I have a nodejs application where I hard code an end point to an OData service in C4C system. The request is sent to C4C and then I display the result in nodejs console.
The end point for C4C OData service:
When I test this application locally, it works perfect.

var sURL = "https://qxl-cust233.dev.sapbydesign/sap/byd/odata/v1/opportunity/OpportunityCollection('00163E06551B1EE79E9E69D7F8FBCDCF')";
  var username = 'WANGJER'
  var password = 'Saptest1'
  var options = {
    url: sURL,
      auth: {
      user: username,
      password: password
    headers: {
      'Accept': 'application/json',
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  request(options, function (error, response, body) {
    // console.log('body:', body); 
    var opportunity = JSON.parse(body);
    var line1 = "Opportunity name: " + opportunity.d.results.Name;
    var line2 = "Responsible: " + opportunity.d.results.MainEmployeeResponsiblePartyName;
    var line3 = "Opportunity id: " + opportunity.d.results.ObjectID;
    var responseText = line1 + "\n" + line2 + "\n" + line3;
    res.send("another line"); // this line will cause error - repeated send response is not allowed

After I upload it to Cloudfoundry@SCP, it fails to work: I set breakpoint in C4C system and found that the request sent from SCP NEVER reaches C4C system. After some times, SCP received error message "502 Bad Gateway - Registered endpoint failed to handle the request".

I checked in SAP community and find this thread Access cloud for customer Odata Service from HCP:
I am not sure whether the solution provided in that thread is really valid so far:

I didn't find a place in SCP to "upload C4C Server Certificate via the Admin cockpit (at destination level)".
Do you have some suggestion about this issue? I think it is a very common requirement especially in China ( connectivity between SCP and SAP cloud or on-premise system). It could be greatly helpful if you have some solution for this integration solution :)

I have a nodejs application where I hard code an end point to an OData service in C4C system. The request is sent to C4C and then I display the result in nodejs console.
The end point for C4C OData service:
When I test this application locally, it works perfect.

var sURL = "https://qxl-cust233.dev.sapbydesign/sap/byd/odata/v1/opportunity/OpportunityCollection('00163E06551B1EE79E9E69D7F8FBCDCF')";
  var username = 'WANGJER'
  var password = 'Saptest1'
  var options = {
    url: sURL,
      auth: {
      user: username,
      password: password
    headers: {
      'Accept': 'application/json',
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  request(options, function (error, response, body) {
    // console.log('body:', body); 
    var opportunity = JSON.parse(body);
    var line1 = "Opportunity name: " + opportunity.d.results.Name;
    var line2 = "Responsible: " + opportunity.d.results.MainEmployeeResponsiblePartyName;
    var line3 = "Opportunity id: " + opportunity.d.results.ObjectID;
    var responseText = line1 + "\n" + line2 + "\n" + line3;
    res.send("another line"); // this line will cause error - repeated send response is not allowed

After I upload it to Cloudfoundry@SCP, it fails to work: I set breakpoint in C4C system and found that the request sent from SCP NEVER reaches C4C system. After some times, SCP received error message "502 Bad Gateway - Registered endpoint failed to handle the request".

I checked in SAP community and find this thread Access cloud for customer Odata Service from HCP:
I am not sure whether the solution provided in that thread is really valid so far:

I didn't find a place in SCP to "upload C4C Server Certificate via the Admin cockpit (at destination level)".
Do you have some suggestion about this issue? I think it is a very common requirement especially in China ( connectivity between SCP and SAP cloud or on-premise system). It could be greatly helpful if you have some solution for this integration solution :)

I have a nodejs application where I hard code an end point to an OData service in C4C system. The request is sent to C4C and then I display the result in nodejs console.
The end point for C4C OData service:
When I test this application locally, it works perfect.

var sURL = "https://qxl-cust233.dev.sapbydesign/sap/byd/odata/v1/opportunity/OpportunityCollection('00163E06551B1EE79E9E69D7F8FBCDCF')";
  var username = 'WANGJER'
  var password = 'Saptest1'
  var options = {
    url: sURL,
      auth: {
      user: username,
      password: password
    headers: {
      'Accept': 'application/json',
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  request(options, function (error, response, body) {
    // console.log('body:', body); 
    var opportunity = JSON.parse(body);
    var line1 = "Opportunity name: " + opportunity.d.results.Name;
    var line2 = "Responsible: " + opportunity.d.results.MainEmployeeResponsiblePartyName;
    var line3 = "Opportunity id: " + opportunity.d.results.ObjectID;
    var responseText = line1 + "\n" + line2 + "\n" + line3;
    res.send("another line"); // this line will cause error - repeated send response is not allowed

After I upload it to Cloudfoundry@SCP, it fails to work: I set breakpoint in C4C system and found that the request sent from SCP NEVER reaches C4C system. After some times, SCP received error message "502 Bad Gateway - Registered endpoint failed to handle the request".


I checked in SAP community and find this thread Access cloud for customer Odata Service from HCP:
I am not sure whether the solution provided in that thread is really valid so far:

I didn't find a place in SCP to "upload C4C Server Certificate via the Admin cockpit (at destination level)".
Do you have some suggestion about this issue? I think it is a very common requirement especially in China ( connectivity between SCP and SAP cloud or on-premise system). It could be greatly helpful if you have some solution for this integration solution :)


Regarding error message when consuming an C4C OData Service in SCP