In this letter, the owner of the Sunnyside Towers predicts the profits of Sunnyside Tower will increase dramatically.

(“corporation” replaces “complex”)

(“a dramatic profit increase for …” replaces “the profit of … will increase dramatically”)

In the letter, the owner of the Sunnyside Towers complex predicts a dramatic profit increase for Sunnyside Corporation.
His or her predication largely depends on whether the exciting outcome of the reformation of the first three buildings actually achieves.

(“rely” replaces “depend”)

(“heavily” replaces “largely”)

(“modification” replaces “reformation”)

(“modification in”)

(“the building of”)

(“result from”)

(“result” replaces “outcome”)

(“the seemingly pleasing result”)

(“pleasing” replaces “exciting”)

His/her predication relies heavily on the seemingly pleasing results from showerhead modification in the first three buildings of the Sunnyside Towers complex.

The maximum water flow in these buildings is restricted to one-third of what it used to be.

(“has been restricted”)

The maximum water flow in those buildings has been restricted to one-third of what it used to be.

Though it is environment-friendly and economic beneficial by reducing showering costs, whether the predication of the author is reasonable relies heavily on the answers of the following questions.

(“Hinge” replaces “rely”)

(“while” replaces “though”)

(“the author’s predication”)

(“the answers to”)

(“the amount of shower water” replaces “showering”)

(“the amount of”)
(“might be”)
(“environmentally and financially”)

While reducing the amount of shower water might be desirable both environmentally and financially, whether the author’s predication is reasonable hinges on the answers to the following questions.

First, I need to ask the actual result from the showerhead modification of maximum water flow.

(“serious of questions”)

(“be going to” replaces “need”)

(“consequence” replaces “result”)

(“brought about by” replaces “from”)

(“modify …” replaces “modification in”)

The first series of questions I am going to put forward revolve about the consequences brought about by modifying the maximum water flow.


To be more specific, I am going to revolve about the exact number of water usage before and after the modification.

(“ask what” replaces “resolve about”)

(“water usage readings”)

(“modification” replaces “adjustment”)

More specifically, I need to ask what the exact water usage readings are before and after the adjustment.

After the flow becomes weak, would people spend more time to shower?

(“the water flower” replaces “the showerheads”)

(“take longer showers” replaces “spend more time to shower”)

(“now that” replaces “after”)

Will people take longer showers now that the water flower is restricted.

If the answer is yes, then we cannot ensure the water usage will reduce, and as a result, the author's final predication will be doubted.

(“the answer to this question” replaces “the answer”) (increase words)

(“guarantee” replaces “ensure”)

(“decrease” replaces “reduce”)

(“positive” replaces “yes”)

(“writer” replaces “author”)

(“open to doubt” replaces “be doubted”)

(“a decrease of water usage” replaces “the water usage will reduce”)

(compare these two)

(“a dramatic profit increase for …” replaces “the profit of … will increase dramatically”)

(present the “decrease” or “increase” first, when you want to express meanings like this)

(“… is not safely guaranteed” replaces “ensure”)
(“therefore” replaces “as a result”)

If the answer to this question is positive, then a decrease of water usage is not safely guaranteed and therefore the writer's final predication is open to doubt.

On the contrary, if the answer to this question is negative, then the writer's predication becomes more convincing.

(“if it turns out to be the other way around” replaces “if the answer to this question is negative”)

(“is strengthened” replaces “becomes more convincing”)


On the contrary, if it turns out to be the other way around, then the predication is strengthened instead.

Besides, while the author claims that only a few complaints have been reported, one month is not long enough to uncover all the problems.

(“in addition,” replaces “besides”)

(“arguer” replaces “author”)

(“to have emerged”)

(“too short for”)

(“one-month period of time”)

(“problems with”)

(“it is still a question whether”)

In addition, while the arguer claims that few problems with showers have been reported since the adjustment, it is still a question whether one-month period of time is too short for all the problems to have emerged.

have the complains of the residents been concealed?

(“have been suppressed”)

have any problems or complains been concealed or even suppressed?

If the answers to one of these two questions are positive, then the arguer's points are not hold true. On the contrary, if it turns out to be the other way around, the prediction is strengthened instead.

(“arguer”, “argument”, “writer”, “author”)

(“yes” replaces “positive”)

(“is undermined” replaces “is open to doubt”)

(“otherwise” replaces “on the contrary”)

(“the argument’s prediction”)

(“is shored up” replaces “is strengthened”)

If the answer to one of these two questions is yes, then the argument's prediction is undermined; otherwise it is shored up.

If the answer to this question is positive, then a decrease of water usage is not safely guaranteed and therefore the writer's final predication is open to doubt. On the contrary, if it turns out to be the other way around, then the predication is strengthened instead.

After receiving the seemingly pleasing results from showerhead modification, the author then advice to make adjustments throughout all twelve buildings in the Sunnyside Towers complex.

(“witnessing” replaces “after receiving”)

(“positive” replaces “pleasing”)

(“result from” replaces “result of”)

(“adaptation” replaces “modification”)

(“further” replaces “then”)

(“recommend” replaces “advice”)

(“a wider application of the adaptation” replaces “make adjustments throughout …”)

(“all the buildings”)

Witnessing the seemingly positive result of the showerhead adaptation, the author further recommends a wider application of the adaptation to all the twelve buildings in the Sunnyside Towers complex.


However, before reaching the conclusion, we need to know whether such an application is haphazard.

(“generalization” replaces “application”)

(“hasty” precisely convey the meaning)

However, before reaching that conclusion, we need to know whether such a generalization is hasty.

Only few complains have emerged, probably owing to the possibility of the fact that residents of the first three building may take showers in other buildings instead.

(“derive from” replaces “owing to”)

(“the current complains” replaces “complains have emerged”)

(“people who were not satisfied with the adaptation in” replaces “the residents”)

(“go elsewhere for shower” replaces “take shower in …”)

The current few complains might derive from the possibility that people who were not satisfied with the adaptation in the first three building went elsewhere for showers.

Thus, we need to ask, after the adoption of the author's recommendation of the showerhead adaptation in the twelve buildings, will the corporation lose its customers?

(“therefore” replaces “thus”)

(“whether it is possible that once …”)

(“implement the proposal”)

(“modify” replaces “adaptation”)

(“implement the author’s proposal and modify all the showerheads throughout all twelve buildings” replaces “the author further recommends a wider application of the adaptation to all the twelve building”)

Therefore, we need to ask whether it is possible that once we implement the author's proposal and modify all the showerheads throughout all twelve buildings in the Sunnyside Towers complex, is the corporation going to lose the customers?

Witnessing the seemingly positive result of the showerhead adaptation, the author further recommends a wider application of the adaptation to all the twelve buildings in the Sunnyside Towers complex.

If the corporation experiences a loss because of the customer losing, then the author's proposal is not reasonable, otherwise, it may be reasonable.

(“a great loss of customers”)

(“it will unfortunately suffer from”)

(“suffer from” replaces “experience”)

(“the predication of the argument” replaces “the author’s proposal”)

(“in other circumstance it is not”, “otherwise it is shored up”, “On the contrary, if it turns out to be the other way around, then the predication is strengthened instead.”)

If it will unfortunately suffer from a great loss of customers, then the predication of the argument is unreasonable; in other circumstance it is not.

If the answer to this question is positive, then a decrease of water usage is not safely guaranteed and therefore the writer's final predication is open to doubt. On the contrary, if it turns out to be the other way around, then the predication is strengthened instead.

If the answer to one of these two questions is yes, then the argument's prediction is undermined; otherwise it is shored up.


Even if people accept the proposal of showerhead modification, whether the adaptation plan will bring an increase of the profits or not remains unknown to us.

(“such modification”)

(“surely leads to a growth in profits” replaces “a dramatic profits increase for …”)

(“an unanswered question” replaces “unknown to us”)

Even if people accept the showerhead modifications, whether such modifications surely leads to a growth in profits remains an unanswered question.

In the letter, the owner of the Sunnyside Towers complex predicts a dramatic profit increase for Sunnyside Corporation.

While a decrease of water cost will come owing to the corporation need to pay for it every month, the adaptation fee will cost the corporation how much money remains an unanswered question.

(“the shower head adjustments”)

(“we are informed that”)

(“we have no information concerning”)

(“the modification expenses”)

(“due to” replaces “owing to”)

(“each month”)

(“decline” replaces “decrease”)

(“the water fee may decline”)

While we are informed that the corporation pays for the water each month and therefore the water fee may decline due to the showerhead adjustments, we have no information concerning the modification expenses.

Simply speaking, do the expenses saved by showerhead modifications more than that of the adaptation itself?

(“savings” replaces “the expenses saved”)

(“how do” replaces “do”)

(“resulted from” replaces “by”)

(“the adjustment” replaces “showerhead modification”)

(“compare to” replaces “more than”)

(“the expense of adjusting them” replaces “that of the adaptation itself”)

Simply speaking, how do the savings resulted from the adjustments compare to the expense of adjusting them?

If the savings are limited, then we should not expect a growth in profits and the recommendation will not be implemented; otherwise, the author's proposal should be applied.

(“slight” replaces “limited”)

(“expect profits to rise” replaces “expert a growth in profits”)

(“reject” replaces “not implement”)

(“but if the savings are significant”)

(“encourage” replaces “applied”)

If the savings are slight, then we cannot expect profits to rise and the author’s recommendation should therefore be rejected; but if the saving are significant, then the proposal should be encouraged.

I appreciate the author's motivation of reducing the cost notwithstanding, many aspects should be given adequate considerations before modifying the showerheads of all the buildings.

(“sympathize with” replaces “appreciate”)

(“intention to” replaces “motivation”)

(“reduce costs”)

(“whether we should resolve to”)

(“be subject to” replaces “give”)

While I sympathize with the author's intention to reduce costs, whether we should resolve to showerhead modification in all the buildings is subject to more considerations.

We especially need information concerning about people's attitude towards the adjustment, the expenses of the adaptation and the savings after the modification.

(“need to know” replaces “need information”)

(“how people react to” replaces “people’s attitude”)


(“as a result of” replaces “after”)
We especially need to know how people react to the modification, the adjustment expenses, and the potential savings as a result of the modification.


