或技术。 如果有很多可用选项可供选择,那么它将最终选择具有良好社区和围绕其构建内容的任何人,以在使用该工具或技术时为您提供帮助和指导,从而可以有效地利用该工具或技术。

Choices are abundant, it is the right decision which is the rare one!― Mehmet Murat ildan

选择丰富,是对的决定,这是难得的选择!-Mehmet Murat ildan

为什么不应该保留收藏夹 (Why You Should Not Keep Favorites)

As a data scientist, AI, or ML engineer, you have to keep an open mind so as to be able to work efficiently. Keeping favorites in terms of tools and technologies will only limit you and make you unaware of the vast options to choose from that will help you get your work done easier, faster, and more efficiently. Teaching yourself to learn, unlearn and re-learn will probably be the most important thing you can teach yourself if you constantly want to stay relevant in this field. You have to get rid of tools, technologies or methods that worked for you in the past and pick up newer and more efficient ones. Time is a very important factor in the life of a data scientist, AI or ML engineer and as such, you should always make it a point to settle for time-conserving tools, technologies or methods when working on any project.

作为数据科学家,AI或ML工程师,您必须保持开放的胸怀,以便能够高效地工作。 在工具和技术方面保持收藏夹只会限制您,并使您不知道可供选择的大量选项,这将帮助您更轻松,更快,更高效地完成工作。 如果您一直想在这个领域保持相关性,那么教自己学习,学习和重新学习可能是您可以教给自己的最重要的事情。 您必须摆脱过去对您有用的工具,技术或方法,而要选择更新,更有效的工具,技术或方法。 时间是数据科学家,AI或ML工程师生命中非常重要的因素,因此,在任何项目上工作时,都应始终以节省时间的工具,技术或方法为重点。

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
乔恩·泰森 ( Jon Tyson)在 Unsplash上 摄

The right decision at the right time upon your choice can make your life like flowers; otherwise, it will be as thorns. The first one you will enjoy and the other one you have to bear.― Ehsan Sehgal

根据您的选择在正确的时间做出正确的决定可以使您的生活如花似锦; 否则,将成为荆棘。 您将享受的第一个,而您必须承担的另一个。—— Ehsan Sehgal

I hope I have been able to educate you on the reasons why it is advisable to go in for options that actually work for you to make your work easier and faster instead of options that you have developed a soft spot for over the years of working. What are your thoughts? Share your opinions and views in the response section of this story.

我希望我能够向您介绍为什么建议使用那些对您来说切实可行的选择,以使您的工作更轻松,更快捷,而不是多年来的工作经验对您有所帮助。 你觉得呢?你有没有什么想法? 在此故事的回复部分分享您的观点和看法。

Thank you for making time to read this story. I hope you learned something new and it has been helpful. You can contact me directly on Twitter or LinkedIn. Best Wishes!

感谢您抽出时间阅读此故事。 希望您学到了一些新知识,对您有所帮助。 您可以直接在Twitter或LinkedIn上与我联系。 最好的祝愿!

A big thank you to Anna Ayiku for proofreading and correcting the many mistakes I made writing this.

非常感谢 Anna Ayiku 校对并纠正了我在撰写本文时犯下的许多错误。

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience/choosing-between-the-tools-you-love-and-the-tools-that-actually-get-the-work-done-ff0da99bc00b


